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Alright you guys! For this piece, it’s just purely for practice. I’m still trying to get set up for the comic I want to start. The reason I am doing this is because I want to come up with a style that won't take me forever to color. I think I will keep the level of detail in the line art and stuff, but I the colors are what take me the most time. So it might end up kind of simple, but you will have to tell me how you like it!

Soooooooo... Yeah, I don’t know if you guys remember, but that whole poll I had about who Mayor Mare’s lover would be... Well... The Diamond Dog won... By a lot! You guys really want to see her take a dog knot, don't you guys...

I know some of you voiced your disapproval of the Diamond Dog, but I hope I can still sell you on the idea and you can enjoy it! But worry not. I will do other things between comic pages when I can.

If you guys want to see the sketches I did to get to this final one, you can check it out in the attachment to this post!



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