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Only three days had passed since Edithe, Centina, and Willy left Mavos Academy. It was not a lot of time, and yet, it felt like an eternity had passed. When they had left, there was a certain valid fear that the barrier protecting the school would collapse in under a week. After all, the mana reserves that kept up the barrier were not limitless.

Even if it could repel the invasion of even a Primordial Demon, it was not capable of staying up forever, because of how much mana it expended. On its own, the barrier could be maintained for up to a year. And in the past, the barrier withstood the Demon King’s assault for a week. According to historical records that were kept, it was said that the barrier would have fallen after another week at most, and survived another day at least. 

So that was why there was the very valid fear that the barrier would collapse soon. Especially since the Centinel Matriarch of the Bloodied Gulf was over Level 200. And that was why everyone placed their hopes on Edithe, Centina, and Willy returning soon. 

But fortunately, now that more time had passed, Clayton went on to confirm that the barrier was capable of lasting for up to at least a month with the current damage that was being dealt to it. And that was the minimum amount of time. Supposedly, it could last up to three months.

Everyone was relieved to hear that. After all, it meant Edithe had more time to return with aid from the Archangel— which was a very powerful Spirit that Willy said would help them for the right price. 

Whether or not that was true… Rachel didn’t know. But for now, she didn’t worry about what was going to happen in the future. Instead, she focused on what she could do now. And while others thought what she was doing was crazy, she thought it was brilliant.

After all, there was proof it worked. 

Rachel’s eyes flickered as she strode through the mostly empty streets of Mavos Academy. She thought of Centina— a Centinel that had learned to behave like a Human. That defied all prior understanding and research done into Centinels.

Previously, it was believed that Centinels were monsters that could never be… well, tamed. Every [Beastmaster] that had tried to befriend a Centinel was ultimately killed by the Centinel, or had to kill the Centinel. And while Centina wasn’t tamed, she was living amongst Humans without any issue.

That was why Rachel convinced that her plan could work— that she could convince the Matriarch Centinel of the Bloodied Gulf to back off in this siege. 

Many thought it was pure lunacy. That it was a totally pointless endeavor. But Rachel had experienced firsthand plenty of crazy things in her life that flipped her worldview around.

Even ignoring the fact that Centina was proof that Centinels weren’t all horrible monsters that just wanted destruction… there were plenty of other things Rachel had see that went against the general opinion of the populace. Like a Demon who killed [Cultists] and other Demons— going around and saving Humans like a [Hero].

Or a [Summoner] who couldn’t summon. 

Or a [Hero] who was a coward.

What about the Wyverns who were adopted by a Demon? 

All of it would have been said to be impossible by an ordinary person. And yet, it all happened before Rachel’s eyes. 

So it grated Rachel’s nerves knowing that the very same people who had been a part of these impossibilities were now claiming her plan was impossible. Whether it was Centina, Willy, or Edithe. Even Oriur had been against it. 

Only one person believed in Rachel. And it was Salvos. 

But… it wasn’t exactly Salvos either. It was Sally the Salvos clone. And she followed along Rachel as the two made their way to the edge of the school. It was just the two of them. Novis, Bellum, and Oriur had accompanied them for the first two days. However, after Rachel made absolutely zero progress, the former two juvenile Wyverns lost interest, while the latter decided that it was impossible.

Unfortunately for Oriur, he couldn’t convince Rachel to give up on her plan. So she continued doing what she believed would work.

“I do wish Oriur believed in me, though. But at least I have you, Sally.”

Rachel said as she glanced back at the Salvos clone. In response, Sally just gave a thumbs-up. 

“I mean, you did befriend a Centinel when everyone else said it’s impossible. So of course you believe in me!”


Sally could speak, but she preferred not to be so chatty. That was unlike the real Salvos, who loved to talk about herself for hours on end. Not that Rachel minded that either. She remembered adoring listening to whatever Salvos had to say… even if she now understood that much of it was an embellishment of reality. 

However, Sally was the one who preferred to listen as Rachel strode on.

