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Important Announcement 1/9/2021, click here to read. 

Adrian lay in the bed of his room, staring at the ceiling. There were many things weighing on his mind, most of them simply inane thoughts. But sometimes, he wondered to himself what Melas was doing; it had been a year now since he last saw her, and he wasn’t even sure if she was alive.

If she was alive, Adrian knew he would eventually find her. He came to Xander’s Academy for that very reason— to study in this rich institution and rise up to the top. He was prepared to face many obstacles and hardships. He did not think he would have been just accepted when he came here. He had been bullied and he had been alienated. And he overcame that. But one thing Adrian did not expect— the one thing that Adrian had not prepared himself for— was the problem he faced right now.

“I’m so bored,” the boy sighed.

It was the summer holidays for the Academy and he had nothing to do.

It was a problem that afflicted everyone who ever found themselves deviating from their regular schedule, replacing it with an absurd amount of free time. He knew should be studying or training, but he was just tired today. So he was simply going to lie sweating on his bed as the summer days melted away—

The door to his room kicked open as Alice marched in with Faizan in tow. The Half Elf boy was being dragged across the floor as she grabbed him by the arms to Adrian. She let go of him, and placed her hands on her hips as she stood in front of Adrian.

“Well, you’re in luck then. Because we are going on vacation.”

Adrian blinked.


Adrian was not sure how he ended up on a coach making its way out of Xanderia, heading all the way to Ghab-Ha. Sure, the series of events that led to this happened with the boy present. He was there from the very moment this vacation was impulsively planned by Alice, who had heard Faizan was heading with his family to visit his mother’s home, before she decided that they should go along with him.

The brown haired boy did not expect anything to come from the plan, so he accepted without a thought. However, when they actually spoke to Faizan’s parents, they were all too eager to accommodate the two friends into their trip.

So now Adrian found himself riding along with the Callistus family as their carriage sped to the Elven country. It was a carriage being pulled along, not a mana car as it would have been too expensive to make the trip. It was cheaper to ride this way, Adrian was told. When he heard that, he thought it would be a two week trip at the very least. Little did he know that the ‘horses’ they would be using would, in fact, not be horses.

Instead, they were using Unicorns.

Adrian pressed his face against the glass window of the carriage, trying to get a glimpse of the majestic white beasts that he only ever heard about in stories. He was still in disbelief that he had been allowed to touch one. And more than that, he couldn’t believe that they were the ones used for travel.

It seemed almost like an insult, to Adrian. But it was not. The Unicorns were not any more intelligent than a horse, even if they were incredibly beautiful and fast. They were far more aggressive however, so Adrian was only allowed to touch the one.

But in spite of that, Adrian still wanted to see them again. All he could see from where he sat, however, was a white blob plastered just ahead of the carriage as the world blurred around them. He sighed, leaning back in his chair. A voice spoke out and he straightened.

“I’m glad,” Alima— Faizan’s mother— said, as she placed a hand on her lips. “I’m so glad Faizan was able to find some friends his age.”

“Mother…” The Half Elf boy’s face grew red as he looked up at the woman sitting across from them.

“I just thought that you would struggle in Xander’s Academy. You know, I told your father not to let you into the school. The noble children there are spoiled brats— no offense” Alima glanced over at Adrian and Alice.

“Of course not, Lady Alima.”

“In fact, I’d say you’re right.”

The Elf woman smiled, turning back to her son. “But Graham insisted that you follow in his footsteps. He believed you were strong enough to overcome anything you would face in the Academy. I’m so glad I trusted him… I’m so proud of you!”

Faizan slumped back on his seat, rolling his eyes. “I wanted to go to Xander’s Academy, mother. Even if you and father told me not to, I would have found a way to go anyways.”

“And that’s why I’m so proud,” Alima sniffed as she wiped a tear from her eye.

The Half Elf boy groaned as his mother continued to dote on him. Adrian watched this happen, bemused. He had never expected Faizan to act this way with his parents— Faizan always appeared to be so… shy.

Adrian felt himself smiling as he saw his friend slowly open up. But the moment was interrupted as he was nudged by Alice from his side. The girl leaned over to his ear, whispering.

“It’s nice, but don’t bring this up later. He’ll get embarrassed.”

