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No spoilers here, please.

Anyway, as you've all noticed this week, chapters have been coming out later than usual. I will, of course, be posting the chapters due this week some time today and tomorrow, but this poll is related to the break I'll be doing soon. Right now, I can't lie and say that I'm not experiencing a bout of depression along with burnout. I genuinely need a bit of a break, and I have three options in this poll.

The first is for the break to begin as planned. I initially planned for the pseudo-break to begin on the 20th where I'll slow releases to 2x a week for two weeks until the 3rd of January. That means there'll still be the regularly scheduled 5x a week until then and after, and you guys will still get chapters, just slightly less.

The second option is for the break to begin earlier than planned where it starts tomorrow on the 13th, but I'd be doing 3x chaps a week for three weeks instead. You guys will still get the same number of chapters total, but more spread out. 

The last option is added just because. It's to take a full two week break with no chapters instead from the 20th to the 3rd. 

So, which do you prefer? Three weeks of three chapters? Or Two weeks of two chapters and a week of 5 chaps? The total number of chapters will still be 9 chaps total over three weeks. And you can vote for the last option if you want. 



Yo dude, just stop working for two weeks during Christmas like a normal person and enjoy life.


Two weeks without chapters is something that needs to be announced the month before so people can choose not to subscribe if they wish. I'm not saying you don't deserve to take two weeks off, but you should not be doing it without announcing it the month prior.

Robert Mullins

He who doesn't take breaks will himself be broken.


Could there be an option of 2 weeks with 1 chapter each week? I propose that, because it might be hard to come back to your writing routine (Yes I truly struggle with procrastination)


I know you added that last option just because, but you're entitled to have time for yourself now and then. I'm a new subscriber, but from what I've seen of your output, you're kind of a machine lmao. Take some time off during the holidays, I know I'll still be here happily waiting. I'm also sure you'll come back much more revitalized! It's a win for everyone.


If I do end up doing the last option-- which, even if the poll votes yes, I may not-- I'll be disabling Patreon payment in January.


No sane person would accept a job with 0 vacation days. Just because youre self employed doesnt mean you shouldnt take any days off ever.


Rest. Take care of yourself. Be with people that matter to you. Do what you can to break out of that feeling, if only for a bit. We're not going anywhere. We'll be waiting here for when you're ready to return.

Kevin Green

Take time to recharge! When you need a break you should absolutely take one. Not only should you enjoy the holidays but also remember that forcing yourself to work when you’re not feeling it always leads to a decline in your work product.


I started last week, and I don't mind the two week free of chapters. Pace yourself and have a happy/merry Christmas

Robert Mullins

Looks like a close one with only 81% (as of this comment) saying you should just take a damn break. /s

Rui Lourenço

Half breaks don't work. Just take a full break. Rest all you want with no obligations. Enjoy the holidays.


Enjoy your vacation

Michael Gordon

@melasD just go on vacation. Hopefully it alleviates some of the depression and burnout. Have fun fam!!!

Dion Crump

Take the time, decompress, dont stress about it from our end. Everyone needs time off, and if all the patreons I follow take christmas off it just means I have a backlog of anime to catch up on


Take time, relax and don't worry about releases. Burn out sucks, and we will just reread all your material during the break.


Breaks are important, even the most diehard athlete knows to take breaks and let their body and mind recover to achieve good long term results. And when you're on break? Have a proper break, no chapters for 2 weeks is more than worth it if it helps keep you healthy. Workaholics are a thing where they lose track of this and think that they can keep going because they just enjoy being busy all the time. It just doesnt tend to work out that way in reality though, in the long run even those who love their job need breaks to stay healthy so please give yourself a real, complete break where you get to enjoy all the parts of your life that don't involve the writing. Have a happy holiday!


Take as much time as you need! And don't work at all please, you deserve the time off and we survive without chapters! :)


As above take a full break! Happy Holidays to us all :-)


I love democracy


Throw the whole desktop away for good measure? You can never be too sure🤷🏿‍♀️


Vacation overwhelming!

Melting Sky

I voted for the last option because you seem burnt out pretty badly, but I did so with the caveat that in the future you should take a bit of time off EVERY month so you don't end up so burnt you need half a month to fix your poor charred brain. You should consider working in one week a month into your regular schedule where you only post two chapters. You seem to write much faster than most authors so I assume you are taking at least one day off a week with your regular schedule so skipping 3 chapters one week a month should give you a solid 4+ days off in a row. If you are NOT already taking off at least one day a week you should consider cutting back your weekly releases to 4 chapters so that you can.


It's the holidays, dude. No reasonable person could fault you for taking a full vacation.

Matthew Lester

I swear I’ll unsubscribe if you keep writing when you should be enjoying Christmas like a human being. I don’t care if you celebrate it breaks for everyone.


First of, your writing is superb, don't let any troll tell you otherwise. Nothing helps me better against depression then going on planned pair/group activities. Take your time off, and do something fun like climbing or whatever tickles your fancy. Happy holiday season, cheers!

Lowe K. Lyesmith

Addition to option 3: maybe make a small post about what you did to relax 😂