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I'm not sure whether or not the next update will be released on March 3rd. I hope that it will, I'm just not in a position to commit to that date. I am ahead of schedule, but I anticipate the coming week will be busier than usual.

This update will cover a longer period of time spent in Yhilin, though my intent is that it won't take much longer to play. The party can't be doing exciting stuff all the time, after all, so I like writing periods where they get a chance to catch their breath and do less urgent tasks.

Accordingly, one of my goals for this break is for every single character to get something. A conversation, in a few cases a quest, but at the very least everyone is occupied with something more than standing in their main location and commenting on current events. Should be a fun update, but this format means it's one of those where you guys will quickly blow through what took me a lot of work.

Having said that, I hope this will be a particularly satisfying update. There are several things that have been unresolved in the plot for a long time that will finally get some closure. Hope everyone enjoys the payoff. ^-^



Yay, closure! Luckily, I'll still have the Uyae slow burn to salivate over after some of the current ones finally join the harem. Janine, Robin, Sarai, I'm eyeing all three of you. I think you do it on purpose ;).

EG Douglas

"you guys will quickly blow through " - Pun not intended? : p


Sounds great. Also is it ok to post typos from previous updates in these posts that deal with current news if we find them?


Oh, it's entirely intentional. I love slow burns, I think the payoff can be so much higher in the end. And now it is time for a little payoff. ^-^


Yes, that's fine. While sometimes it's more logical to continue a conversation in an older post, for the most part I think it makes sense to migrate discussion to the newest post. That way people know where to click for responses. (I should see them via email notification regardless, though.)


I am wondering if there going to be anything going on with Orcent, that philosophical orc grown on me in this journey and I want to help the guy out, so just wondering if there is going to be anything going on with the guy?


I thought you had to be messing with our heads, but I can't resist a straight line or a properly baited joke. :D


hello ! First, Congrats for this game, It's fucking awesome !! But I have a question.. Did we will have the Empress in our Harem >:3 (Maybe later in the game ) ? Muhahaha


Ore that Balia finaly dit somthing realy stupied


Thanks, glad you like it! As for your question... Empress Esthera has relationship points for a reason. ^-^