“Of course I won’t.” Adrian stared at Alice, raising an eyebrow. “Why would you think I’d do that?”

She cocked her head. “It’s just that, sometimes you’re… a bit blunt, you know?”

The brown haired boy frowned. “Wait, what does that mean?”


It took only a few days, but Adrian found himself stepping out of the carriage amongst vast foliage that stretched out everywhere he could see. An armored man— a bodyguard of the Callistus family— proffered a hand, helping him down.

Behind him, Alice and Faizan followed suit, with the bodyguard nodding at the latter. “Master.”

“Thank you, Aalam,” Faizan said to the man as he bowed.

Adrian narrowed his eyes. He’s an Elf? The brown haired boy couldn’t tell as the bodyguard was covered head to toe in armor enchanted by mana crystals. No— are all the bodyguards Elves?

Alice tapped the boy in the shoulder, making him turn around as a figure approached from the front of the carriage. Graham Callistus, Faizan’s father and patriarch of the Callistus Barony, approached the children. He had a gray, withering face that Adrian initially thought was odd for a man with a single child as it was only befitting someone well into his 50s, before Adrian remembered that Faizan was a Half Elf.

Even if the man had Faizan when he was fairly young, he would still be past his 40s. Because, even if Faizan didn’t act that way, Adrian remembered that the Half Elf Boy was almost a decade older than him.

“Father,” Faizan greeted. “Thank you once again for letting my friends accompany me on this trip. We greatly appreciate it.”

“Yes,” Alice hastily agreed. “We’d like to thank you for your generosity of not only allowing us to intrude on your family vacation, but to also accommodate us in the journey itself.”

The girl pushed Adrian’s head down, forcing him to bow along with her. He scowled but said nothing, simply following her lead.

Graham laughed, seeing this. “Of course, of course. Now be at ease, I don’t expect you children to be so stiff around me.”

Adrian straightened, nodding. “Thank you, Sir.” He gave Alice a sidelong glance, but she just sighed. “We’re delighted that you took us along.”

“Now come,” Graham said, gesturing the children forward. “We have much to travel. The road ends here, but Ma-Dina is still up ahead. We walk.”

The three children followed the Baron as his retinue of guards spread out around them. Adrian glanced around as the shrubbery grew thicker and thicker around them. The lumbering trees rose up high, creating a canopy that blotted out part of the sun. It was getting dark— but it was still in the middle of day. The brown haired boy found a slight chill creeping up his spine as Faizan casually conversed with his father.

“Where has mother gone, father?”

“Alima went ahead with a few of our bodyguards to let them know of our arrival. She’ll be waiting for us there.”

“I see. Will uncle Bashar be there?”

“Hm, that I do not—”

“Hey,” Alice whispered, tugging at Adrian’s shirt. He turned around and cocked a brow.

“Something the matter, Alice?”

“No— it’s just that, it’s getting kind of dark here. It’s a little bit creepy. Do you think it’s safe? What if there are Monsters…”

Adrian looked at the girl as she cowered beside him. He tried to speak reassuringly, although he wasn’t exactly sure how to do so. “Uh— it’s… fine? I mean, uh, just because it’s dark there doesn’t have to be Monsters?”

Alice actually took a step away from him as he spoke, giving him a blank stare. She sighed, folding her arms. “I know that. But don’t you think it’s a little…” she trailed off.

“Dark?” a strong voice replied. Adrian and Alice glanced up at Graham peering at the two of them. The Baron smiled. “Don’t worry, Alice. And you too Adrian. The trees here have branches that stretch out to each other, holding each other, and covering the sky. But look—”

The two looked ahead, staring at where he was pointing. There was a small blue glow zipping through the bushes. The tiny beacon of light halted right next to some leaves, staying there for a moment, before dancing off once again.

“Faerie Flies.”

Adrian’s eyes widened as he saw more of the tiny blue insects, glowing with an ethereal light appear all around them. They each shone with a dim light that would not have revealed anything in the darkness, yet together, they would have lit up even the darkest of nights.

“Beautiful,” Alice sighed wistfully, seeing the Faerie Flies whiz around her. She held a hand out and a few landed on her fingers and buzzed. “Hey, that tickles.”

