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95. Faith

***“And [Hero] Daniel, it has been a while, hasn’t it?”

Salvos blinked as Faith said those words. Helen did not expect the princess to be so upfront with Daniel’s true identity. But if what she told them was to be believed— and it should be believed, since Zack was certain she was truly the princess of Elutra— then that meant Daniel did not come from this world.

It was something every child heard about. [Heroes]. They came summoned to the Nexeus by rituals from times long passed. It was not anything that happened anymore, and yet now was a real [Hero] before them.

When they were broken the news, Helen remembered how Zack reacted. The normally haughty [Mage] immediately swore he would apologize to Daniel for the way he had treated him. And Jaakko too— Helen had never seen the Cyclop’s one eye grow that wide.

So now, it was Salvos’ turn to learn the truth. That her companion was not who he claimed he was. And that the man she was standing next to was actually a [Hero] from another world.

Helen gave the silver haired woman a sympathetic look as she exchanged a glance between Faith and Daniel. The latter’s eyebrows arched darkly over his eyes, even as the former smiled at him. Salvos opened her mouth—

“Wait, Daniel, is that really a princess? For real? Am I meeting a real princess?!”

Zack turned to face Helen as she stared, blank faced at Salvos. He spoke hesitantly.

“...uh, that wasn’t the reaction you were expecting either, right?”


I bounced on my feet as I regarded Daniel. The Human man looked unhappy. But I didn’t care. Because in front of me stood a real princess!

Supposedly, that meant she was like Saffron, but even more important. And not only did she come in a carriage that would have put the entire Merryster family’s fortune to shame, she was from that Kingdom that summoned Daniel! That meant they knew each other.

I pointed accusingly at Daniel.

“Why didn’t you tell me you knew a princess?”

Helen, Zack, and Jaakko locked onto me with surprised expressions. My companion’s gaze snapped up, finally broken from his stupor. Sighing, he rubbed at his temples.

“I did tell you I knew a princess, Salvos. You just forgot.”

“No you didn’t!”

“Yes I did— look, let’s not talk about this right now.”

Daniel turned his attention back to Faith. The princess— was she a Princess with the Title, or just a princess?— tilted her head slightly. She still wore that same smile on her face, waiting expectantly for him to say something.

He seemed to struggle to get a word out, until finally, he shook his head.

“Faith, what do you want from me?”

“What do I want? I just came here to save you, Daniel. I heard about what the Inoria Empire did. They put a bounty on your head to the Harrowed Vindicators, and now every one of their third rate assassins is coming for you, hoping to earn a few thousand gold.”

“That’s not why you came here now though.”

Stepping forward, my companion inspected the princess. Behind her, the retinue of guards— most of them high Silver in level, although a handful were low Gold— tensed. He folded his arms across his chest.

“What do you really want, Faith? And you better choose your words carefully. Because I won’t believe a fucking word you say unless it’s something that’s purely self-serving.”

The words struck the princess like a slap to the face. She stumbled back slightly, her face overcome with a look of shock. Not only did her guards react this time, but even Jaakko and his team did too.

Even I stared at Daniel, aghast.

“Pst, Daniel, aren’t you supposed to be respectful to her? She’s a Human princess!”

“She’s scum, Salvos. She tried to use me only for her own gain when I had been helping the Elutra Kingdom in their war against the Inoria Empire. She… manipulated. Tricked me. Made me believe things that weren’t true. Just for politics.”

“She did?”

I turned to Faith, seeing her face contort. The smile vanished and she frowned.

“But that’s not true.”

Faith spoke over him. She faced me, giving me a pleading look.

“Daniel has… misjudged me. Ms Salvos, I know we’ve just met but I implore you to convince him to trust me.”

I glanced back over at Daniel. The Human man seemed repulsed by what Faith was saying. He spoke through gritted teeth without even facing me.

“Salvos, she’s a snake. A real snake.”

“You mean she’s not Human?”

“I… no. I mean she’s conniving, cunning, and cruel. Not the kind of cruel that leaves you for dead, but the kind that makes you distrust people.”

Finally, Daniel turned my face.

“You’re not exactly… the best at social cues. And I have to admit, I am not either. But I’m asking you to listen to me, Faith is not someone you should ever put your trust in.”

