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Author's Note:

This is, of course, non-canon.

Also, this was expensive.

It was supposed to be for April fools, but I, uh, took too long to script the thing. Comic scripting and plotting is difficult, alright? You have to find reference images for every panel, or draw it yourself. And I am not good at either.

So, yeah... this was a crossover between my own fics! I'm sure many of you saw the six way crossover on RR this year with AH, or the two way crossover last year with AH. And I thought this was a good idea.

It wasn't.

Not for my wallet.

Or for my time management.

But it's done! And I absolutely love it! Big shoutout to the artist, Mabi, for producing this wonderful comic piece in a timely manner. The character designs are wonderful and she captured my characters masterfully! Sincerely, it's been a pleasure working with her. 

You can read Melas here.

You can read Salvos here

You can read Tian here


Melting Sky



Patreon mobile app really dislikes handling the images. Got to whip out the computer.


This is great


Your wallet suffered for a good cause at least, this was cool :D


very nicely done! And yeah, that would eat a ton of time and/or money. Still, better than a lot of online comics in terms of both art & clear/clean storytelling.


This is great haha, all three if then are such cutes


Great idea, thanks

Simon Casey

Very cool! Sorry to hear it hurt your wallet so bad, but the end result is great.

Tyler B

Tian looks hungover haha