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701. Disgraced Hellking


His name was Jofis, and he was known as the Winged Horror. He was the leader of the First Legion— a Primeval Demon, and one of Regnorex’s most fearsome aides. His infamous reputation struck fear into all those in the Demon King’s Domain. Very few would hear his name and not cower in fear.

After all, there was much that Regnorex allowed Jofis to get away with. Even if he were to kill another Primeval Demon, Regnorex cared not. As long as certain boundaries were followed.

Jofis scowled as he recalled his situation. Certainly, his position was one to be envied by Regnorex’s minions. To be able to do anything they desired— it sounded like a highly-sought after goal.  

But that was not the case to Jofis. After all, he was once something more. Something that transcended all comprehension by these mere minions of Regnorex. It was not something that they could ever understand. Because… 

Jofis was once the Demon King.

Or at least, he was in a position that rivaled Regnorex’s current role in the Netherworld. Back then, Jofis had been known as the King of Hell and the Unparalleled Ruler Who Consumed All His Enemies, and he had not been a mere Primeval Demon.

Jofis had been a Primordial Demon who had his own army that numbered in the millions. He killed all who challenged his reign, whether it be [Hellprinces] or [Hellabominations]. He was capable of slaying even wild Primordial Demons… although that feat was rare, and required many sacrifices to be made.

But he had been dethroned. His levels had been taken away from him. His Titles lost. And now, he was a mere underling of the current Demon King. 

So that was why none of them could ever understand Jofis.

That was why he despised his current situation.

His eyes fluttered as he looked down at the Tablet of Tracking in his clawed hand. He saw over a million dots vanish all at once. And his eyes flickered.

“So the Traitor and the Enemy have finally come. And they have recruited Hartia to join this little rebellion of theirs.”

Jofis muttered under his breath, then a voice spoke up from his side, drawing his attention.

“I always knew we could never trust that Fairy.”

It was Chordus— the leader of the Second Legion. She was a Level 191 [Hellprincess]. She sat perched atop a throne made of crystals as she had her hands resting on her lap, carrying a regal demeanor. She cracked a single eye open as she looked up at the Winged Horror.

“Also, it was quite annoying having to pretend he was a Demon when he clearly was not.”

But even as she spoke, she was not the only one who was gathered here. Jofis swept his gaze over a dozen or so other Primeval Demons who were present. They were other leaders of the various legions of the Expanse. Most of them were around Level 160 to 170, although a handful of them reached Level 180.

One of them— Tersh, a [Sagelord Fiend], and the leader of the Thirteenth Legion— stepped forward as he looked towards Jofis deferringly.

“If we can’t track them down, then they can lead us to a trap. So what should we do, Jofis?”

He asked, and another voice spoke up. It was Quin, a [Jinn], and the leader of the Fifth Legion.

“We need to wait for Manos the Executioner. He will tell us what to do.”

Other voices spoke up in agreement with Quin.

“And Manos will not come alone! He will be with other members of the Deathsquad Hunters!”

“He will help us defeat the Enemy and the Traitor!”

“That’s right! He’s specialized in dealing with these defectors, so—”


Jofis cut them all off as he crushed the Tablet of Tracking in the palm of his clawed hands. Immediately, the other leaders of the legions grew silent. Chordus tilted her head curiously at the Winged Horror, waiting expectantly.

“There is no need to wait for Manos. We can act now.”

Jofis spoke simply as he turned around. Behind him, a pair of wings emerged— coated in black feathers, spreading out like a royal cloak. 

Nobody dared speak out in protest against him. When he spoke, they listened. They feared him, even if they were considered his near-equals. Because it didn’t matter that they were all supposed to be the leaders of the legions. He saw them all as his inferiors, and he was not afraid to kill them for challenging his authority. They knew this as well as him, so they remained silent.

“It does not matter if we know not where the main bulk of their forces are hiding.”

Jofis cast his gaze over the horizon as the last image displayed by the Tablet of Tracking burned in his mind. And he took a heavy step forward, cracking the ground.

“Whoever decided to set off that spell did it early. Because there are stragglers.”

That was right. The Enemy or the Traitor had made the decision too hastily. And not only was it a sign of weakness— that they were afraid of Jofis— but it also ensured that the other freed legions which were far away but converging on their location were still being tracked.

So all Jofis had to do was find them and follow them.

