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154. Blaze of Glory


“Are we ready?”

I looked over at my companions. The pair had just finished dismantling the camp, and now they were doing a last second tally of all the equipment we had on us. We didn’t have too big a supply of potions, since we never actually got to bring any from Unarith with us before Daniel’s mess up. However, we did have the Herald’s Brush.

And that made all the difference in the world.

“The biggest problem with the Plaguelands is the blight. It works like a very slow curse, much less deadly on its own, but very dangerous when it impedes our movement during a fight.”

“You ignored my question!”

I pointed an accusing finger at the red-haired woman. She scoffed.

“And you ignored my explanation. Yes, we’re ready.”


A grin spread across my face as I took a step forward. I wasn’t nearly as tall as I was before, unless I used [Demonic Essence] to transform. But that Skill, just like [Partial Mortality], could only be used once every twelve hours.

It was like the opposite of a consolidation. A single Skill, [Mortal Form], broke off into two different Skills. I was currently my normal self. I wouldn’t say this was a transformation. I looked similar to when I was an [Imp], and I kept all the advantages such as mobility.

But right now, I didn’t need mobility.

“Are you guys ready?”

They clearly weren’t. But they nodded apprehensively anyway. Spreading my arms wide, I spoke softly.

“[Wings of the Netherworld].”

And there was a crackle. It sounded like the ground itself was being ripped open. Black blood poured out of my back like lava seeping out of the earth. And wings, built like bone and ivory, burst out of the crack.

It was dripping with black blood. It protruded from my upper back, close to my shoulders. They weren’t even full wings— they were merely the skeletal outlines of one. And yet, they felt real. They felt full. And it hurt.

I grimaced as I moved my wings. It felt like I had just been stabbed, and now the knife was being twisted inside of me. I wasn’t actually being damaged from my wings, but it felt painful, just briefly. I spread it wide open as I turned to my companions, baring my teeth in a smile.


There was a flicker. As if something passed through both Daniel and Edithe. Their movements suddenly sped up. It didn’t affect me. I specifically made it exclude me from my own Skill.

“Now, let’s see if you can keep up. If you guys reach the Plaguelands before me… I’ll try one of your stupid Human foods.”

Edithe didn’t really react to that, but Daniel was suddenly brimming with motivation.



I exploded up into the air with a single flap of my wings. They didn’t have feathers. They were like ribs with gaps between each protrusion. And yet, it carried me higher and higher. There was some sort of magic to these wings. I could see it tugging at the threads of mana around it. It even expended some of my mana. Although, it was enough for me to worry about it.

I laughed as I flew up straight into a cloud. I dove straight through the fluffy thing, meeting no resistance as it opened up right around me. Below me, I could see my companions running through the forest, heading for the Plaguelands in the distance. They zipped through the canopy of green as I soared through the sea of blue and white above.

It was wonderful. Flying felt so liberating. I could see the world spreading out, the landscape neverending, the scenery always changing. Twirling, spinning, grinning, I was in no rush to reach the Plaguelands. I saw a few birds flying on the same level as me. I scowled and flew even higher.

The sky almost seemed to change the higher up I went. The blue dome hanging above became… less full. It became deeper, but emptier. Even as the stars filled the sky with their dim glow. I wondered why that was as I continued flying, just with my back facing the ground.

Then I heard a screech. The air changed. It grew fouler around me. A noxious gas rose up, and I knew I reached the Plaguelands. I spun around just in time to spot a violet figure darting straight at me.

I went under the attack, barely dodging the snapping jaws of a [Nightscourer]. The undead bird’s wings were torn open, similar to mine. However, its body was covered in rotting flesh, a creature of decay and rot staring back at me. And it wasn’t alone.

[Nightscourer - Lvl. 103]

[Nightscourer - Lvl. 105]

[Nightscourer - Lvl. 101]

A small flock of the undead gathered around me. They flanked me from all sides as I floated right over a dark cloud. I smiled. And there was a flash. My being was wreathed in blue flames. However, it wasn’t a raging fire that spread through my arms, my wings, and my legs. It was like a second skin— one that wisped off embers and sparks, burning anything that touched it.

The undead didn’t react. They simply came at me, unbothered by the heat exuded from my flaming armor. Shaking my head, I opened my mouth and unleashed a plume of flames. It burned all around me, an inferno that enveloped the [Nightscourers].

I spun around as the fire raged on. It didn’t stop. It wasn’t like my [Flaming Breath], which ended after a few seconds passed. It persisted, like a wildfire, only ending when there was nothing left to burn. I only stopped when a [Nightscourer] crashed into my side.