“First time seeing them, huh? Well, they’re always a sight to behold.”

“Are they dangerous at all?” Adrian asked, turning to Graham.

“Not at all. Look— they haven’t hurt your friend, have they?”

Adrian watched as Alice giggled and slowly shook her hand, making the Faerie Flies disperse, before they regrouped around her hand. She turned to Faizan to show it to him, but the Half Elf boy just held up a hand full of Faerie Flies and grinned.

“That’s enough playing with them,” Graham said. “You’re giving them too much fun and they’ll be sad once us visitors are gone and they’ll be stuck with those who are used to them again. Come now, we’re close to Ma-Dina.”

The children stopped, following the adult as he led them through a thick thicket of trees, before it thinned out to an opening in the forest. In the very heart of the rainforest— Adrian found himself blinking as he was once again met by the bright rays of the sun.

But he wasn’t blinded by it. He had already accustomed himself to light from the darkness with the Faerie Flies. He was blinking because of the sprawling city he saw ahead of him.

It wasn’t like any city he had ever seen. And Adrian, while a village boy, had seen many cities on his way to Xanderia. Those cities had buildings made of brick. They had structures that rose up to the sky. But never anything that was ever built into nature itself.

Houses made of trees— not wood— but of the trees itself sprouted out of the ground. Buildings were built into mounds, digging up the ground to create shelter out of the earth itself. This was not a city, it was almost like a large village!

But it wasn’t small. It was hardly small. The opening in the forest stretched out for quite the distance, and with it, so did the city itself. There were no towering blocks of stone, but there was a collapsed Elysian Tree lying to the right of the city. It was hollowed out, used as a form of dormitory for many to live in. Next to it was an empty plot of land with targets strewn about. Some kind of military barracks? Adrian thought. Or a school?

The brown haired boy wasn’t really sure. In fact, he didn’t even know what he expected coming into Ma-Dina. He was told by Faizan that it was the city Alima grew up in, and that was pretty much it.

But now, even at the very edge of the city, the very periphery where nature was at its thickest, there was light coming within the large trunks around Adrian. There were structures built above too— with vines tied together to hold them together. They had made no walkways above to connect them to one another, but Adrian saw Elven boys running up to a tree and easily climbing up the side of one.

Adrian considered himself physically fit, but he still thought it was impressive, with the height of the trees and the fact they had to do it every single time.

Of course, not all the structures in Ma-Dina were made to coexist with nature. There were regular huts and houses made of brick and stone built alongside them. But they were minimal— used sparingly and only necessarily at best. And even then, they were covered in foliage.

“This… this is Ma-Dina?” Adrian asked, turning to Faizan. The Half Elf boy nodded slowly.

“It is,” he said as his lips quirked up. “And this is where my mother’s side of the family resides.”


The door to the large tree house was thrown open. It wasn’t built atop a tree, rather it was simply a hollowed out tree that was turned into a house. Faizan ran over to the Elven man who was standing there, arms spread out.

“Uncle Bashar!” he excitedly said, hugging him.

“Ah, if it isn’t my favorite nephew. Come here, boy.” Bashar laughed as he rubbed the boy’s head. He paused, turning to the two other children behind Faizan. “And who are these children?”

“They’re my friends, uncle— Adrian and Alice.”

“Good evening Sir Bashar,” Alice said, lifting her dress up in a slight curtsy.

Adrian looked at this, seeing the girl’s sidelong glance at him. He sighed and bowed stiffly, speaking monotonously. “Hello Sir, we are grateful that you have allowed us to come into your home… or something.”

He mumbled the last part, unsure of what to say. Alice glared at him, giving him a look that made the boy fear for when the adults left and he would be faced with another lecture on manners. But Bashar just smiled, waving a hand dismissively.

“We’re not a noble family, young Alice, Adrian. We don’t use titles or do formality here.” As the Elf spoke, he glanced up at the other man waiting behind the children. “Right, Graham?”

“Of course not Bashar,” the Baron said, a smile plastered on his face. “It’s always a pleasure meeting you.” And not a moment after saying that, he continued. “Where’s Alima?”

“Ah, my sister is currently upstairs speaking with our father,” Bashar replied, gesturing for them to go in. “Come, let’s speak inside, shall we?”