“Anyway, if I want to be amazing, I have to do amazing things. That’s why—”

Rachel started, but then came to a halt when she spotted a figure standing up ahead. She paused as Sally bumped into her back. 

“Oh, um…”

Rachel shuffled her feet, before stepping to the side. The same figure had been here yesterday purely by accident. And Sally had recognized that figure.

But instead of actually interacting, there had only been an awkward tension yesterday where neither of them said much to each other. Because it was—


Sally tilted her head as she stared at the young woman standing up ahead. It seemed that Valda had been waiting for them, realizing they would be taking this route to the edge of the school every day. 

Rachel knew there was some history between Valda and Salvos. That was why Valda had started the Demon Research Club. But Rachel didn’t realize that things would be so… tense between them?

At least, from Valda’s side.

“Hello, Valda!”

Sally waved at Valda as she continued to walk forward. Rachel hesitantly trailed after the Salvos clone, wondering if Valda would say anything today. 

Valda just pursed her lips.


She started. But Sally shook her head.

“I am Salvos, but I told you to call me Sally, remember?”


Valda bit her lower lip as Rachel glanced between the President of the Demon Research Club and the Salvos clone. 

Yesterday, Valda couldn’t bring herself to say anything at all. But today, she had the courage to speak.

“Sally… why did you lie to us?”

Valda finally asked. Sally just blinked.

“Why did you lie to me?”

Valda pressed the Salvos clone even further. Pausing, Sally tilted her head back. Even if it wasn’t clear what Valda was asking about, Rachel knew what the question was meant to be.

Why did you lie to me about you being a Human? Or more accurately… Why didn’t you tell me you were a Demon?

And Sally recognized the question too. So she just shrugged and answered honestly.

“Because you’d hate me if you knew I was a Demon.”

That was all Sally said. And she continued on as Rachel followed, leaving Valda behind in silence.


Half an hour later, Rachel and Sally arrived at the edge of the barrier. It was the same spot where Rachel waited as usual, trying to speak with the Centinels. When she arrived, there was already a crowd of Centinels there.

But they weren’t waiting for her. They were always there, clamoring to break in.


Rachel greeted them casually. And behind her, Sally waved too. In response, the Centinels hissed and shrieked and angrily struck the barrier. But they couldn’t break in, of course.

Sitting down right before the transparent layer of magic, Rachel set up a picnic— placing down a small mat, before setting down half a dozen sandwiches. She offered one to Sally.

“You want some?”

But the Salvos clone just recoiled in disgust.


Then Rachel looked towards the Centinels, raising a sandwich.

“What about you guys?”

She asked cheerfully. The Centinels clicked their mandibles almost hungrily. But they weren’t looking at the sandwich. They were looking at the young girl.

“Alright, I guess. More for me.”

Rachel shrugged as she began munching on the sandwiches she prepared. As she did, she began to casually chat with the Centinels as Sally watched from behind with a curious look.

“You know, I just don’t understand it— why doesn’t Oriur believe in me? I mean, he should know what it’s like to be treated like some kind of mindless monster by others, right? So why is he treating Centinels the same way?”

The muffled shrieking of Centinels was all that could be heard in reply.

“Seriously, and Centina too? She says that you can’t be reasoned with! But she’s a Centinel herself! It makes no sense! I don’t get it…”

Rachel rambled on, complaining about her friends as she finished her sandwiches. Sally didn’t say a word the entire time. Even as the sun continued to set. Rachel remained chatty as could be even as hours passed. Until she wrinkled her brows, narrowing her eyes at a figure amongst the crowd of Centinels.

The Salvos clone cocked her head, wondering what was going on. But Rachel just rose to her feet and eyed one of the Centinels gnawing on the barrier.

“Oh, hey you’re here again.”

It looked like any ordinary Centinels. Except, it not. Rachel had seen it before— coming here every single day, although at different times. It didn’t stand out remarkably by any means. It was a [Older Centinel], which meant it was larger than many of the [Junior Centinels] surrounding it. However, it was not the only [Older Centinel] here.