I blinked and stared between the [Hero] and the princess. There was history here between them. And some sort of invisible force was clashing here. I could not see what it was, but I could that much.

“If you help me speak some sense into Daniel, I promise I’ll reward you greatly. Anything you ask of me, I’ll give it to you.”

“Salvos, you aren’t actually thinking of this, are you? Because even if you try to make me work with her, I won’t.”

Now I had to pick between them. One was my companion. Someone who I had fought alongside for so long— through so much. But the other was a princess!

She was a real life princess! Maybe even a Princess! And if I sided with her, maybe I could even learn how to become a princess too!

So I beamed. I slowly let my gaze rest on Faith, my lips still curled up. Daniel looked at me disbelievingly as Faith sighed in relief.

“I’m glad you—”

“Absolutely not!”

I exclaimed. Faith blinked, as Daniel paused. Then he laughed.

“I should have expected that. I don’t know why I expected anything else from you.”

“But… why?”

Faith could not believe what I had just said. She gesticulated, her fancy dress ruffling with each movement she made— the gems and jewellery decorating gleaming in the moonlight. This was a princess. And I could have won her favor right here. But—

“Daniel is my companion. And if he tells me you’re bad, then you’re bad.”

I waved a finger matter-of-factly. It just was how it was. I wouldn’t forsake my companion, even if the Princess of princesses told me to.

The bodyguards accompanying Faith sputtered— one of them drew a sword and pointed it my way.

“You dare insult princess Faith of Elutra?!”

“I do.”

Turning a daring gaze towards them, I bared my teeth in a grin.

“And if you want me to take it back, you’ll have to make me.”

The man— the highest level of the bodyguards at Level 45— took a step forward. But before he could object further, Helen hurriedly ran to my side.

“Salvos, what are you doing? Princess Faith is telling the truth. When Zack started… uh, prying… around on Daniel’s identity, she was the one to contact us. She told us he was in danger. That the Harrowed Vindicators were after him.”

“Then she lied to you too.”

I spoke simply. Helen opened her mouth, but the bodyguard from before snapped.



Faith cut the man’s sharp voice short by raising her hand. She slowly glanced between Daniel and I, the smile wiped from her face, replaced with a more serious expression.

“[Hero] Daniel.”

“Stop calling me that.”

My companion snapped. She nodded.

“Daniel, then. I apologize if your interpretation of my past actions have disillusioned you to my true character, however one of the reasons why I came here was indeed to save you. But you are right: I have another reason too.”

He narrowed his eyes.

“And that reason is?”

“To ask you to come back.”


Daniel had been expecting those words from her. Faith was so predictable once he understood the exact kind of person she was.


The reason why the [Hero] left the country in this first place was exactly because of the politics she played with him. She had been the fifth in line to the throne of Elutra. Now she was third. And that was because she used him.

Everyone there tried to use him— but she used him the most.

Feeling his hands slowly tighten into balls, he glanced up and shook his head.

“I don’t know what kind of madness overtook you since we last saw each other, but I refuse.”

“You have to, Daniel. The—”


He put his foot down as his voice echoed in the darkness. Faith took a step back, shocked by the sudden shouting. Daniel spoke through clenched teeth.

“I will not go back. Never.”

The eyes of the princess grew dark. Then there was a soft sound— a sniffling. Daniel wasn’t sure if he had been too loud, but he stood by his words. His anger was justified. She had convinced him that she loved him. His broken heart almost mended. But all she loved was what he got her.

Faith glanced back up and Daniel hesitated, not wanting to see any puppy-eyed look. But instead, all she did was wrinkle her nose. Her gaze swept across the corpses around them and she grimaced.

“I’d like to continue this conversation, however I do not think this is nearly the right place to carry it out. Would you at least be willing to move this elsewhere? Perhaps my camp. It’s no more than half an hour’s travel that way. And there’s food and tea too,”

Gesturing behind her, Faith looked at him expectantly. He bit his lower lip, feeling slightly guilty about shouting. But before he could say anything, Salvos piped up.

“Food? Tea? No way!”


The two went along with Faith to her camp; it wasn’t particularly because Daniel trusted her, nor was it because he was bothered by the corpses littered around the forest floor. It was because he was hungry.

