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Is that something you guys would want here? I was thinking about recording my streams and posting them here speed up. That way you can watch me work. I was also thinking about getting a mic and trying to do tutorials and stuff. That or just add commentary over some of my stuff. What do you guys think? Is that something you would like?

I do have one stream recorded now, and I am going to edit it and try to post it here. (If I can figure out how) But I might have to make it a higher tier reward... still not sure which one yet...



That would be cool, as sometimes the timezones/work/life aren't always favourable.


I'd appreciate seeing a timelapse of your streams! Also, if the tutorial was good, I'd be happy to jump up a tier to gain access.


Yeah, I figured it would be good for people on different time zones.


Hey, can I ask. If I did do a tutorial kind of thing, what would you like to see? Like, what kind of stuff would you want to know? lol