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New Character Design! Need help!

  • I like ear's on 1. 38
  • I like the extra horns on 2. 24
  • I like no horns or ears on 3. 2
  • I like small horns on 4. 1
  • I like ear's on 5. 52
  • I like them all. Any of them would work. 5
  • 2020-06-11
  • 122 votes
{'title': 'New Character Design! Need help!', 'choices': [{'text': "I like ear's on 1.", 'votes': 38}, {'text': 'I like the extra horns on 2.', 'votes': 24}, {'text': 'I like no horns or ears on 3.', 'votes': 2}, {'text': 'I like small horns on 4.', 'votes': 1}, {'text': "I like ear's on 5.", 'votes': 52}, {'text': 'I like them all. Any of them would work.', 'votes': 5}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2020, 6, 11, 23, 48, 54, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 122}


Hey all! 

So, I have been using the last week or so to come up with a new character I want to start lewding, but I am stuck on how I want her head to look. The character is a shy and energetic character. She is a kobold/dragon that come from a whole other planet and will live with a human that shows her what life on earth is like. Beacse shes not of this earth, I was trying to design her with features that I though would make her extra cute, that is why I wanted to give her ears at first. While I do like the ears, it just doesn't feel right to me... She is supposed to be a reptile creature, and reptiles don't really have ears, but she is also an alien, so she could have ears if I really wanted her to. 

This is where I am stuck. I really like the ears on #1 and #5, but the horns on #2 feel more right. I think I would be most happy with 1,2, or 5, but I want to know what you guys thing. I want you guys to tell me what you think! Please vote below!

Once I get more clear numbers from this poll, I will wrap up her design and post the lewds I have been working on for her. I will explain more about what I am making her for as well!



U ppl got bad taste in kobolds beauty standards - Nr.2 is an oblivious choice! >:P


You are right for sure. I def wanted something there. What do you mean sideburns of a fox though?


I think he mean the little tuffs of fur that are often draw on fox cheeks.🦊 In this context i dont know what exacly he mean as there are already 2 little horns on her lower jaw on every example. If we talk kobolds as per spiece of lizard-man i think any ears would be inappropriate and thats why like option 2 with horns instead. But if we talk of them as just universal term anyone can add anything they wish to them; even flopy donkey like ears. xP Even nr. 1 looks better to me than nr 5 but i guess we got democratic poll. :P


Haha, yeah... I mean I fine with most of these options and I think I could make 5 work. I just hope people won't be too turned off seeing a Kobold with ears like that. Guess we will see.


2 if it's a kobold. 5 is horrible.

Tache bleue

Blah, democracy!


So even if your character would not make sense , or turn ugly , you will make her that way because other decided that way? "There is too many dumb people in the world to make them choose" ... that's a Ricky Gervais quote.


I don't think shes ugly in any of the options I put up. But I was thinking that others would or wouldn't give her a chance if I went with something outside the norm. That's why I did the poll to see what people think. If I got a lot of people saying the ears wouldn't work, then I would have gone with the horns.