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Side Story 9: Faith III


Faith knew it was over. But not in the way that her family thought it was. Queen Destiny claimed that the war was over— that the people of the city would be spared.

That could not be further from the case.

The Inoria Empire’s attempt at peace was clearly a farce. Anyone who’d fall for it was clearly a fool. Perhaps that was why they’d assassinated King Credence.

It wasn’t even a flattering death. Credence died in his sleep from a servant.

No one knew how, but the servant had been bribed to kill the King. And he used the King’s own sword to end his life.

Such was a way to go. Killed by one’s own sword. When Faith heard about it, she didn’t believe it at first. There was no way her Father died in his own sleep, to his own sword no less. But that was how it went. Even if he’d been Level 100, it didn’t matter. His guard was down. His high [Vitality] didn’t save him. Not against a powerful artifact.

How’d the servant get access to Credence’s sword? How’d the servant receive that missive from beyond the walls? Through a series of unfortunate mistakes, of course. It just baffled Faith. Her Father’s death could easily have been prevented. Incompetence. That was what it was.

Faith saw her sister— the way the new queen of Elutra led. And she knew that Destiny would die too. Faith didn’t wish it. In fact, she was trying to prevent it. There was still a few more days. A few more days to prevent disaster. But… incompetence knew no bounds.

“Queen Destiny, I must insist, this is a matter of utmost import.”

“What is it, my dear little sister?”

The queen glanced back as Faith entered the room. The princess had to force her way in, telling the guards to let her through. Inside, Destiny was preparing a cake, giving it a quick taste test as she cocked her head.

Faith sighed.

“I need to discuss this treaty, queen Destiny.”


Destiny frowned. She crossed her arms as she waddled over to her sister.

“Look, Faith, I know you don’t trust the Inoria Empire. And I don’t, either!”

“You don’t?”

Faith gave her a dubious look, and Destiny nodded.

“Of course not. But the thing is, this is the only chance our family has of getting out of this war alive.”

“What do you mean, Destiny?”

This time, Faith addressed her sister by her name and not by a title. That statement instantly drew her suspicion. Her eyes narrowed. Was Destiny just doing this for the sake of herself?

But the queen sighed.

“Don’t give me that look, Faith. I’m not as foolish or as selfish as you think I am.”

“Then explain.”

Faith crossed her arms as Destiny took a seat. The older sister patted the chair next to her.

“Sit with me, and I’ll tell you.”

The princess sat down with a frown. Destiny finally began to explain.

“You know as well as I do that no matter what I do, our family will be tried and executed, Faith. There is no outcome where any of us comes out of this alive. Look around. Our walls are besieged. An army of hundreds of thousands waits at our gates. There is no escape from this. No escape for us, at least.”

She shook her head, casting her gaze towards the gilded window. Her hands shook as she raised her plate with a slice of cake on it.

“Our people will suffer if the siege continues. Many of them will die if the fighting is taken to the streets. If we sign a treaty, this won’t happen, and they’ll survive. If we sign a treaty, Inoria may spare our lives. It is the only way out of this, Faith.”

Faith stared at her sister. She was… shocked, to say the least. She always thought of Destiny as a bit of a bumbling fool— to think that Destiny had thought this all through? Perhaps Faith was the real fool.


“There is one problem with your plan.”

The princess met Destiny’s gaze.

“You’re not accounting for what’s going on within the Inoria Empire.”

“Oh, here we go…”

Destiny rolled her eyes, and Faith clenched her fist.

“Father told you about it, just as he told me. Demons are in charge of Inoria, queen Destiny. They control it from the shadows.”

“Then what are they trying to do? Father never said why they’re doing this— you know it was just another one of his irrational fears. He finds something the tiniest bit odd and goes crazy with it. And this paranoia even led to his death.”

“What are you saying?”

Faith eyed her older sister. Destiny took a deep breath.

“You know what he’s like. He insisted on sleeping with his sword, instead of keeping it locked away in the vault. And… well, he’s a heavy sleeper. So…”

She made a swinging motion, and Faith scowled.

“What about the guards? Why didn’t they stop the servant? Why…? There are far too many loose ends.”

“Well, I don’t know about that. What I do know is that we don’t know for sure that there are Demons behind Inoria. And even if there are, we don’t know what they’re planning.”

The princess paused. She looked down at the palm of her hand, speaking softly.

“But I do know what they’re attempting.”

“Well, what is it then?”

