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182. Personal Statement


“Urgh, I must’ve had the worst nightmare from—”


I piped up as Saffron jolted back. She crawled away from me, to the other side of her large bed, desperately hugging a pillow.


“Yes, it’s me!”

“This means that…”

She trailed off, and I cocked my head. A voice spoke up from the side, drawing both of our attention.

“That is correct, Lady Saffron. The events of the previous night were not a dream.”

“Oh no.”

The young noble buried her head in her hands, wanting to melt into her bed. But her butler continued.

“I have spoken with hall director Andrew. So there isn’t any need to worry. The issue has been resolved.”

She blinked.

“But how? The rules explicitly state that violating curfew could result in expulsion.”

“It is only a possibility if it is repeatedly violated. But this is your first time. And you have only been a violator this once. Also, if word gets out that the esteemed daughter of the Merryster family found herself in trouble at Mavos Academy, it’d be a scandal that’d plague the noble circles for years to come.”

Saffron narrowed her eyes as I glanced between the two.

“You bribed him.”

“If that is what you wish to call it, Lady Saffron.”

Sighing, she pulled herself out of her bed. She straightened and dusted her dress.

“I am not a child who needs to be pardoned with the help of others, Matthew.”

“Apologies, Lady Saffron.”

Saffron shook her head as I peered at her, waiting for a lull in the conversation. When I found it, I spoke up.

“So, anyway—”

She turned to me, speaking over me.


“Um, no?”

“I’m not helping you.”

She folded her arms across her chest. I paused.

“What do you mean?”

“I’m not going to be your scribe, Salvos. Unfortunately, even if it is the weekend, I still have duties to carry out as a student of Mavos Academy and as the daughter of the Merryster family. You’ll have to ask someone else to help you with your personal statement.”

“Oh, I wasn’t talking about that.”

I gestured at a few sheets of paper lying on the nearby desk.

“Matthew already helped me out!”

“I did what I had to do, Lady Saffron.”

For whatever reason, he sounded defeated. I shrugged, grabbing my personal statement off the table.

“I just wanted to ask for your help with reading through it. Maybe tell me what you think?”

Saffron seemed more open to this idea.

“That… is something I can do.”


I hefted the pieces of paper over to the noble woman. She sifted through it, furrowing her brows.

“Wait, you dictated all this?”

“Yep! I told him what to write.”

“This is…”

She started reading it aloud.

For most of my early years, I was alone. No friends. No companions. No one to be with me. I remember questioning the very verisimilitude of my own lugubrious existence. The phantasm of life seemed superfluous: how could any epistemology hold merit if my own truncated extant was mere frivol?

The moments passed like teardrops to the sea. My life had no meaning; I was just another pebble on the ground, to be trampled without care. But then I met the others. They were pulchritudinous things. Colorful. Exuberant. Different.

I saw none of myself in these strangers—

“What the fuck?”

Saffron placed the first piece of paper down. I hesitated.

“Is it that bad?”

“No, no, I just— was caught off guard. This is… a lot more coherent than I thought it’d be.”

I beamed as she continued reading it, not shriveling in disgust at what I had Matthew write down.

“I like talking about myself.”

“You really do, don’t you?”

She finished going over the entire thing.

“This is… quite good, Salvos. You didn’t just talk about your own achievements, you also mentioned those who helped you and aided you in becoming who you are today. Honestly, most students who write these personal statements tend to fixate on themselves or others in their life. You have a good mix of both.”

I proudly raised my head, scratching a cheek shyly.

“I wouldn’t be who I am today if not for those around me.”

“I do pity these two friends you’ve extensively mentioned. But as I had suspected since I first met you, you are truly quite a remarkable individual.”

Setting my personal statement down, she gave me an approving look.

“This would be enough to compel me to accept your entrance into Mavos Academy.”


I perked up as she nodded. I believed her assessment, so that was likely settled.

“Now, all that’s left to do is to get the hundred platinum I need from the Merchants Guild and…”

Choose my Class.

I was still undecided, but I will have to pick on eventually, right?

[Dimensional Mage], [Fairy Maiden], and [Worldly Mystic of the Nexeus].


Wimborne’s Merchants Guild was quite small compared to its Adventurers Guild. Apparently, [Traders] and [Merchants] had a lot of autonomy here, considering the importance of the ocean route and the various ways Shedos connected the Eastern Kingdoms to the Helbir city states.

A high-leveled [Banker] had to come and hand me the amount I wished to withdraw, since there were apparently a lot of complications in suddenly taking a large sum of money with short notice. But it was all resolved, and I headed back to Mavos Academy.

For whatever reason, people were staring at me, whispering, and pointing fingers. I ignored most of them, even though [Passive - A Hunter’s Sense] made me keenly aware of what they were doing. I walked down an alleyway and a man with a knife followed after me.

