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(Removed for KU)


Bunny Waffles

I'm fairly certain at some point Saffron is just going to break and be a gibbering mess for about a week before reforming her mind I to a decent facsimile of working order.


This was such a rollercoaster to read lol. Saffy's gotta come down from her horse though. I like her trying hard though as well Pace felt quicker than usual.


Saffron is trying to hunt down baris isn’t she?


Good lord hahahah

Richard McGowen Jr

Does saffron actually know how old salvos really is? And for that matter how old is she now?

Yeno Memevig

Poor saffron is developing a drinking problem due to Salvos. Expected.


If she associates the low lvl Salvos with young Salvos then, she can +- predict her age.


Saffy does have a point, the high class vampire family’s got their rank because of fighting demons, and now they’re too scared to fight this arch demon. If they don’t help put him down, I foresee vamp hunts in the future


is not an archdemon but a primaeval demon leading an army of tens or even hundreds of thousands. Perhaps they can't defeat him and are waiting for the few elites to move.


Poor Saffron, she is going to turn alcoholic, she is probably from one of the only Vampire families that care if the world is going to be destroyed or not. Ohh and her family have one of the treasures of Alexander since her family will send her a package if shit happens. Now, I think there is a traitor in the vampires, maybe someone that fell from grace and knew about the treasures... maybe Adney's dad? could be or not.

David Brims

Seems like all the Diamonds are getting killed piecemeal. They obviously aren't good at coordinating and working together. If they gathered up 100 diamonds including ones who can mitigate mind attacks and attacked at once it's hard to see how they could lose


Diamonds are strategic assets to whatever organization they are affiliated with lol. Trying to gather a hundred of them to take on Belzu at once would work in theory, not so much in practice. People gonna people, and all the while Bug-boy will continue snowballing in the background.


Even if a force of diamonds has enough power to kill Belzu, he has an army of disposable pawns, is a master of illusions and can fly. The diamonds need to be able to stop him from retreating before they can kill him.


Not necessarily all the demons need to do is capture a high ranking vampire then use mind control or illusions or truth spells with some advance interrogation techniques to get that information or there are high level changelings spying on all high ranking vampire families looking for alxander's treasures.