And while he did not trust the princess one bit, he was more than aware of the kind of person she was. She used people, but she did not kill them. No cloaks and daggers, no poisons and assassins. So, the young man’s hunger impelled him to her camp, just so he could finally have some good fucking food.

The fact that Helen, Jaakko, and Zack were with her instilled some confidence in his belief that they were safe too.

Salvos trippingly walked alongside the three Gold Ranks— each of them several levels higher than they had been when they had last seen each other, but still lower than Daniel and Salvos’ levels.

“You’ve grown quite a bit, Salvos. You’re now almost Level 70, aren’t you? Going to hit Platinum even before us, huh?”


The girl excitedly agreed, not realizing how tone deaf that kind of a response could be. Their chatter went on, apparently none of the Gold Ranks bothered by the Demon’s lack of social skills. They were already acclimated to her, so it was not like they would be surprised by the way she acted.

“You mean to tell me you went to the Motharis Mountain Range all by yourself?”

“Not by myself. With Daniel! And then we entered the Brilsum Ruins and fought some Mindreapers!”

Helen stared at Salvos as Zack rubbed a finger on his finger.

“Mindreapers… and you said they were being controlled?”

“They were controlling monsters! And [Cultists] too! Some Archdemon named Belzu was leading them.”

Jaakko frowned.

“If what you say is true, then this is something we’ll have to report to every Adventurers Guild and country surrounding the Motharis. Such a threat is a danger to us all.”

“That’s what we were going to do! Then those Harrowed Vindicators showed up and stopped our progress…”

Daniel didn’t join in on the conversation himself; he had only known these Gold Ranks for about a week. And even then, he had some friction with one of their members— Zack. But mostly because the other man was rightfully suspicious of how secretive Daniel was.

But while Daniel could understand the reason for Zack’s prying, he certainly had not appreciated it.

So instead, the [Hero] trudged alone, like a pariah from the group. The only person he knew well here was Salvos. And… Faith.

Her carriage rolled alongside them as they arrived at their destination. A rather large camp had been set up, however to Daniel’s surprise, it was not the kind of luxury one would have expected from a noble, let alone a princess.

Daniel narrowed his eyes as he looked through the camp. A few tents had been set up, but they were fairly ordinary. The eating situation was rather crude as well. It was not what he had been looking forward to, at all.

Faith stepped out of her carriage and peered at him curiously.

“Is something the matter, [Her— Daniel?”

He scowled and turned away from her.

“It’s nothing.”

She shrugged and walked over to a fireplace that had already been set up. A boiling pot was bubbling over the flames, and she scooped up a spoonful of the soup and took a sip from it. Faith nodded to herself and called over one of her bodyguards.

“Elisha, the food is ready. Please prepare it for our guests.”

The bodyguard who had exchanged words with Salvos hurriedly did as he was instructed. Faith smiled his way, wiping her mouth with a delicately crafted handkerchief. The embroidery on it was lined with transparent crystal, their lattice surface reflecting twinklings of the fire’s light to resemble the stars above.

“It’s delicious, come, sit.”

Faith gestured Salvos and Daniel over. The former happily listened while the latter took a moment longer to follow. He had known Faith. And what he had learned about her was that she was a shrewd person. One with a very good poker face.

And he was certain that the poker face broke when she took a sip from the soup. Poison? a worried thought crossed his mind. No— that wasn’t it. Faith had… grimaced?

So, it just tasted bad, then?

Daniel wasn’t sure. But when he took a seat around the campfire and accepted the bowl of steaming soup. He realized the truth.

It was indeed very foul.


That word coming from Salvos had not been unusual. But the fact that she stretched it out as she made a face of utter disgust and contempt when she only pretended to drink it made Daniel aware that he wasn’t just being a picky eater right then.

Faith quickly downed the entire bowl and smiled the Demon’s way.

“What’s wrong? It tastes just— fine.”

“No it’s not! It’s one of the worst things I’ve ever tried! And I’ve tried many things!”

Daniel was pretty sure Salvos was referring to Human meat by that. However, the discussion— and the fact that everyone else was also apprehensive on consuming the foul soup was a testament to the fact that it was terrible.

