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Hey all! Been a little while. Don't worry though, I am still working on art stuff. Two things in fact, and one that you will see the sketch off soon, but I was thinking about my art style today and some things keep popping up into my mind. Like those lips I do... You know... the bottom lip thing I always add to ponies? Well, I was thinking about that and I don't really know why I do it, but it always causes me problems. Like moving the head around or doing different facial expressions and stuff. Sometimes that lip can be hard to get to look right when I have to do new stuff like that. I don't really like the lip but I don't really hate it either. I mean its unique to me and my style, but I’ve been thinking that maybe I should get rid of it. I think it would free me up so my heads don't seem so stuff all the time... It's hard to explain but when you have something like that that is hard to understand and draw, it can cause you to fall back into old habits and fall back onto what you know works, so everything start to look the samey. I’ve just been wanting to improve myself lately since I've been thinking my art has been degrading somewhat, and I want to get better.

Before I do anything though, I want to see how you guys feel about it. So let me know what you think I should do. Lip or no lip? You can take a vote and leave some comments here if you want to get more into detail about it. I like hearing for you guys, so please tell me your thoughts! <3



Personally, I prefer the lips, but I'm not gonna call it a loss if you decide to do away with them.


I actually like them without But that's just my thought still will love your art no matter what


I like the lip, but if you want to leave it out I don't mind.


hummmm i like the lips on pony's it gives them a cute look


I actually like the lip. It gives off a bit more to the character detail and it's one of the few things I've enjoyed about your art style.


Your style is cute but if you don't want to do the lips, that won't end my likes. ;)

Jack Smith

the lips can look a bit uncanny valley at times, but they also make sense sometimes. i dont think theres a definitive answer to be found here, but maybe just decide on a per character basis if lips suit them or not, for example older or chubbier mares could probably be a bit lippier just to emphasize their facial structure.

Dorian Inman

I like the lip. But if it gives you a hard time with angles, maybe use it for certain poses that having the lip would enhance the piece. Especially pouting. Or lipstick. Lightning Dust in a dress and makeup is still one of my top favourites because of that.


I'm not sure if i see any difference....


Yeah, that's not a bad idea. Just use it more strategically. I think that might work. And I'm glad you liked Lightning with the lip stick, hehe. I got a lot of shit for that one when I did it. Also, thanks for pledging! I hope you like my future stuff!


That's a good point, and yeah that's kind of my issues. When I want to do new head positions or angles, the lips can be awkward and hard to get right... so yeah. It's a hard call, lol.


Yay! That makes me happy to hear. I worry people would not like my stuff if I changed it too much. ^^;


I like them as well when I can get them right. It's just that sometimes... it's hard to get them right...


Thank you! And yeah I've heard a lot of people say they just don't care for them at all. But others like it, sooo... idk, it's a hard call. Lol


I might do some test sketches to see how I feel about it. I think I could also save the lip if I change a few things about the heads I do... we will see. I have to play with it.


I think so too! It's just hard sometime to get them to look right all the time.


And they look like they would feel great wrapped around your... finger. ;D

Dorian Inman

I remember. Everyone was complaining about it, especially in Lightning's Bet (yes, I'm also one of your literature fans). Fie on them I say! Glad I could! Actually, kinda mad at myself for not pledging sooner. But, I'll make up for it!


Haha, we'll thank you! And I got some good news for my writing fans. I've been working in the next chapter to Lightnings Bet. :3

Dorian Inman

I'm positively giddy with excitement! I've been rereading your shorter ones, but I'm fixing to reread Lyra's Confession and Bon Bon's Acceptance.

Stewart Simpson

I'm having a tough time imagining your previous works without the lip. The lip is good. That said, if you want to go lipless for awhile, try it and see how it goes. If it's terrible, we can all pretend it didn't happen, and if it's great, then it's great.


Hahaha, that's a good idea. I like that. Okay I think we shall do a trial run then.


Oh man... well Lyra's Confession was my first story ever... so... don't expect much hehe. Von Bons Acceptance was better imo, but I was still new to story telling at the time. ^^; I hope you like them though!


i uh... never noticed the lips till now. lol. but yeah, i personally think they can go away but they add to your style and make it unique, but in the end i don't mind either way.

Dorian Inman

Oh, I know. This will be the third reading of them for me. ;) That’s how much I enjoy them.


You never noticed!? Hehehe, that's funny. Well I guess that's good that they don't stand out then.


I vote for keepin' the lip otherwise... How can you draw my OC, balls deep in Rarity. Rarity, with her head back, eyes closed in bliss with a subtle lip bite. While Octavia Melody is underneath, 69'd to Rarity, suckling one of the aforementioned balls. A heated Saffron Masala is perched on Rarity's back facing my OC and kissing him with a fevered passion. Additionally, Rarity is wearing that cute pink camping outfit, complete with pony-tailed mane, bandanna and rose tinted glasses. Rarity's hoof is resting gently on Octavia's mound of Venus, not actually touching her most holiest of holeys but leaving it to the imagination of the observer if she has already got Octavia off or is about to.The whole image from a side on perspective, but not 90 degrees to her barrel... more like about the 7 o'clock position.If Rarity's head is the top of the hour... without a lip for Rarity to subtly bite?


God dammit Phuck! XD