My armor took the brunt of the attack. It would have held up if the undead didn’t suddenly flicker and wrapped its wings around me. My eyes narrowed. I noticed the embers dying. My Pendant of Greater Protection activated, protecting me from whatever draining effect this undead was inflicting upon me.

After a brief moment of struggle, I shoved the [Nightscourer] off me. I took a deep breath, and there was a pause. Something was being built up within me. Four [Nightscourers] flew straight at me right as I released it.

A disc of flames shot out. It came out fast, not an all-consuming fire, but a concentrated attack which tore through the undead before exploding into a lustrous sphere of white. The [Nightscourers] fell all around me as I resumed the faux flaming breath. And that was not all I did.

I knew not to let them get close now. So, I conjured sickles, swords, scythes, spears— any weapon to ward them off. I didn’t just swing the weapons at them, although that worked too. They were created around me, two or three at a time, shooting out, dancing, tracking the fleeing [Nightscourers].

A flock of undead attacked me, and a flock of them died here. They were around my level. They weren't swarm monsters. But I could kill them even when I was Level 80. Individually, yes. However, I was 20 levels higher now. And this Skill— it was only a single Skill. [The Primordial Spark]. It was more than enough to deal with the last of them.

Because it did everything [Advanced Fire Creation], [Ember Core], [Flaming Breath], and [Flame Burst] did, and more. I could also see Star Forge in this Skill. It was all-encompassing, fitting for the name it had.

Defeated [Nightscourer - Lvl. 105]!

Experience is awarded for defeating an enemy!


Defeated [Nightscourer - Lvl. 104]!

Experience is awarded for defeating an enemy!

“No levels? Huh.”

They were far too close to my level for [Daeva Cambion] to reach 101. But I expected something from [Adept of the Fae]. I thought I’d have leveled 10 times in that Class from defeating a bunch of Level 100 monsters.

“Maybe it’s because I didn’t use any of its Skills? I’ll have to ask Edithe how it works later.”

For now, I descended. I had already reached the Plaguelands, but was caught up in a battle. My companions, unfortunately, didn’t see it.

“Took you long enough.”

Daniel grinned as I landed before them.

“Looks like we won. You know what that means, right?”

“I reached the Plaguelands before you! I was just attacked by stupid undead!”

“No one saw it, doesn’t count.”

He shrugged. I sighed.

“Fine— I’ll try one of your dumb Human foods.”

I raised a finger before he could jump in joy.

“However, only after we return from the Plaguelands. I’m not going to be transforming into a Human anytime soon. Especially not just to eat your gross stuff.”

Daniel paused.

“I’ll take what I can get, I guess.”

Edithe shook her head, walking past the both of us, murmuring.

“Both of you are so childish…”

The Human man blinked. Then he sputtered.

“Hey, wait—”

“Heh. You’re such a kid, Daniel.”

I smirked as I followed after the red-haired woman. He stared at me as his face turned red in embarrassment. I waved a hand off.

“Don’t be upset, I’ll buy you some toys, ok?”


Things were different. For me, at least. I noticed how my companions fought. They were definitely improving and leveling, but there was just a jarring difference between Level 90 and Level 100. A gulf, created from an evolution and getting a Class.

I was propelled far beyond each of their individual strengths. While Edithe had always been far behind me in terms of her combat abilities, Daniel was actually close. I was pretty sure I’d beat him each time we fought, even with his [Hero] Skills. However, it would be close.

Not anymore.


The glowing arrow disappeared somewhere to my left. I dashed forward, straight at the [Skeleton Archer] as it almost seemed to frantically nock another arrow on its bow. I reached it before it could do anything else. My clawed hands were lit ablaze as I quickly tore it apart with [Barrage of Cinders].

A dozen. I dismantled a dozen different Skeletons, all in under a minute. On the other hand, my companions were only just now finishing off the same number of undead. Daniel kicked a [Skeleton Warrior] back, raising his sword.


I called out to him, and he paused. I walked up to the last surviving Skeleton. It lay underneath the [Hero]’s feet, struggling to get back up.

“I want to test something.”

Placing a hand on its skull, I took a deep breath and uttered the name of a Skill.

“[Demon’s Mark].”

I prayed— I hoped for the sake of me and my companions— that this was a tracking Skill, something that would let me find Edithe or Daniel if I ever got lost. Alas, it was not meant to be.

A symbol burned itself on the Skeleton’s skull. Then it seemed to expand, covering the entire undead in a red sphere. My eyes widened.

“Get back!”

My companions quickly backed away from the Skeleton. I leapt away with a single faux flame burst. The undead crawled back to its feet, stumbling forward as the translucent sphere followed after it.