Slowly placing down his bowl on the grass, Daniel turned to Faith.

“Alright, that’s enough fooling around. Why are you serving us bad food, Faith? It’s clearly not poisoned, so why this act?”

The princess blinked, then she sighed.

“This isn’t an act, Daniel. These are the rations we’ve been living off of for the past few months, searching for you.”


“Well, it’s the truth.”

Faith straightened, adopting a more princess-like posture. Her legs were crossed and her back formed a ninety degree angle with the ground. She held the bowl in her hand by its base, the other lightly touching its side as if it were a teacup. Right, tea was promised too, wasn’t it?

“For the last half a year, I’ve been trying to track you down, Daniel. I took my personal bodyguards— those that were loyal only to me— and left the palace. I left Elutra to find you.”

“Just so you could drag me back and lift up your own name as the princess who returned their runaway [Hero].”

“No. I’ve dragged my name through the dirt just to find you. Or have you not been paying attention to the news?”

Daniel raised a brow and Salvos learned forward. She curiously asked.

“What news? Is it the news about the saviors of Silvergrove?”

“I heard about that. But no— that’s not what I’m referring to. I’m referring to the war between Elutra and Inoria. How it is said to be more than decided by now. How the Elutra Kingdom is going to fall to its enemy, and its princess fled the country, shirking her duties to save her own life.”

Nodding slowly, Salvos tapped a finger on her chin. Her confusion was evident. But Daniel could tell she was trying to pretend she understood what was being said.

“And this princess that ran away was…”


Faith’s entire body sagged as she said the word. Admitting that she had been the one to flee seemed to have caused the aura of nobility to disappear from her. Or was it the fact that her reputation now tarnished— her future ruined?

“I’ve given up my wealth. My fortune. My everything. Just to come here. To find you, Daniel.”

The young man scowled, annoyed that the topic shifted back to this.

“And why do I have to care? Why should I trust you?”

“Because the truth is out there in the world. If you go look in the right places, you’ll find it. In fact, you can find it right here. Look around you. You see it yourself. This is not something befitting a princess, no?”

He wanted to disagree. He really didn’t trust her. Her words were like honey, but he knew it was truly poison underneath. But he couldn’t deny what he had just thought— what he had just observed moments earlier.


Hearing his name broke the [Hero] from his thoughts. Faith steadily met his gaze, even as he tried to turn away. She spoke softly.

“When I was in Elutra, I did what was best for myself. But now, I’m doing what’s best for my country.”

Daniel hesitated, not sure whether he should offer her a response. He did, anyways.

“And that is?”

“Begging for you to come back.”

Faith stood up and bowed deeply at Daniel. Her bodyguards protested— Elisha sputtered. Even Jaakko and his team seemed aghast at this action.

“The only reason we brought war with the Inoria Empire was because we saw what they were doing. What they were trying to become. They will not just be content with victory. My whole family will be executed. Our people will suffer under their rule. There have been… rumors. Whisperings of how the Inoria Empire has been working with Demons to win the war. And if that’s true, could you imagine what they’ll do with our citizens? The kind of sacrifices they’ll make of them?”

The mention of Demons and sacrifices drew the attention of Salvos, who had previously been more or less left completely clueless at the conversation. Daniel watched as she instantly clung onto the only thing she knew about and spoke up.

“Humans are good sacrifices for Demons! They’ll all be killed!”

She answered honestly, not realizing how grim that sounded. Grimacing, Daniel expected Faith to lash out at the brutal truth. But instead, the princess agreed.


Faith raised her head and met Daniel’s gaze. Her jade eyes seemed to almost lose its color. Her flowing orange hair that had once made him stop and stare at it as if it were a gorgeous sunrise now instead burned with the conviction in her voice.

“I am throwing away all my pride. I have left my status in the gutter. Now, I am asking from one person to another. Not as a princess to a [Hero]. But from Faith to Daniel. Please come back. Only you can save us from them.”

The words— the pleading words of the princess that helped summon him— hung over his head as Daniel stood there. She was a [Mage]. Not a weak one at that either at Level 41. Since he had last seen her, she had leveled a dozen times over. So she certainly had been working hard on her own.

