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As much as I want to write 2 Melas and Tian chapters a week every week, I've realized it's not possible. Right now, Salvos and Trace takes too much of my attention. Salvos because, obviously, it's Salvos. And Trace because I'd like to wrap up and publish book 1 of Trace as soon as possible. I have also... started a new serial on the side. It's already 25,000 words long, but I'm really enjoying writing it right now. 

Just like Trace, it won't be posted under the MelasD account at first, and will be posted under an alternate account to prevent my RoyalRoad "haters" from review bombing the story. I may post the first 3 chapters for my $10 patrons as a preview, just like I did with Salvos, Tian, and Trace, but I'm gonna keep it mostly on the down low whenever I post it. 

Anyway, TLDR: Melas and Tian are down to 1x a week because brain pAin. 



That is sad. I was only Patreon because of Melas and I think u should write one or two novels at a time and then alternate between the rest so that u have more focus on a few projects.


The best schedule for me would be to personally write 1 story at a time and alternate between them. Unfortunately, due to the serialization process of it, I cannot do that. If I was a full-on Amazon author rather than a serial-book hybrid author, I could potentially do that, and with my output, produce a book a month (I can write 150,000 words a month), so it'd be January Salvos V5, February Melas Book 4, March Tian Book 2, April finishing Trace Book 1 and 2, June Salvos V6, July Melas Book 5, August Tian Book 3, etc etc, which honestly be best for my income. But I'd rather not harm my serial readers by shifting away from serializing. The current best compromise, unfortunately, is this.

Hayden Leech

Woohoo! Good news. Salvos is the best!


Haters gonna hate; screw em. Delta you’re kind to everyone, and your writing is good. I think this is really a case of jealousy and people with nothing better to do than troll. Destruction is easier than creation.