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Some Edithe arts! Honestly, really like her as a character. Glad I didn't kill her off. 

As for updates, I am slowly easing back into a regular schedule for Salvos chapters. I am aiming for 5 chapters this week the normal schedule,  although it's not entirely guaranteed since I am still going to be graduating and dealing with moving and living arrangements. I will definitely get at least 3 chapters out for Salvos next week though! I've written 25k words aka 8 chapters between Melas, Tian, and Salvos in 3 days haha. Going to be 30k by the end of today. 

Also, I have to focus on getting the Tian chapters for Book 1 finished as I have to hand it over to my publisher soon. I'm probably going to finish the last of it by next week as well. 

This is ambitious, but I'd like to return to double Melas chapters a week starting from either July or August.  

And now, here's a preview of Poem, my next serial written in metered verse:


T’was the day of her birth when she left the small town.

When she gained her first level, she started her vow: 

To become an [Explorer], record all the sights,

And perhaps when she grows and returns home one night,

The thrill of adventure will feed Poem’s heart. 

She can cuddle with mother and father and start,

To regale them with tales and the dreams she had seen,

Spread the joy and share tears of the tragedy that’s been

This wonderful world that is kind and is mean,

Is what Poem will see when she leaves Rivergreen.

This story is a Slice of Life Adventure. Think of Kino no Tabi or Majo no Tabitabi, except it’s a LitRPG... and it’s also entirely written in meter. Yes. It is going to be a poem. Mostly anapestic tetrameter, but there'll be limericks as well as iambic, trochaic, and other metered verses thrown in from time to time.

Expect short chapters and not-so-frequent updates. 

I have two more serials I'll be doing, but they'll be from alts. One is for a competition, and the other is one I mentioned the last update. 

Thank you all so much for reading. I can't wait to start full-time authoring!




If it’s all in a poem format wouldn’t [Bard] be better than [Explorer] (it sounds cool either way)


Not going to lie, I've always envisioned Edithe as like a middle aged woman and not attractive on a general scale. This is... a revelation. Also, the poem has to be released as an audiobook.


I wish you luck with your epic poem, it sounds like hell write


She actually looks older than I envisioned her in the screenshots. I imagined something closer to 18-20. She looks 24-28 here.


Nice poem. Did you take poetry in college or did you learn on your own? I took a class before I graduated and I wished I took my classes. It's a lot more fun that I originally thought.


Ooo this is very pretty, looking forward to your new work!