They entered the warmly lit room; candles and lamps were scattered throughout, keeping the room illuminated where the sun’s rays seeping through the holes and openings on the tree trunk could not.

Faizan stepped forward, running ahead of Bashar. “Mother’s with grandfather?”

“Yes. He’s really excited to see you, Faiz. We’ve all been waiting for you to visit since we heard you were going to the Academy. Unfortunately, you enrolled before we could even speak with you.”

“Yes— father told me that you guys would want to see me after I was already attending classes.”

Bashar laughed. “Of course he did. Come on, you can go upstairs and speak with Harith before he falls asleep from your mother’s blathering. And fetch her too while you’re at it, I’m sure she has forgotten we exist.”

“Ok.” The Half Elf boy ran up a set of wooden steps to the second floor, leaving Adrian and Alice behind with the two adults.

Adrian fidgeted, exchanging a glance with Alice. What should he do? He never really knew how to act around adults that weren’t his parents! Luckily for him, it seemed that the adults were too distracted talking to each other to notice him.

Bashar slapped Graham on the back as Graham grabbed Bashar by the shoulder. The two entered the next room together, followed only by Aalam, the bodyguard from earlier. Most of the bodyguards for the Callistus family did enter the house, instead stationing themselves around the perimeter and on guard.

“They don’t like each other,” Alice noted, staring at the two adults as they laughed next to a library of bookshelves.

“What do you mean?” Adrian asked, raising an eyebrow. “They look like they’re getting along just fine to me.”

“They’re not. It’s all fake— you can tell by the way they’re acting. They’re hoping Lady Alimah comes down soon so she can defuse the situation.”

Adrian looked at the two men chatting along. One was a Human Baron with a pale complexion like him, while the other was an Elf. One of the Elves he had never seen until recently with their blue skins and pointed ears. They looked incredibly different, but they radiated friendliness. “I really don’t think so, Alice. If you want, we can ask Faizan whether they get along.”

“Don’t be stupid! Of course Faizan doesn’t know. That’s the reason why they’re pretending to be friends— you won’t understand. You don’t know politics.”

“I’ve seen enough in the Academy.”

“No you haven’t. You’ve only been there for a year. Just trust me on this, ok?”

“Fine,” Adrian sighed, folding his arms. “But what does it matter if they don’t like each other?”

“It means,” Alice started, wagging a finger, “that this trip was impromptu. It’s not a vacation— and it never was meant to be one.”

“What do you mean?” He narrowed his eyes.

“I mean there’s a reason they came here! And I don’t know? They let us come because we’re Faizan’s friends and we can distract him while they handle the adult stuff? But it’s a mystery— there’s something to be solved!”

She stepped back as he just gave her a blank look.


“You read too many books, Alice.”

“No I don't— ok, maybe I do. But it’s true!”

Adrian shook his head, turning to face Graham and Bashar as they exploded into boisterous laughter again. It seemed almost… force. And now the boy could almost see where Alice was coming from. But unlike the girl who seemed eager to get to the bottom of this, Adrian couldn’t really care.

“You’re the one who got me roped along into this trip. I’ve come this far, but I’m not getting involved in what’s likely a personal family matter which we have no business off.”

“But I’m curious.” She clasped his hand, peering at him with her big blue eyes as her locks fell right behind her. “Aren’t you?”

Adrian considered this, looking up for a moment. Then he looked back at her.


No matter how much Alice protested, Adrian wouldn’t budge. He wasn’t interested in this. He liked the girl— he considered her his friend. But just because they were friends didn’t mean he would try to learn more about a stupid and probably boring drama between adults. And that was the end of that. Or at least, he thought.

Because unfortunately for Adrian, it was only just the beginning of things in this trip.

Author's Note:

I hope to wrap up this arc by the end of the week for you guys. That means you'll likely get 2 more chapters this week before I go back to Melas. I'll make it 3 chapters if need be, but expect Melas again by next tuesday.

In the meanwhile, consider checking out Salvos, my other story that just hit Trending on RoyalRoad! And I'd appreciate it if you left a rating as it would help me out greatly. I'm aiming to hit the front page with it! 

Don't forget, you have access up to Chapter 12 in the patron exclusive post I made, available to all patrons! Thanks for reading as always. 


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