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So as I said last update, I got COVID. Fortunately, it’s the Omnicron and it’s not as bad as previous variants. I’ll probably fully recover by as early as next week, and since I’m holed up, I have more time to write which should theoretically mean more chapters for you guys until the new year. Only problem is being ill will make it harder to get back to regularly scheduled chapters on January 1st like I intended. Meaning, more chapters posted in the short-term but more tumultuous chapter posting over the next week. Anyway, hopefully you all stay safe this holiday season! Chapter tomorrow, probs.



Hopefully you’ll be alright soon rather than later. Get well soon


Best wishes of health 2 u


Hope you get through it ok. Chapters aren't that important, so rest if you need to.

Simon Casey

Far be it for me to turn down extra chapters, but if you think you will get extra time to write now but will have trouble making regular updates next week, maybe instead of posting extra chapters now you can build a backlog to smooth out the release schedule and take some of the day to day pressure off? Just a suggestion, in the end you should do what works best for you.


Don't worry about the chapters, take care of your health first.

Lowe K. Lyesmith

Just don't forget to get checked once it's over. Complications suck.

Melting Sky

You have the doom plague so you really shouldn't be worrying about working and instead you should focus on taking care of yourself and spitting on the door handles of everyone who has wronged you.


Ditto above comments. Take care of Self.


Get well soon!


Build a backlog imho and get well soon! Lots of sleep and water :-)


This, get yourself a nice backlog so that in case stuff happens going forward you have a margin you can use and be more comfortable long term. Rest well, get better soon!


Take care to be 100% before you come back. We need/want the stories to continue and you are the most important part of that. :D


Get well soon 😷


Get well soon 🍜