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So! Yeah... I feel really bad about how little content I’ve been posting, but I do have a reason for that! These past few months have been a little weird and scary for me. I will talk about that in a bit, but I also have a question for you guys at the end of this, so you can skip to that if you don’t want to read about what happened to me.

--What happened to me--

So basically, my health has taken a strange turn. For several months, I was experiencing constant urges to pee and it was disrupting my life. I felt like I had to go all the time, but little to nothing would come out. This also affected my sleep and I would wake up every 30-40 minutes feeling like I had to go. It was a torture for a long time until I finally went to the doctor to see what was happening. I did some tests and everything came back clean, but she told me my prostate was enlarged. This shocked me because I am still fairly young and shouldn’t be experiencing something like that. 

After talking with my doctor, she wanted to do surgery right away, but even if I could afford something like that, I didn’t want to do that. So, I looked over what my options were and found that I could reverse this by doing a lot of things, but change in my diet was the big one. I tried this out and after a month or so, I am already feeling much better! I’m still having issues but nowhere near where I was. I can actually sleep for 4-5 hours now! I still get up way too soon, but I’m improving, so I just have to keep at this. At least that is my hope because I really don’t want to do surgery. Now that I am feeling better though, I am able to keep working. Before it was hard to work since I could barely stay awake since I wasn’t sleeping, and the constant feeling of a full bladder was making things even harder. It was bad... I wouldn’t wish that on anyone. 


Now that you know what's been going on over the past few months, I wanted to ask you guys about the r63 Sombra sketch I did! I wanted to know if you guys wanted to see some other edits of her. Just some fun stuff, like maybe I could add a magic dildo edit or something! Just give me your ideas in the comments here or on discord, cause I feel like I should do more with her, I’m just not sure what to do exactly. 

Just let me know in the comments and I will see if I can do them!



Love fem!Sombra, more please. Especially if it involves maredom on Human.


Femsombra is best pony.