And its carapace was practically the same shade as the others. Nor did it have any distinct features like an injury on its side that made it stand out.

There was just… a subtle difference between it and the other Centinels. And this subtle difference was very much obvious to Rachel who had seen it come time and time again. While the other Centinels were a different batch each time.

“Sorry, but you arrived late today.”

Rachel said simply as Sally perked up. The Salvos clone looked between the young girl and the Centinel she was talking to.

“I already finished all my sandwiches. So you can’t get any… not that you can get any in the first place through this barrier.”

Chuckling, Rachel shook her head and leant forward. A smile tugged at Rachel’s lips— hoping that her plan was working. That this wasn’t a coincidence.

“Honestly, it’s a little bit hard referring to you as just a ‘Centinel’ in my head since I’ve seen you a lot. So… do you want a name?”

It was a normal question. One that Rachel didn’t expect an answer to. But she hoped she’d get one. There was a moment where the Centinel paused. Its mandibles twitched, even as the other Centinels around it ruthlessly continued to attack the barrier.

And as Rachel waited— she was unfortunately disappointed by the lack of an answer.

But that was not because of the Centinel’s fault. Instead, a rumbling shook the earth as Rachel blinked. The clamoring Centinels began to flee back as the ground behind them broke open. Even the Centinel Rachel had been talking moved to escape.

And as Sally rose to her feet in alarm, Rachel watched a giant figure emerge from the ground. Even larger than the largest [Senior Centinel] that was nearby. All the Centinels scurried back as Rachel just stared at what it was, its massive maw dwarfing her in size as its gaze bore down into her.

“An [Ancient Centinel], huh?”

[Ancient Centinel - Lvl. ???]

Sally tensed— but Rachel just smiled and waved.

“Hi! I’m Rachel!”

Author's Notes:

Thanks for reading

Read next chapter here


Danijel Turina

I just thought that the very fact that the Centinels and Regnorex were stopped by the barrier at Mavos academy is very comforting, because it means they are quite incompetent. I mean, the Devil could make a portal into the place from outside the Mortal Realm, and Salvos could as well. The fact that those two lvl 200+ entities have to resort to brute force and can't cut through the planes is a very good thing. It means their competence is more-less limited to brute force, making them very weak to Salvos' strengths. For instance, take them to the void between the planes and they are fucked.

Danijel Turina

There is one more thing the humans apparently fail to understand about Salvos and her shapeshifting to human form. They think it's deception. It's not. It's a translation of her soul-nature to human form, in the same way in which [Universal Language Comprehension] translates her thoughts into human language. That's why other changelings always feel spooky and people get cold chills from them on a subconscious level, because their soul-nature translates into human form in such a way that all the subtle hints are translated as well. That's why Belzu felt nothing like Mori Gladius. Not only was Salvos the best shapeshifter in the world next to Samuel, to the point where she bled human blood and had to eat and sleep, her soul-nature was also translated into whichever mortal form she took, which is why Kobolds commented that her Kobold-form is stunningly beautiful, and her human form crushed every woman's self-confidence instantly, because not only was she inhumanly beautiful, she also radiated inner light, which in human instinctual genetic understanding of those things means that she's a supernatural being of divine kindness and goodness. It was not deception, it was the best possible translation of truth, into the form they can "read" best. Her true nature isn't horns and hooves, her true nature is "that something" that heals the souls of people who get in touch with her for any length of time. I think her eyes being the color of "lifefire, essence of soul" as Willy described it, is a good hint.


I agree with your point, but I think you use a few esoteric/romantisized arguments that have no root in the mechanical nature of real life biology and psychology. Following Occam's Razor, the following points don't translate to reality: - A soul doesn't exist outside of the term describing emerging behavior of neuronal activity. - Beauty is just an aggregated description of procreative potential. - inner light, kindness, etc don't exist with the same caveat as the soul


I'm not sure if this is such a massive advantage since they can resist the teleportation in a number of ways.