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More fanart again! This time we have Sho, Robin... and Robin. ^-^ This is more lovely work courtesy of patron genericname12345.

As for TLS: Stineford's reworking will have to wait, there's progress to be made! I have finally gotten in gear and, as usual, discovered that I have finished more pieces than I thought. I am doing significant work on two more harem quests. These two are heavy on character interactions, one in the harem and another with NPCs.

There's no question the quests will be finished in October, the only unknown is how long it will take and whether I'll try to package them along with another quest. We've entered the last quarter of the year, so I have to consider holidays and figure out how many more updates I can squeeze in.

(Follow-up on the publishing thing mentioned last time: still in limbo. -_- My package of sales data, reviews, and other info was apparently impressive enough to get through the first few hoops. Very appreciative of everyone who has supported me. But can I actually close the deal? That will depend on more subjective factors.)




Always nice to see fanart! I think that's a good interpretation of Sho with another year or two under her belt. I do hope the publisher thing goes well! I've recently started reading your books, and I am not surprised to find I like them. It's the way you play on tropes and expectations, using old concepts to tell a fresh story. I want to see you get more exposure and recognition, in hopes that we start to see a few more tales like yours in the world.


Nice fanart! Now I want to see a Robin + Sho scene, although for the life of me I can't see how or why that would actually happen in the game. Good luck with the publishing deal!


Thank you very much for trying my other work! I love experimenting with different ideas and working in different fields has been a joy, in addition to making my career more stable. Whether or not this specific deal works out, you can count on me to keep creating. ^-^


Oh my goodness, that fanart is absolutely adorable. I kind of makes me want to see something canon with Sho. I have likewise just started reading your books, which are really good. I agree with everything Arramos said, you deserve immense exposure and recognition. So many of your projects have changed the way that I think about story and character, and they always make me feel both relaxed and engaged at the same time. Best of luck with the publishing deal!