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I commented this before but, Please! We need more progress towards Haec arc🤲🤲. Like we've been so patient 😔and it will so dissatisfying if she goes on another adventure or (fight another demon. Been there done that) if we can get the haec arc out of the way, maybe salvos n her allies can focus on the war AFTER

Yeno Memevig

Salvos Salvos Salvos.... you're supposed to drink dangerous unknown liquids after finals not before...


Welp, this will be tough. Salvos clearly won't be able to win against Belzu unless she end up using the Sword of Alexander if it lets Demons use it. This is going to be fun.

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.


It's the big reunion, the reason why Salvos did everything she did and still do, to get back to her first companion she left behind, and although I understand your frustration, you can't just jump to that part of the story to just get it out of the way. Right now is not the time. You have to be more patient. Everything in the story is developing in that direction, you just have to wait.


This is a good point... what if she winds up sleeping for weeks? Awesome chappy all around with some upps, some funnies and some "oh noes"


She's not a demon though, she's Salvos! And a silly sword will have to be pretty darn keen to argue with that


Demons have been popping up left and right this Volume. I have a feeling that going to the Netherworld and fighting in this War will be the same thing.

Til Weisheit

Good chapter Found a typo: with the face of an animal’s "sku,," i guess it should be an animal's "skull"

Til Weisheit

My bet: She will get a level of Mortal From from this. Just as "planned"


Wow. Can't believe we're in the 200s.

Til Weisheit

Since Belzu is not an underling of Regnorex, he probably also wants to use it against a high level demon. If diplomacy were an option for him, he could make a fine ally against the demon king


Right now we get to learn more about the world, the Netherworld, and see Salvos develop strength. I'd rather see her grow and conquer challenges now than to see some half-assed shortcut to the finish line. Personally, I'd rather she gets back to the underworld to find out Haec is dead, and get into a revenge quest on Regnorex. Realistically though, when she does get back to Haec and the Netherworld, she'll have some hell to pay for interfering with Regnorex's plans. Regardless of what is going to happen, you should stop trying to play backseat driver trying to influence the story path and just enjoy the ride.