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Sup all. I just wanted to say thank you to everyone here that supports me, especially now. Things haven’t been going well for me these past few months and all of your support has been the only thing keeping me going. But I will go into that a little later. First, I want to talk about my future plans for the stuff you all care about the most, my art!

So, after I did the first comic page for An Old Rainbow Colored Flame, I found that I was able to get that page out a lot faster than I thought. I had to cut some corners and dumb down the style a little, but I think it works well for a comic. This is good news because I think I can keep updating you guys with new art as I work on the comic too. That way I can get the comic done while doing other things since I know a lot of you don't really like this particular comic. So to the ones that were worried the comic was going to be all I do for the next year, I say hold on because there will be other art stuff from me soon!

With that said, I have already started the next project I am working on which is a thank you commission for one of my bigger supporters and friends. Since they helped me a bunch I said I would do a quick thank you for them. I think a lot of you will like this one since it’s something I know a few of you have been asking for. I am excited to finish it.

The next project after that is going to be something a little new for me. It's going to take a lot of time to finish, but I was kind of forced into it, haha. I guess a few of you got together and all wanted to pitch in to do a big group commission, so I am going to give that a shot. Right now this commission is full, but if it goes well, I think I might make this a normal thing for those who wanted something from me and dont mind if your OC plays with another OC. Or they could be playing with the mane six! Who knows! The possibilities are endless! I have to see how it goes and see how you guys like that kind of thing though. Like I said this is new for me but could potentially be good for you and me if it works out.

Now, as for my personal life.

Things haven’t been great. The place I work at for my day job got sold out to a new owner, and the new guys is... well let’s just say we don't see eye to eye. I worked at this place for 8+ years and the things he’s changed has caused a lot of chaos and my job is at risk. I honestly don't think I will be able to stay there much longer. I can see myself getting fired soon if things don't improve, but I don't think they will. My new boss really doesn’t like me. That said, I can’t lose this job. I can’t pay my bills on patreon alone right now so I have been freaking out about this whole thing. I really don't know what to do, or what I can do at the moment. I think if things got really bad, I could just open up for commissions more (which I know a lot of you have been wanting) and try to use that to pay the rest of my bills each month. So if anything, this whole losing my job thing might be better for you guys since I will finally have enough time to take on commissions. So in the end... I don't know, it might not be too bad, but it’s just scary for me. And Patreon isn’t something I like to rely on completely. I could lose this whole account if patreon one day decided they didn’t like me. It’s just been a really bad start to the new year for me... But I'm not going anywhere! Art will still come out, but I just wanted to give you guys an update.

Sorry about my whining, but I figure you guys should know what is going on.

Anyways... Thank you all so much for the support! It really means the world to me that I have all of you here and on my discord server supporting me. I promise to keep making art things for you all until my hands fall off!



we all love you and would happly help out if things got bad im sure just hope they dont for you


Me too. It's just a scary time. I just wish I had some job security again. ;_;


I'm sorry to hear that things have been so crazy for you Puss. I haven't been as active on the Discord lately (my job spools up a lot this time of year before dropping off) but you have my support and I'm gonna up it a bit. I'm just one person but we all know every bit counts. I hope others do the same and support you no matter what personal craziness comes. Your art is amazing, you're an awesome person, and you deserve the love and support you get from your fans. Take care and keep foalin' around. :+1:


That you man! It means a lot to me that you would say that! I'm glad you still like my stuff and want to support me. But you don't have to up your pledge if you can't! I'll still be here and I'm going to make it a goal to try and post more new content from me. I think doing that would help bring people on board... at least I hope....


Don't worry about me. I wouldn't up it if it would put me in danger. My math is basically you need help + I can help = I'm helping. XD I am very sure that you're going to bring more people on the more content you post. It is REALLY good stuff after all. Yum!