Was it proof of her words? Was it true what she was saying? Perhaps.

He knew the Inoria Empire had been winning the war, even before he left. He had provided a morale boost. And his [Hero’s Slash] had allowed him to kill anyone who had been stronger than him in the battlefield. His coming was what changed the tide of war. Then he left.

Because he was sick and tired of politics, of being used, and of killing.

But now Daniel was still fighting. He was still being hunted. And the fate of hundreds of thousands rested in his hands. At his level, he could maybe even make a difference if he came back.

No, he corrected himself and stared at an open palm, I am more than capable of making a difference.

It was the only sensible decision. He would save hundreds of thousands of lives. He was a [Hero]. There was one logical answer and it was—


Daniel spoke the word simply. With the same sincerity that Salvos often carried. Faith stared at him for a moment, her expression unchanging. Then a single reply came back.



The Valiant Dreamers were split into two different groups. Just as Hadrian had ordered, all the Silver Ranks were placed dreamers were placed with the trainees in the training grounds just outside of the city, while the Golds were kept in the headquarters within the city. The Platinums were split between the two locations. For example, Jeremy and his team were over at the training grounds while Celine and her team were in the headquarters.

There were only two Diamonds in the company that were nearby Viechester. Hadrian and Gabriel. They had other Diamonds amongst the Valiant Dreamers— a few Edithe could name off the top of her head like Uland Gredrun or Ismail Zushad— but they were off on their own adventures.

Last she heard, Ismail was exploring the Beastmen plains. Meanwhile, Uland was who knows where.

So, it was up to those that were present. It would have been best to keep them all in one spot. But not only were there too many adventurers— especially trainees— to just fit them all into their headquarters, this was also part of their strategy.

Divide and conquer.

They gave the Iron Champions Company two targets to attack. Each target would have a Diamond Rank stationed there. Gabriel would be at the training grounds while Hadrian would be at the headquarters. This was because not only was Gabriel overall higher leveled than Hadrian, but he also had a second Class suited to protecting others. Hadrian’s second Class was more for his own combat prowess.

Additionally, the headquarters would be a smaller area to protect. Perfect for a [Warrior] type like Hadrian to defend. Whereas the training grounds was a large plot of land, which better complemented the [Alchemists] area of effect Skills.

If the Iron Champions Company had really planned to invade and begin sieging the Valiant Dreamers Company the moment war was declared, they would have to split up their adventurers and assassins. They would certainly try to concentrate more forces on at least one of the targets. But there was no way they would know which location was better protected.

It was up to chance for them.

But they had their own allies too. As evinced by the assassins who were aiding them.

Edithe wasn’t sure what assassin group they were from or who supplied them to the Iron Champions Company. She just knew that many of them had been above Gold Rank. Some of them even had powerful artifacts that allowed them to covertly infiltrate the Valiant Dreamers months prior to this escalation. It had been planned and calculated by the Iron Champions since the beginning, and perhaps they were also ready for a counterattack right now.

Hadrian had left the headquarters to declare war. He went by himself, marching down the empty morning streets of Viechester, which seemed more eerie than usual. Perhaps it was the mist that cloaked the roads which made Edithe feel this way— or it was the dread that came from the impending siege to come that drew the droplets of sweat down her neck.

Whatever it was, she couldn’t help but fear for Hadrian’s life as he went alone. He was a Diamond Rank. Not even a team of Platinums would be able to take him out. But if the Iron Champions dedicated more resources than thought— say, if they had sent multiple Diamond Ranks here too— then that would have meant they could slay Hadrian the moment he made the declaration and left the Adventurers Guild.

It was a tense wait.

Everyone in the building remained silent, despite the fact that it might have been the last time some of them might have seen each other alive ever again. War was being declared while they just waited. A company war. Not the same as war between countries— certainly not something a country was supposed to be involved in. Nor its citizens.

But it was still war. And the adventurers were now soldiers. Normally, they would be fighting over resources. Some kind of an artifact. Maybe an advantage or influence over a certain area. This, however, was a war of revenge.

At least, that was how Edithe initially saw it.

After hearing Hadrian speak the night before, she realized the leader of the Valiant Dreamers Company had thought it out. It was not a war of revenge in his mind— it was what was necessary to reduce the casualties suffered on both sides. Attrition would only hurt more in the long run, so they had to stand and fight.

