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So, I've finally made the decision to pull Melas Book One (ONLY CHAPTERS 6-38) from RoyalRoad, ScribbleHub, etc because of a lack of traction after leaving Trending. I didn't want to do this at first, but I decided if I wanted to expand the size of my audience, I had to take a risk and go on Amazon. 

If any of you have Amazon KU, I do hope you check it out and give it a download. It won't cost you a thing, and while that means no money for me, I'm not trying to get money from this but exposure. The more downloads I have on Amazon KU = the more eyes will see it. 

Of course, if you don't have Amazon KU (if you don't know what that is, don't worry about it) and you want to support me, you can buy it for only $2.99 and it will also help with exposure. But again, you don't have to do anything. The link however, is here:

Book 1: Bound and Broken is now live on Amazon!

PS. Chapter is going to be slightly delayed due to me needing to fly in a few hours, and having slept late last night to get the Salvos chapter up. No promises, but I might be able to write multiple chapters while on the flight, so you might get a few chapters once I arrive. Again, no promises. But I'll try my best. Thank you all so much for your wonderful support and stay safe <3




How many downloads does it currently have, if I may ask?


It doesn’t tell me the downloads unfortunately, only the book sales. But I’m told the downloads do affect the ranking.


That's dissapointing. I would have never read the story or subscribed here if not for the free chapters. Do what you think is best but for me that's reason to cancel my pledge.


Just an FYI, this is for Melas and not Salvos. I have run the idea of putting Melas into KU before as a test, especially since, uh, I haven't been gaining any new followers at all. Since Salvos has been getting a consistent and constant influx of followers, I saw it not fit for it to go on KU. Which ultimately was a bad financial decision for me, considering I could've easily made $5k up to even $10k last month.


I think an amazon exclusivity on the first book is a pretty bad move. Patreon is already giving you money, and the early chapters are there to attract new readers. If royal road isn't good for you then you could make your own blog or try another website. Being forced to go to amazon is a huge turnoff for a lot of people. By that I don't mean that your books shouldn't be on amazon, but being forced to go there is annoying.


I had roughly $200 from patreon with Melas. Unfortunately, keeping it up was financially impossible. I am not Amazon exclusive with Salvos which is the main source for my patreon, and I don't plan to be. If I never published Melas to KU, I wouldn't be writing it anymore because the time and effort as opposed to the rewards is not worth it for patreon alone.