I was pretty sure he wanted to attack me, but another man stopped him. After exchanging a few hushed words, they hurried off. Which was strange. They would’ve seen me as a Level 36 [Mage], right?

They were both around Level 50. I would’ve thought they’d be more confident in their abilities. Unless, somehow, they knew I was truly disguising my level. It wasn’t like I made a scene any time recently.

Oh wait… I remembered what happened at the docks a few days ago. Oops. I didn’t mean to make a big deal out of it.

But I just did leave the Merchants Guild with a hundred platinum, didn’t I?

Well, things to learn for next time.

Saffron was busy gathering alchemical ingredients or something, so I didn’t really have anywhere to go. I decided that I might as well just submit everything to Clayton now, since I hit all the requirements.

I stood at the base of his tower, a bag of platinum coins in one hand, and a stack of papers tucked neatly under the arm of my other hand. The Headmaster arrived shortly after I spoke to a [Secretary].

He harrumphed as he saw me.

“So, you’ve returned.”

“I’ve done everything you asked me to do!”

I handed him the payment and my personal statement, which he didn’t accept by hand. They simply floated when I let go of it, hovering up to just above his shoulders.

“And you’ve already reached your next Class advancement?”

“I have!”

He tapped a leg impatiently.

“Well, what is it?”

“I’m still kind of undecided?”

I gave him a half-hearted look. He stared at me.

“You’re undecided?”

“Yep! I just kind of assumed that, you know, I can choose it later when I’m more decided. I mean, the requirement was to reach your next advancement, not undergo it, right?”

I didn’t even convince myself. And yet, somehow, he conceded.

“While one would say that is one in the same, I would admit that the rules are not particularly harsh on such a matter.”

“Wait, what?”

“There have been students admitted into our regular curriculum, of course, who chose to stave off their Class advancement. They are typically required to make a decision before the end of their first year, so you are not the only one to have come to this conclusion. However, such a situation has never happened for those applying to the School of Aspiring Elites.”

Clayton was uncertain. He ran a hand through his scruffy beard as I raised a hand.

“But that’s because most of those who apply for the School of Aspiring Elites are already experienced. I’m… not, right? You’ve said it yourself. I need guidance. And I feel like making a hasty decision would only cost me.”

He considered it. He wore a thoughtful look on his face as I shuffled uncomfortably, waiting in silence. I wanted to add more to it, but it seemed like he had heard enough and just needed to mull it over for a moment. Finally, he nodded.

“Very well. I will grant you a month, Salvos the Liberator of the Plaguelands. That is, if you are accepted, of course. You will hear back about your admission by the end of the week. Although, due to these extraordinary circumstances, you may receive your results sooner rather than later.”

I smiled in relief, bowing my head.

“Thank you, Headmaster Clayton Skyshredder.”


It was a nerve-wracking few days where there was complete silence from Claytron. I stayed over with Saffron as I debated the merits over each of my Classes. I mentioned each of the Classes I receive options for and their descriptions. She was, unfortunately, far too fixed on a single one of the Classes.

“You’re saying you met a Fairy.”


“A rare Spirit that maybe one in every million people have even seen before.”

I nodded as she sat back on her couch. She rubbed at her temples before she continued.

“And you didn't just meet one of these archaic creatures only mentioned in history books, you’ve also made one teach you.”

“I didn’t make Lily do anything! I just asked, and she listened!”

That was a vast oversimplification. But the last thing I wanted was for her to find out about my true identity. Maybe this could be something I told her in the future. But I had a thought. Something which alarmed me slightly.

But if Matthew really had been delivering blood to Saffron, couldn’t she have been some kind of Vampire?

That meant she’d probably hate me a lot if she discovered that I was an Archdemon of Pride. I didn’t want that! So, I didn’t think I’d ever tell her the truth.

She could be a [Blood Mage] or some kind of [Cultist].

Those were always possibilities. I just didn’t intend on testing anything out.

Saffron sighed.

“Befriending a Fairy is something no one has done since Melissa, the Oracle of Light, Salvos. Let alone having it teach you. If there was a Class I had to pick between [Fairy Maiden], [Worldly Mystic of the Nexeus], or [Dimensional Mage], I’d choose [Fairy Maiden], no questions asked.”

“But Lily advised against going down that path!”

I protested for whatever reason. It wasn’t like I couldn’t see Saffron’s point; I did, I truly did. I was very much intrigued by it as a Class. However, I felt like she was missing my apprehensions about it.

She snorted.

“A vague warning would never make me pass up the opportunity of a lifetime. Although, this may have less weight to you as it would for me, since you’re rather accustomed to such momentous things. The most I can say is what I’ve already told you: it is up to you to decide.”

I never really had such a problem with choosing a Class or a Subspecies before now. Everything always seemed so obvious to me. I’d just pick what best suited me! But all these Classes sounded like they’d be the same. Although they weren’t.

