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Just posting the poses I did in that character sheet I made. I colored the poses and stuff and though you guys might like some of them. Also, you can give me some feed back on the colors and stuff since this is how she is going to look in the coming comic.




Top unf right here. Keep up the good work Puss!


Y-yay sorry ^^; I forgot to add the download, but its updated now!


"Good evening and welcome to ponyville news. A new scandal rocked the already beleaguered campaign of the incumbent mayor, Mayor Mare. Leaked pictures show the mayor in several compromising positions during her diplomatic summit in the bedroom of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna. This comes as yet another blow to a campaign riddled with allegations of Russian involvement in the election, her on tape interview where she bragged about grabbing several stallions by the rooster, and, of course, the spectacular failure of her campaign promise to build a wall to keep out the "freeloading Cloudsdale murderers, drug dealers, thieves, and rapists that steal ponyville jobs." The Mayor is expected to win in a landslide as she is the only available Pony with a variation of the name Mayor. We now go to Ollie Williams with the latest weather. Ollie?" "IT'S GON RAIN!"


Pfft! Hahaha! I needed that laugh. XD that was pretty good. That's actually not a bad idea. I wish I though of the leaked photo thing so I could have made it a cute theme!


Have at it, if you'd like.


Hmmpf... still reckon her exercise top should have been yellow.