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Hey all… Long time, I know. I’m sorry about the lack of updates, but it's not like I haven’t been working. I’ve been doing double-time work for StudioWhy and have a lot of art that I can’t show you right now since it's for them. I also had to move and do a lot of other RL Stuff that made it hard to work on Patreon stuff. Well no more! I want to give you guys something good and I have a fun thing in the works right now that I think you will all like. I’ve been playing around with this new character I might name Opal. She will be this athletic tomboy type of character who is friends with another male character who has a crush on her but doesn’t know it. And she's an Opossum if you couldn't tell. I figured it could be a fun dynamic with these too for some quick lewd's that have a little back story behind it. I plan to have something nice and pretty with her soon, so I hope you can continue to be patient while I work it out!

Again, I apologize for not having something bigger for you guys, but I will make up for that soon!




I love the second image with the ponytail