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10s yaaa chapter


Well happy B-Day. Get a good rest, thanks for the chapter.


Happy happy 🎂


Happy birthday boss, and I understand why the resistance isnt exactly trusting of the kid emperor but he did just say that they were forced into this

Bunny Waffles

Well shoot, I hate being late to the Bday train, but Happy Birthday! You are one year older and still alive! That is worth celebrating in this crazy old world.


Happy birthday, an thank you for the chapter


Happy birthday!


Happy birthday melas[btw I just wanna say out of all 129 litrpg books I have read the salvos series is the only one I can truly say is a masterpiece as while it does have shock and awe most books tend to be heavily reliant on it and rereading becomes a chore with those because the actual content is so propped up by the suspense that without it, the whole building crumbles but with salvos, even with foreknowledge of the events the foundation is so soild with both an original and fluid premise combined with its exceptionally realistic characters who, we readers may root for but still get to see growth that only contributes to their likeability and seems natural for who they are, multiple reads become not only enjoyable but a must-have.

Dion Crump

Herfy brierfday!(sorry had cake in my mouth)

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.


Happy birthday! Also, upsetted should just be upset


Great as always!


Happy Birthday 🥳


Happy birthday!


Happy birthday 😁


Happy bday :D


Happy Birthday!


Happy Belated Birthday!


What’s the highest level opponent Salvos has killed?

Kevin McGuire

Happy late birthday 🎂


Isn't Emperor Roman like a ten years old kid? Or did I read that wrong? Maybe I did read wrong... But in case I didn't, they hate him quite a lot huh guess people don't know much about being the son of someone don't make you the guilty one for somethign your dad did lol.


Edit suggestion: In the sentence, "If they wanted to, they probably could have left Elutra’s— or, Inoria’s now— borders within two to three days" consider removing the "or" between the two dashes. Dashes are supposed to act kinda like parenthesis, so maybe something like "Elutra’s—now called Inoria’s—" might be better. Also, you do not need the space after the dash. P.S. Happy belated Birthday!