There were subtle nuances to them which would result in starkly different outcomes. For one thing, was a [Wordly Mystic of the Nexeus] even related to space magic?

The safest option seemed to be [Dimensional Mage]. It was what currently appealed to me the most. Yet, it was the one which would not have anything… special to it. But was special always better?

I decided to wait a bit longer. Maybe once I spoke to the mentors of Mavos Academy, they’d be able to offer me the wisdom needed to make a decision. Whatever the case was, without a place to stay, I lived with Saffron, eating bugs and sleeping on her couch until I heard back from Clayton.

The noble woman didn’t exactly say anything about my diet, but I could tell she was slightly disgusted by it.

Eventually, I received a letter from Clayton himself. It called me to the Tower of Truth— an edifice located at the central area of Mavos Academy. It didn’t rise up to meet the low-hanging clouds, but it had a domed roof decorated and gilded with gold and jewels.

Saffron saw me off at the entrance before I was brought into a large hall by Clayton’s [Secretary]. She sat me down in the middle of a large ritual circle shrouded in darkness. I saw no one in my surroundings, but I knew there were a dozen people hiding in the shadows.

Clayton was one of them. His voice boomed out as the ritual circle shone a brilliant red.

“Salvos, Liberator of the Plaguelands, Death of the Destroyer, and Savior of Silvergrove. Do you hereby swear that you do not intend to bring harm to Mavos Academy, its students, or any of its faculty?”

I cocked my head, surprised by the sudden question. However, I answered truthfully. I sensed the magic around me— I knew it had some sort of effect that would discern my words for its veracity.

“I am not enrolling into your academy with the intention of harming anyone or anything. I am here to learn.”

The ritual circle flashed green briefly, before Clayton continued with his interrogation.

“Do you swear that you have met all the requirements necessary to join the School of Aspiring Elites?”

“I have.”

“And that, as a part of our student body, you will not act in any manner that is deleterious or detrimental to Mavos Academy’s reputation?”

“I will not.”

“Will you abide by the rules set forth by myself, Headmaster Clayton Skyshredder, the hundred and third headmaster of Mavos Academy?”

“I will.”

Each time he asked a question, the ritual circle returned to its red glow. But each time I answered, it shone green. The questions kept coming for what felt like half an hour, until finally—

“Mavos Academy is an institution that aims to enrich Humankind and protect us against the terrible monsters living in nature, and the other Species of the Mortal Realm who hope to bring an end to our existence. Do you swear that you are not acting in any way as an agent that would actively aid our enemies, or would actively damage the progress or safety of our Species?”

“I act for myself, and only myself. I am not an agent of any other Species, nor do I come here with any desire to harm Humankind as a whole.”

It flashed green.

There were voices in the darkness. Murmurings. They held a short discussion, before finally Clayton spoke out once more.

“You have passed the screening. You have answered all the questions truthfully, and there is no evidence of any curse or mind-altering magic being cast on you. You are hereby a student of the School of Aspiring Elites.”

He stepped out of the veil of darkness, alongside other older men and women. Professors, lecturers, and teachers. They clapped softly as the ritual circle dimmed and candles flickered into existence along the walls, lighting up the room.

I felt a wide smile spreading across my face. Clayton returned the smile as he shook my hand.

“Welcome to Mavos Academy.”

Author's Note:

So, my hand felt fine today, and I decided to do as I promised to get all chapters up today. But I was halfway finished with all the chapters, when I was snuck up on by a nap. Here I am, hours later at midnight, hurriedly trying to finish all the chapters I promised I'd get up. 

Gib thoughts please!


Log Daniels

I want the nexeus one, it sounds way cooler than the others

Robert Mullins

Somehow, I think they would disagree with Salvo's interpretation of the last question.


The last question is tricky because no one who enrolls into Mavos Academy won't even not harm another Human being. Salvos responded to it better than most others, actually.


The nexus one sounds like it’ll have fun skills, if nothing else.


I vote the mystic of the nexus one


The nexus one seems hands down the best, the dimension one seems too.. humble while the fey one will clearly make the fey unhappy which is bad. The Nexus meanwhile seems versatile, powerful and its got a pretty dang awesome name to boot. Clearly the road to greater non-fey locked powers of extraplanar magic and the like


i agree with mystic of the nexus. she may be able to repair the nexus at a higher level with it.


Chapter 250. Headmaster adds "are you a demon" to future enrollment questionnaire.

Tom S

I'm hoping for a better option to present itself in the month the headmaster gave her. But I wonder what event will trigger it. Surprised she wasn't offered undead hunter.


The Nexus one is very interesting, and match the fact that she had plane-crossing experience, and adventures with many species that are related to the Nexeus. When reading through the options, it felt like the most plausible and logical.

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.