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Wow... You guys are awesome! I never really thought I would make it to my 800 goal, but... wow!

I know this might not be a permanent thing because you guys have lives and might not be able to support me for much longer, but I thank all of your for helping me so I can make more things for you! I know for this goal I said I was going to try and ask for more days off at my day job, and I am going to try and do that if I can budget for it, but the things is... I just got some bad news this month... My roomate I was living with told me a week ago that he won't be able to pay me his half of the rent anymore... sooooo... yeah... My bills have increased a lot for a while. Or until I can find a cheaper place to stay or new roommate. Things aren’t all bad though! Thanks to you guys I will be just fine and I can still pay bills and keep working! It just means I might have to stick to my day job a little more then I would like, even though we reached the 800 goal. But I know you guys don't want to hear my sob stories, you want to hear updates!

I still plan to finish the Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon comic thing I did! It’s just that... that project might have to stay on the back burner for a while since it turned out to be a much bigger project than I thought it would be... And it was keeping me from giving you guys updates, and I don't want that... I want to keep giving you guys new stuff to enjoy. So I will be picking away at that one, but I will also be doing other things. Right now I am working on a short Rainbow Comic like thing that shouldn’t take me as long lol. It's about 9 pages right now, and the lines are almost done. I also plan to do an anthro Lyra and Bon Bon piece for halloween since most of you guys seem like you didn’t really mind anthro stuff. Also, I just saw the new pony movie and it was a lot of fun! It had a lot of characters in it that I want to make lewds of, so I might take a few days here and there to do some stuff with them, even if they are only sketches.

Those hippogriffs mans... mmph... and that pirate girl?

Don't even get me started on Tempest!

I want to do lewds of them all!

So yeah... I got lots planned! I hope you all continue to stick around and support me! I will do my best to keep the content flowing!

You’re all the best!



glad i could help... here is an extra bump for rent


Oh wow! Thank you man, but you didn't have to do that! I hope all is well for you!