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191. Facts Don't Care About Your Feelings



The word rang out of Saffron’s mouth. The noble woman stumbled back, pointing a shaky finger at me. Then she spun around, ready to burst out into the hallway.

I narrowed my eyes.

In an instant, I was next to her. I raised a hand out, seeing my claws retract— my skin turning to a more olive or peach-like color, less pale, less silver. Already transformed back into a Human, I grabbed Saffron and shoved her back into the room.

She was wrapped in blue flaming chains, including her mouth so that she couldn’t speak. The door silently closed softly behind me as a few students of Mavos Academy poked their heads out of the neighboring rooms.

I scratched the back of my head as they looked over at me. I glanced around, wearing a confused face.

“Did someone say something? Haha, I could’ve sworn someone shouted something!”

I shrugged, nonchalantly returning to the room. There were murmurs— annoyed mutterings about their study sessions being interrupted.

“Must’ve been a prank, right?”

I opened the door and hurriedly slammed it shut. I wiped the beads of sweat forming on my forehead, sighing in relief.

“Whew, that was close.”

“Mffmfm! MfmfmmfFMMFFMFMMFFFF”

I stared at Saffron, wriggling on the ground, bound and gagged. I placed my hands on my hips.

“Now, what do I do with you?”

The pink-haired woman glared up at me as I ran a hand over the room’s walls. There were runes inscribed onto it— magic that would muffle sound from seeping out, and prevent outsiders from peeking it.

I squatted, meeting Saffron’s gaze.

“Look, it’s a misunderstanding. I’ll let you speak if you promise not to try anything, alright? Then we can talk our way through this.”

She stared at me, silent. Obviously. She couldn’t speak. I decided that it couldn’t hurt to at least let her talk, so we could resolve this without drawing blood.

I tapped a finger on the bands of blue flames covering her mouth. They didn’t burn her. I made sure to make it so it wasn’t the kind of flames that burnt… somehow.

“So, Saffron, I am—”

“Unhand me you Demon!”

Saffron snapped, speaking over me. A red aura overcame her. It was a familiar one. I saw it once before, back when that Vampire bandit boss commanded her followers to attack me.

And now, this same magic— or Skill— was being used against me. I stepped back, frowning. I felt a tugging at the back of my head. My sympathy for Saffron and her situation. I hadn’t wanted this to happen. Yet, the feeling grew stronger than before. Before it was quelled.

A glint drew my eye. My Ring of Lesser Curse Protection shone. And a Skill— no, a Title Skill— activated. [General Curse Resistance]. That feeling returned to the back of my head. My brows snapped together as Saffron blinked.

“Why isn’t my [Vampiric Essence] working?”

“[Vampiric Essence]?”

So, she was a Vampire. I had my suspicions, but this just confirmed it. I leaned forward, and she drew back.

“That won’t work on me. I just want to talk. Clear this up. Please?”

“Clear it up?”

Saffron’s face twisted.

“There is nothing to clear up. I saw your Subspecies. I know what you are. You are the enemy of the Human race. Regnorex is at the gates— and to think I thought of you as my friend!”

“We are friends!”

I sputtered, waving my hands in the air.

“If we weren’t friends, I’d have just killed you and gotten this over with!”

Her brows furrowed. Then her eyes widened.

“H-how many people have you killed?”

I groaned.

“No! Ugh, Saffron, listen to me—”

I grabbed her by her shoulders before she could say anything else. I took a deep breath, trying my best to explain.

“I am a Demon, yes. But I am not a wild Demon or a bad Demon like Belzu who’s ravaging Nixa. I am just a Demon. Like you are a Human… um, Vampire? However that works! I am Salvos. Even if I’m a Demon, I’m the same Salvos you’ve known the whole time!”

Saffron eyed me. She shook her head, completely ignoring what I said.

“Your kind is responsible for bringing death and destruction unrivaled to the Mortal Realm. Your ruler, Regnorex, slayed our guardian and protector, Alexander the Immortal King. His armies slaughtered thousands of my ancestors who fought valiantly to save this plane. Even right now, there is a Primeval Demon out there, killing tens of thousands of innocent lives, putting my family’s lives in danger. Tell me, Salvos the liar—”

I pursed my lips at the title she gave me. But I didn’t bother responding to that now. I was trying to defuse the situation, not make it worse.

Saffron continued.

“With all these facts in place, why should I trust you? Why should I give a Demon the benefit of the doubt?”

I sighed.

“Because I haven’t killed you.”

The noble woman paused. And before she could unleash another tirade on me, I spoke simply.


I stared at her. She wore a dubious— even mistrusting— look. One which wouldn’t be convinced by anything I said.