“Chordus, you are in charge of this rabble while I’m gone. Track my collar, and I will lead you all to victory.”

The Winged Horror began to slowly ascend as Chordus frowned.

“Are you sure you wish to go about this alone, Jofis?”

Glancing back, Jofis bared his teeth dangerously. 


And with that, he took off into the crimson sky, heading into the horizon where dark clouds were passing overhead.


“A [Disgraced Hellking]?”

I blinked when I heard what Haec said. He nodded grimly as I placed a hand on my chin.

“I didn’t realize there was a king before… y’know the Demon King?”

Well, actually, that wasn’t entirely true. I knew my dad was a king before Regnorex— a Devil King or whatever. However, I didn’t realize there were numerous other… hellmonarchs, or whatever they were called. I always thought it was just my dad, then after a long period of time came Regnorex.

But now that I thought about it, I guess that it made sense that there wasn’t just a lull in the Netherworld between both the Devil King and the Demon King.

“Well, Jofis was one. And that’s why we should be worried. That’s why we can’t treat him lightly.”

Haec continued as he held my gaze. Behind him, I could see Taburas shifting her feet uncomfortably. However, she was the only one within earshot of this conversation. Everyone else was still reeling from being freed. Which was fortunate for us.

“You’re the leader here, remember? You can’t be scared— if others see that you’re afraid, they’ll be afraid too.”

I snorted as I crossed my arms. Haec pursed his lips.

“But you get my point, right? It took both of our greatest Skills combined to defeat Hartia.”

My first companion spoke seriously. I nodded understandingly.

“I mean, yes, that’s true. But also, Hartia specialized in defense, which is the only reason why beating him took that long. And I’m stronger now too. I have Skills I have yet to properly test out, which I’m sure would be helpful against this Jofis.”

I waved a hand dismissively, and Haec bit his lower lip. 

“Salvos, I think you’re underestimating Jofis. You need to understand that he’s a greater threat than you’re making him out to be.”

“It’s fine.”

I reassured him with a smile. I stepped back as I gestured vaguely at the sky.

“Besides, Hartia is on our side now too. So we’re not as outmatched as you think—”

And right as the words left my mouth, I paused. My eyes went wide as something rang in my head— almost like an aching feeling.

Haec and Tabuaras immediately took note of this. They eyed me quizzically as I took a step back, before looking down at myself.

“What is it, Salvos?”

Taburas asked as she raised a brow. Haec narrowed his eyes at me.

“Is everything alright?”

“I… I’m fine. It’s just—”

I hesitated as I focused, trying to confirm what had happened. I looked through the eyes of all my clones. I had summoned ten of them. Five were out, wandering the wilderness of the Netherworld, searching for what I sent them to find. Meanwhile, the other five were scattered across the Expanse— one of which was present here with us. 

But the rest of my clones were escorting some of the faraway legions to us. And yet, as I checked in on every single one of them, a fact made itself obvious to me. 

“One of my clones was killed.”

I said simply as I looked towards Haec. His eyes flickered when he heard that, and I gritted my teeth. He realized the implication of what I meant before I even had the chance to say it.

“In only a few seconds, Jofis fought and defeated one of my clones.” 

 Author's Notes:

What thonk?

Read next chapter here


Danijel Turina

I just thought of something. I thought Jofis was a fool going at Salvos alone, knowing what he does and not knowing what he doesn't. However, that's nothing. Those guys think Hartia defected. Hartia can kill anyone with a collar. They all wear collars. Here come the finalists for the Darwin award.


Well hopefully the Leaders of Legions have different passwords. So only Regnorax can kill them.


I just noticed something: Salvos got experience for defeating Hartia without having to kill him. Could it be that Hartia lost some levels because of that defeat like Jofis did? Salvos' experience has to come from somewhere, right? Maybe higher level beings are so magical in nature or have so much influence o the system that their mental state noticeably impacts how fast they learn skills, how fast they regenerate (energy) and how the experience is transfered in an encounter. That would mean Reggie might be able to partake in the experience his subordinates gain in some/many circumstances, being taught by a highet being can make you develop faster and fights don't need to end in one side dying for the othet to get xp.

Danijel Turina

"I just noticed something: Salvos got experience for defeating Hartia without having to kill him. " - I'm not actually sure she did. It's possible she got the experience for learning a new skill and for fighting and killing his golden fairies. And maybe experience is granted for merely exerting force and being under fire for a while. I don't know.