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I spot the city in the distance, protruding from the Flourishing Flatlands— the only cluster of edifices within the greenery. A blotch of dull gray amidst the vibrancy of everything else. I land as Beihal greets me. He does not ask how the trip went, instead bringing me straight to Kalmat.

He and Nindran have mostly recovered after being tended to by Nelrel. It is at this meeting, I relay what I found out.

“Warmthkeep is safe, but Frozenpeak is destroyed. Its survivors may seek refuge in Thornthistle.”

“And what about Idu’s minions?” Kalmat asks with a grunt.

“I have dealt with them,” I say. My eyes flicker and I shake my head. “Or most of them. However, I have been naive. I had believed that each ship had only been carrying two void pirates within them. I never considered that they may have brought more.”

Nindran blinks. “Wait, what’re ya saying, Tian?”

“When I was defending Frozenpeak, there were three void pirates attacking the city. Not just two.” Shaking my head, I cross my arms. “Four ships crashed across all the domains of Utana. The first three have been dealt with, but the last that crashed in Desolate Caverns remains an unknown variable. Even more so considering we do not know how many void pirates they are hiding within.”

“So, not only will we have to scour an entire domain for void pirates,” Seiled says as he frowns. “But we also don’t know how many void pirates we’re searching for?”

“That is correct.”

A susurration washes over the room. There are murmurs— voices of concerns coming from all sides. Seiled looks concerned, while Beihal appears to be more angry than worried.

“...and that’s not considering the problem of Galgom.” Kalmat closes his eyes, sighing. “We cannot just abandon him and bring the bulk of our forces to hunt down a group of void pirates.”

I sweep my gaze over the room. I raise a hand, ushering them to silence. “However, there is an alternative solution,” I say as they quieten down. “We do not have to sally forth to deal with them. We simply wait for their assault. Show ourselves to be vulnerable, and they shall attack. When they do, we simply wipe them out together.”

“That still doesn’t eliminate the problem of Galgom. And there may be civilian casualties.”

“It will be risky, yes. However, it is far more effective than searching all of the Desolate Caverns for them, especially if it will leave the city defenseless.” The risk makes itself clear to everyone in the room; if we send out a hunting party, we will be leaving behind Thornthistle to fend for itself.

Maybe I can hunt down the remaining Void Pirates on my own, just as I have with the other Void Pirates. But I must admit, even I can grow weary. Even I can be overwhelmed.

“But how do we even know that the Void Pirates will come here?” Beihal crosses his arms, frowning. “If you’re suggesting we lay in wait for them, we could be waiting until true night comes and goes. We don’t even know if or when they’ll decide to attack Thornthistle.”

“But we do.” I turn to face him, giving him a knowing look. “The Void Pirates whom I’ve faced so far have all done one thing in common— a simple thing that makes their actions here clear: they’re here to destroy.”

It does not matter what they destroy, their goal so far has simply been to lay waste to everything they see.

“They seek out the closest settlement, attacking it even if they have lost their partners. They care not for their own lives. I do not know why, but they are committed to their duty even if they stand no chance of surviving. So, those who landed in Desolate Caverns— when they find no life in that domain— they shall move on to another domain. One lush and teeming with life.”

Seiled snaps his fingers, understanding. “The Flourishing Flatlands.”

I give him an approving nod. “And when they arrive at the Flourishing Flatlands, eventually, they will arrive here. I do not want to be away from Thornthistle when they attack. If they are more numerous or stronger than those we have seen so far, they can potentially kill some of us here.” My eyes gleam with power as I say that. “I do not want that to happen, so I shall stay.”

“Hunker down and prepare ourselves for battle, huh?” Nindran leant back on her chair. “Honestly, seems like a good plan. Got any quarrels with it, Kalmat? I’m sure you do, don’t ya?”

She is— even if I disagree with the endearing way she says it— of course, right. Kalmat does not look convinced. He rubs a hand on his chin.

“Are we absolutely certain this is the best course of action?” He stands up, grunting slightly. “Perhaps I can personally search for these… hngrk—” He groans as he grabs his shoulder.

Nelrel clicks her tongue. “Don’t be foolish. You haven’t fully recovered just yet. And even if you have, you won’t be able to deal with these Void Pirates on your own.”

“I will try.” He grits his teeth.”

She crosses her arm. “If Tian does not think she can do it, why would you be able to do it?”

Kalmat pauses. My eyes narrow as I watch his eyelids flutter, before he finally concedes and sits back down.

“Very well,” he says. “You are a trusted friend of mine, Nelrel, and I shall heed your advice.”

I purse my lips. I hope that will not become a problem in the future. For now though, what matters is that we all agree on the plan.

“We cannot just remain idle, either.” I step forward, placing my hands on the bright orange table. “We have to fortify— prepare for their arrival.”

Everyone nods in agreement; no one would disagree with this. If we are going to wait, we have to prepare ourselves. They set off to work. Relay to the populace of Thornthistle that a battle is possibly coming. After all, we will not just keep this information to ourselves.

The citizens of Thornthistle have faced the arduous rule of Galgom. They have even rebelled against his Esh.

They will be able to handle the siege of a few Void Pirates.


False nights come and go as Thornthistle prepares itself for battle. Refugees from Frozenpeak arrive. Slowly. They trickle in— not all at once. Apparently, Bluerage is leading the main bulk of the refugees to Thornthistle. He has not arrived just yet, but from the chatter I hear, he will be here soon.

Meanwhile, I have gotten to work to ensure that there will be no trouble coming from either inside or outside the city. That means keeping a careful eye on Galgom. Nelrel assures me he is safely imprisoned in the former hideout of the Keepers of the Grove. I do not take chances, choosing to expend Qi to enhance even the road that runs above the underground hideout.

“We do not want him to take his chance to escape during the heat of battle,” I say as I exhale, letting my core settle as the sheen coats over the earth.

“I see, I see.” I glance over at Seiled, who nods in understanding. He quickly flashes a wink to the side— at a group of children who are about his age.

I raise a brow. “Are those your friends, Seiled?”

He blinks, flushing. “W-what? I mean— yes? They are my friends! Well, we’re not super close, but we’re kind of friends? Good acquaintances, maybe?” He scratches the back of his head as he sputters.

I smile. “It is good that you have friends.” I look over at a young girl who giggles at the sight of the panicked boy. “Take care to enjoy yourself during these times of peace.”

Seiled’s face darkens. “But it is not a time of peace. We’re waiting for the Void Pirates, remember?”

“Perhaps.” I tilt my head back. “But if you do not relish in what you are protecting, then what is the point in protecting it?”

“I…” he trails off.

I shake my head and my gaze suddenly snaps up. My brows crease as I see smoke billowing up into the air from the distance. “That is…” It is far. The smoke must have been blowing for hours, now.

My eyes widen in realization.

“Bluerage,” I say, then my wings spread wide as Seiled sounds the alarm, and around me, Thornthistle readies itself for battle. “The Void Pirates are here.”

Author's Note:


Sorry for the impromptu hiatus. But a ton of things happened way back in September, and I couldn't really pick Tian back up, especially since book 1 just ended on patreon. So... I will hopefully be back to a regular schedule from now on. 

Thanks for reading <3



Tian, did you just tell a young boy to woo a fair maiden? Tsk