The silence that hung over the heads of everyone in the headquarters broke as the gates slowly swung open. A figure appeared within the mist. A shadow covered by the white, wispy vapor that seemed to pull back like a curtain when the figure made their entrance. Edithe watched with bated breath as the figure revealed themselves.

And she sighed in relief. It was Hadrian. And he—

He had a severed head in his hands. The leader of the Valiant Dreamers Company tossed it aside and strutted forward, his blade covered in blood like how his body was covered in wounds.

The mist behind him cleared out, revealing what lay before the gates. A dozen hooded individuals, all collapsed and cut up. Edithe’s eyes grew wide as she saw this scene. She did not rush forward like the others— like Sophia who worriedly approached the leader of the Valiant Dreamers Company.

“Hadrian— are you alright? What happened. Were they…?”

“Assassins. And no. they weren’t coming for me. I realized that they wouldn’t risk attacking me. Instead, they would take their chance to come for the headquarters once I left it unguarded. So I returned as fast as possible.”

There were a few gasps. Those who still couldn’t believe that there were that many assassins hiding out there. But it made sense to Edithe. It had been a misty morning— but what she had seen was no natural forming mist. It had been magic.

And they were almost ambushed. Fortunately, Hadrian stopped them right in time.

“Close the gates.”

Hadrian ordered and a few Gold Ranks quickly got to work. The [Warriors] shut the heavy metal bars while [Mages] activated the runes along the walls. A flicker ran over the headquarters of the Valiant Dreamers, covering it almost like a dome. It was not a barrier that could hold out someone like Hadrian— but it would fall if enough Level 40 or Level 50 adventurers flailed on it.

Which was why there would be someone standing guard at all times. It was time. The city had been notified of the company war. Citizens were ordered to hide in their homes. The Valiant Dreamers Company was going into lockdown. War had begun, and Edithe felt her certainty from before…

Fading away.

NEW Author's note:

5,000 words. If you want to see the changes made to the chapter, click here

OLD Author's Note:

6,400 words. Longest chapter so far. A bit longer than I had intended. But yeah. 

Things are happening. The end of Volume 2 is drawing close. Do you feel it? 

My fingers do. They hurt. 

Please vote on TopWebFictiton! http://topwebfiction.com/listings/salvos/ 



gah, forgot to mention TWF. please remember to vote! http://topwebfiction.com/listings/salvos/


I am having mixed feeling about this princess, she does not seem to lie about running away to search for Daniel, but on the other hand for Daniel to be that distrustful it must means that she is not someone who can be trusted

Lictor Magnus

I agree. Salvos had the right mindset. If Daniel says she’s bad she’s bad.


Very good chapter, ty.


Before war was declared, the Iron Champions burned down the dreamers headquarters, killed a bunch of people at the training grounds, and poisoned the founder. Those sound like war winning actions, why would they dick around with the declaring war brinkmanship if they could just kill the dreamers?


They burned down a mostly empty building and killed a bunch of Silvers with a few Golds. For each attack, they’ve also lost dozens of Gold and dozens of Silvers despite having the element of surprise.

Kevin Caffrey

Ooh I really like where this is headed. I’m guessing that volume 2 wraps up with the company war, and volume 3 sees Daniel and Salvos getting dragged into Faiths war? Maybe via the arch demon connection? Things are really heating up!


"The reward show{ed} here" - "shown". Additionally, "sure one of them {would} be around" - "should"


Yeah. . . If the Inori Empire or whatever is really working with demons, it's going to be a great opportunity for the bigger adventuring companies. All he would do would be to extend the war. Maybe to the point of Elutra being in position to oppress Inori's people. Even on the off-chance Faith speaks the truth Daniel need do nothing at all and both nations will fall while he sits back sipping mar. . . fighting Salvos's fights. And a big bad archdemon. That last is probably his real reasoning.


Only an idiot would join the war instigated by shady nobles.


The guild war plot is really weak. It kind of feels like something that you didn’t have a solid idea on how to write, so everyone is just bumbling like a bunch of fools in order to hit the plot points that you wanted instead of organically escalating.