“They intend to use our populace as sacrifices.”

Destiny pursed her lips. She turned away from Faith, closing her eyes.

“And do you have proof of this, Faith?”

“I… I’ve heard some things. When I was leaving Elutra— in search of Daniel.”

“That [Hero] you had a crush on?”

“I didn’t have a crush on him. I was using him—”

Faith blinked. Then she hesitated.

“I mean, I was…”

She shook her head.

“Anyway, I have my network, Destiny. And I’m not the only one who has seen a Demon on their side. Ask Garland if you don’t believe me.”

“I want to believe you, my dear sister.”

Destiny sighed.

“But I’m not even sure if I believe you. We have known that Inoria employs Demons on their side for a while. There is no evidence or proof that they’re in charge of the empire.”

Faith found her fingers crumpling her dress. She stood up, spinning around. This was one of the biggest issues she always had with the rest of her family. They didn’t believe her. None of them did.

“Fine. Do as you wish, queen Destiny. I cannot stop you, nor do I have the authority to do so. Just know that if this treaty falls apart, then the blood of your family and your citizens lies in your hands.”

She started for the door, even as she heard the chair drag back. Faith wanted to leave, but a hand stopped her. Destiny pulled her by the shoulder.

“However, even if I don’t believe you, I understand your worries. Which is why I have come up with a plan.”

“What do you… mean?”

Faith stared at the queen, confused. Destiny let go of her.

“If this treaty is truly meant to deceive, then I want you and the rest of our family to live. To escape. I’ve already given instructions to Garland and the others. No matter what happens, I’ll ensure that you’ll survive.”

There was a moment where Faith could only stare at her sister, in a state of shock. But something else occurred to her.

“And what about the country? What about our people?”

Destiny’s gaze turned dark.


Faith repeated her sister’s name. The queen smiled bitterly.

“There is no turning the tide of war. We have been dragged into deep waters, inundated by Inoria’s forces. Whether blood shall spill or not depends not on me.”

“What will happen to them, Destiny? Tell me!”

“Well, what happens to them is up to fate, is it not?

The princess took a step back. She stared at her older sister in horror. And Destiny… hugged Faith.


“I’m sorry, Faith. But I am a sister first, and a queen second. You may judge me for this. You may scorn me. Just know that I love you.”

Faith’s arms dropped to her sides. They dangled there as Destiny tightly held onto her younger sister. The queen continued with tears streaming down her plump cheeks.

“I love you, and I want to protect you. I was never fit to be queen. I never should’ve become queen. But I am. And if my country burns, I shall burn with it. But not you. No one else should suffer for my failures.”

In that moment, Faith felt like nothing else mattered but the two of them. Like she was once again a child, uncaring of the world at large. Her sights were only set to her own family, as selfish as it was.

Then that moment shattered as Destiny drew back, sniffling. The queen turned away quickly, head bowed low as she walked past and left her younger sister alone.

“I’m so, so sorry.”

With that, Faith was once again a princess. But not just a princess. A princess that was conflicted. Torn between her family and her people: to choose between them.

But she didn’t want to choose. She wanted to believe that there was a way for all to survive this dark hour. Her conviction needed to be strong, now more than ever, yet it was waning. All she could do was rely on destiny.

And she hoped— oh, she dearly hoped— that destiny would be kind to her people. That the country’s suffering would end with the treaty. That she was wrong about Inoria..

Unfortunately, her faith was misplaced.

Author's Note:

Dialogue between sisters. Gib thoughts!


Til Weisheit

Good talk. Destiny seems like a decent person, even if she is not a very good queen. Also I wonder, if demons murdering kings with their own magic sword is some kind of ancient tradition.


Gib thoughts? My thoughts are, that it is a dick move to post a cliffhanger 2 days before the months end. Then posting a totally unrelated chapter the the day before the months end is just adding insult.


Oh come on, cliffs are there to be climbed, just enjoy the anticipation and opportunity to speculate with the rest of us. I for one found it refreshing that the queen turned out to Not be the fool she appeared to be, not an honorable queen still.. but one who would save her family before her people, not that she really has the power to save anyone for sure as far as we can see.. I look forward to seeing what comes next :)


He asked about thoughts, and my thoughts are that putting the cliff at the end of the month is an asshole move.

Carlos Enrique Altuve Rangel

I like the ironic uses of the word destiny and the name Destiny, and how Faith's faith is waning and is misplaced.