Then a spire of fire shot out of the ground beneath it. It incinerated the Skeleton, turning its bones to dust and ashes. It shone brightly, a pillar for all to see, marking the earth with its bright light for an instant.

The flames dissipated, and the flash was gone. Nothing was left of the Skeleton. It couldn’t even try to escape from the attack, because it followed after it.


I stared at the ground, scorched black despite the blight. I let out a nervous chuckle as I turned to my companions.

“It’s a good thing I didn’t test it out on you guys, right?”

They didn't say anything. They just silently turned and walked away.

Defeated [Skeleton Archer  - Lvl. 101]!

Experience is awarded for defeating an enemy!

Defeated [Skeleton Warrior - Lvl. 102]!

Less experience is awarded for defeating an enemy with the help of others!

Class [Adept of the Fae] Level Up!

[Adept of the Fae - Lvl. 10] -> [Adept of the Fae - Lvl. 11]

Gained 2 Secondary Skill Points!

Class [Adept of the Fae] Level Up!

[Adept of the Fae - Lvl. 11] -> [Adept of the Fae - Lvl. 12]

Gained 2 Secondary Skill Points!

Author's Note:

2,000 words. Hopefully another chap up soon. I'mma eat now, unlike Salvos who'll eat later. Maybe. Probably not. 


Nick Tinsley

I dunno seem a little OP, that one guy is going to complain for sure. Cant see her ever using her not flying penalized mortal form...wait unless she turns into turkey..or a flying pig...that could work


Thanks for chappie


Demonic Essence having a twelve hour cooldown makes it much worse than I anticipated but it was never that great anyways so it's not a huge loss. It seems out of character to me for Salvos to make a bet without having something she can win, it might be worth throwing in something embarrassing or gross for Daniel to do for losing the bet (even if Salvos is going to lose) Flight is always a huge advantage and should open up some nice ways to diversify the fights or help Salvos if she gets lost. The name and visual theme is going to be interesting to have to explain if she ever uses the skill in front of others. It practically screams "Got this skill from a demon cult". Could be a fun interaction. The other skills are essentially what I assumed they would be aside from Demon's Mark which is obviously insanely powerful especially since Salvos is mostly close range so it shouldn't be too hard to get off. Sort of weird that a small buff like Demonic Essence has a 12 hour cooldown when this ability exists, but I suppose we haven't seem what the cooldown for it is yet. It's also possible that once Demonic Essence levels up a bit it won't be quite so negligible and the 12 hour cooldown will make more sense. Overall I'd say the chapter was decent and I'm glad that Salvos obviously has the same opinion of Demonic Essence and Partial Mortality that I do. Which is to say a low one. Daniel felt a little off for me but I can't put my finger on it. It would be kind of poetic for Salvos' luck to have finally ran out and her carefree way of choosing her levels comes back to bite her by actually screwing her over (even in the long run.) Although even I would hate that direction.

John Pratt

I'm guessing Partial Mortality and Demonic Essence are both massively easier to level up than most general skills. Partial Mortality is a skill for living among people, and it probably levels up from sleeping and eating around mortals, once it levels I'm betting that the downsides are mitigated: I'm guessing by reducing the cooldown and reducing the exhaustion of transforming, maybe by giving her a consistent circadian rhythm, or maybe eating reduces the exhaustion penalty on the next transformation already and Salvos is just too stubborn to notice that yet. Demonic Essence is much cooler than just a stat boost. It's a full battle-form with higher mass, longer reach and better natural weapons, heck it even has six arms. We also have no idea how long it lasts, I'd guess an hour. You can probably level it by getting kills in battle-form. Higher levels probably boosts the stat buff and either extends the duration or drops the cooldown. It also wouldn't shock me if these two skills interacted more closely than average. Maybe sleeping and eating in mortal form builds a reservoir of power that can be used to hold battle form.


I like that there are some downsides with this evolution, shows that thing could have gone really wrong in the past and that Salvos might want to put more thought into each choice

Melting Sky

Although this last evolution was OP, it was supposed to be. There is a reason Arch Demons are feared. Unlike some of the other evolutions and class ups we've seen in the past where I was left wondering why they were supposed to represent such huge jumps in power, this evolution fit the bill. Primordial Spark is insane.


[ It even expended some of my mana. Although, it was enough for me to worry about it. ] Last sentence seems to be missing a word, with it starting with "although". Maybe "it was barely enough..." ?

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.


Noooo! Salvos don't abandon your pride no matter how good it smells (unless it's bacon then except the inevitable)!