“Before I enrolled into Mavos Academy, they made me take a vow. The Headmaster himself carried out this ritual. And I had to swear that I am not an agent for any Species or organization that threatens to undermine Humankind. I passed the test. I am standing here right now, a student of Mavos Academy.”

I tapped a finger on my badge. The proof that I was in the School of Aspiring Elites.

“If you don’t believe me, will you not believe the facts? The truth? Use your logic, Saffron. Don’t you Humans pride yourself in being rational creatures?”

I could see the tension gripping Saffron abating— albeit only slightly. She hesitated, and I continued.

“I was the one who killed Lucerna, that Greater Demon rampaging through Falisfield. I was the one who first reported about Belzu to the Adventurers Guild. I have killed over a hundred [Cultists], and I have saved your life once before. I know you perceive the Netherworld as a monolith— every Demon there bow down and worship this… dumb Demon King. But that can’t be further from the truth!”

I remembered all the wild Demons— and not just them, but the others. Those who had been with Haec. Even that horned Demon that tried to disguise itself in a veil of intelligence, but was no less wild than the other wild Demons.

None of them had served Regnorex. I only encountered a handful of Demons who did. Those who didn’t far outnumbered the ones who were under the Demon King. It was not what Humans thought of it at all.

“I do not serve anyone but myself, Saffron. And I hold no ill will to Humankind, nor do I wish to harm you. Just think about it for a moment, alright?”

Saffron shifted as I finished. She averted her gaze, staying silent for a few moments. I waited for what she had to say— I hoped it wasn’t some stupid indictment against me because of my Species. Thankfully, her rational side won out.


I cocked my head. Then I beamed.

“You mean you believe me?”

“I… believe the facts of the situation. Is that enough for you to free me?”


I crossed my arms, stepping back.

“I need you to promise me you won’t tell anyone.”

Saffron still avoided my gaze, but she mumbled something.


“I can’t hear you, Saffron. Promise me you won’t tell anyone!”

“Ugh, fine.”

The noble woman looked up. She spoke through gritted teeth.

“I swear, by the honor of the Merryster family and my lineage as a Vampire, that I will not tell anyone that you are a Demon.”

I raised a brow. I wasn’t sure if I believed that. But it’d have to do for now. I couldn’t keep her chained up forever, and I especially didn’t want to kill her.

“Now let me go!”

I let the chains dissipate as Saffron made her demand. She sprawled on the ground, groaning. She rubbed her shoulders, sore from being tightly chained up. I wasn’t able to treat her with the utmost care earlier, considering I was in a panic.

She drew herself to her feet, and I tilted my head.

“Where are you going?”

“I’m going to my room. Why, is that not allowed?”

She harrumphed as she spoke. I stood to the side, letting her march off back to her bedchamber.

“No— just please don’t break your promise, Saffron.”

The pink-haired woman paused at the doorway. She glanced back at me, then she scowled.

“I won’t.”

And she slammed it shut.


“That sucked.”

I sighed as I lay on the couch, the back of my right hand covering my eyes. While it might seem like I wasn’t really paying attention to my surroundings, truthfully I was using my new Skill, [Planar Navigation], to monitor what Saffron was doing.

I’d be able to tell if she tried to cast a messaging spell to Matthew, or if she tried to escape through the window. She didn’t do either of that, instead opting to retire to bed for the night after a quick bath.

The fact that I was found out by Saffron annoyed me. But I was also glad that it didn’t become a major issue. If the other students had discovered the truth about me, I’d have had to leave Mavos Academy. Fortunately, [Partial Mortality] allowed me to shapeshift between a mortal and a Human in an instant— as long as the cooldown time had passed.

If I still had [Mortal Form] as my Racial Skill, I’d have transformed too slow. The other students would’ve peeked out of their rooms to see a half-transformed Demon standing out in the corridor. Which was less than ideal.

I had done so well, avoiding being caught as a Demon for so long. And my only mistake was deciding to undergo my Class advancement. It was my first time even advancing a Class— and the circumstances differed from when I chose my Class for the first time. My Class choice had occurred when I was, well, me. I never would’ve known that I’d change back when I underwent a Class advancement.

It was irritating— especially having to deal with the consequences of being caught, such as constantly monitoring Saffron. And to put my mind off it, I focused on my new Skills. My Secondary Skills.

[Temporal Distortion], [Object Levitation], [Mystical Projection], and [Short Range Teleportation].

Right now, I had three Skill Slots available, and 13 Secondary Skill Points to spend. I wasn’t intending to do what I usually did, choosing a Skill at random and discarding it if I didn’t like it. I had four options, and I was going to choose three, leaving the last for future use.

The first one I decided upon was [Mystical Projection]. I knew I wanted this Skill because it was a consolidation of two good Skills. I concentrated on the Skill, adding it to my Secondary Skills.

Then I sat up, testing what it did.

[Mystical Projection]. I looked around, waiting to see its effects.

Instantly, I saw space bending around me within the vision of my [Planar Navigation] sphere. It looked like… arms were forming. But not just any ordinary arms. Long and massive arms that could stretch out to either ends of the room and more. It almost looked like wings, protruding from my back.

But they were arms. Invisible to my normal eyes. Yet, they felt as natural as normal arms did. I could pick things up with it, and I could settle them down gently. I could even claw at things, although it felt weaker than my regular clawing strike.


With [Mystical Projection], I snatched a bug crawling on the walls a dozen feet away from me. I quickly retracted my invisible arms, bringing it to my mouth. I dropped the bug and crunched on it, before grinning.

“This is a good Skill.”

The next Skill I was interested in was [Temporal Distortion]. Unlike [Short Range Teleportation]  and [Object Levitation], which were both rather intuitive. I wasn’t sure what Temporal Distortion would do. So, I was curious about it, and that was why I chose it.

“Now, let’s see— [Temporal Distortion].”

Instantly, the effects of [Mystical Projection] and [Planar Navigation] vanished. I blinked, almost in a panic, as I suddenly found myself in a bubble-like sphere. It was as if everything beyond this bubble was the ocean, and I stood in the only pocket of air deep underwater where the sun never shone.

Everything outside this bubble moved slower. I saw ants laboriously climb their way up the walls of the room, while the candlelight flickered slowly. It wasn’t a bubble I could control. I couldn’t move it from where it was placed. I paced around the bubble, trying to do something with it. Nothing happened.

I stepped outside of the bubble and realized that I could feel the effects of my other space Skills again. I looked into the bubble. It didn’t pop and disappear. And everything inside of it moved faster.

“Interesting. Although this Skill seems like it’ll be less useful than [Mystical Projection]. But I wonder if I can...”

I tugged at the strings of mana connected to the bubble. It was like I turned a switch. The bubble wobbled slightly, before steadying, and now everything inside of it moved slower.

“So, I can change the speeds of everything in the bubble, but only in the bubble. I see.”

It was like a [Haste] spell confined to a specific location. Except, it could also go slower. And I was pretty sure the speed could be adjusted to be even faster or slower once the Skill leveled.

“Very circumstantial. But under the right conditions, it could be very useful.”

I let it vanish, sitting back onto the couch.

“Now, for the last two Skills.”

[Object Levitation] and [Short Range Teleportation]. [Object Levitation] had some uses. If it did what I thought it did.

As for [Short Range Teleportation], it was a Skill that could make me move faster. But not too fast that it would be too significant of a change. Also, I could teleport without the Skill. So, it was ultimately not the most useful Skill to have right now.

But it had the potential to become a better Skill, or even consolidate into another one of my Skills. So, I left it alone.

Instead, I decided on [Object Levitation].

“Now, let’s see what you do.”

I raised a hand, activating the Skill.

And a bunch of cups floated into the air.

“Yep. It did what I thought it’d do.”

With that, I was done choosing my Secondary Skills. I distributed some of my Secondary Skill Points for now, depending on how useful I currently thought they’d be. But if one proved to actually be more useful than I initially thought, I’d focus on it more in the future.

Secondary Skills:

[Available Secondary Skill Points: 2]

[Mystical Projection] - Lvl 5

[Object Levitation] - Lvl 1

[Planar Navigation] - Lvl. 3

[Scatter Shift] - Lvl. 4

[Temporal Distortion] - Lvl 3


I glanced up, facing Saffron’s bedroom.

“Now, what is going to happen with that?”

She was still sleeping. For now, she might stick to her promise. But… was she really planning on keeping quiet forever?

Author's Note:

2,500 werds. Sorry for the very late chapter. Broke my phone. Had to get it repaired. 

Will try to get an early chapter for your guys tomorrow!


Log Daniels

FINALLLLLLLLLYYYYY the cliffhanger is over :D!!!!!!!!!!!


So when did salvos meet that vampire bandit? Anyone know the chapter number? Anyways thanks for the chapter.


I still don't dig the logic that you leave better skills untouched for them to evolve instead of using them and them evolving along with your class. It's sounds absolutely counter-productive.


The Skills can evolve with you. But if you use a Skill and you dislike it, when you replace the Skill, it’s gone forever. It loses the opportunity to evolve and becoming something you like.


Facts don't care about your llamas.


"Why should I trust you?" The very fact you're alive means you should trust her, sister.

Different Nick

Saffron promised to not tell she is a demon, not that she is not a human. So she can go to the headmaster and say "Salvos is not a human, she used violence on me and implied killing me if i tell someone what she really is!" and keep her family honor.

Yeno Memevig

Temporal distortion is the perfect study bubble


Every student fantasy. To sleep more. To study at last minute.


is the title a citation?