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I don't normally make new threads for .1 releases, but in this case I have enough notes and other comments that I will. At least skim through the later notes in case you have opinions.

Link: https://mega.nz/file/ikEDUKbT#Crp9j0PzhT9VbYhNo3IeGSkrb8p4oDTkimssb8bWFO0 

TLS 0.66.1

- Added new title card assets.

- Carina's special equipment event will now disappear if you got the previous version of it.

- All issues related to the gallery/filter are hopefully resolved, but please test.

- Bugfixing and polishing.

Just keep forgetting visual elements! Thanks to Lamsey for noticing that the Steam banner hadn't been updated, for example. Previously I hadn't even put in the new title cards, despite all the work spent on those iterations. Hopefully everyone likes the new ones, with their progression of metals. And hopefully I didn't screw up converting them or something.

Another big element is that the gallery filter is hopefully fixed? Many of the problems were caused by a typo in one scene name, but Arachne has also made a number of improvements. I'd love if the people who had problems before could check again and confirm all is well now.

Probably going to do a normal public release on Friday? We've had lagging bugs the past several builds and at a certain point I might need to embrace it and just keep chugging forward for everything except serious crashes.



New title cards look good, only one I couldn't quickly check was Chapter 3. Gallery seems to be working for me now. I assume Zelicia will get a sprite eventually. Like the new dialogue between Yarra and the thief. Carina didn't disappear for me, and I could still get 2 copies of the Saint's Armor. Not sure how important it is, but the 'about' in Patreon could probably be updated. OEA isn't listed there, and TLS says it gives at least 25 hours of gameplay, which I guess is true but is probably underselling it at this point.


Fix actually worked? Guess when you shoot randomly in the dark, sometimes you do hit your target. > I assume Zelicia will get a sprite eventually. For Harem, NPC and Zelicia, I honestly wasn't really sure which sprites to show. Sierra's call, this can easily be changed. Also, for the nitpick of doom no one has commented on yet: Dari's sprite in the selector is currently hard set to her zombie form instead of taking into account that player's choice. Should probably had a conditional for that.


I haven't noted any changes with Carina, either. I'm still able to get a a second copy of Saint's Armor. Unrelated, I'm glad that Qum has finally left the Premium Steel. Her presence there was just a bit too long for my tastes, lol.


Appreciate you checking the cards! Gallery sprites: There actually is no sprite for Zelica in existence. We could crop the tree into a new sprite, I suppose. The NPC sprite is fine (could also have been a pink succubus) and I have no idea what an appropriate sprite for the whole harem would be. Dari: If you just need a switch, 2369 is checked for whether she uses her new face in dialogue. Carina: Whoops, I think this is just missing the box to check the party's equipment. Unlike Yarra's whip, which remains an unknown bug, in this case the game wasn't set to check. Patreon page: Ugh, I should update it. Part of the reason I haven't added OEA is that I don't remember what image host I used, because most cause problems or ban Patreon's domain.


I could potentially come up with something for Zelica - not sure if I'll have time tonight, though, since I'll proritise testing the .1 release. Maybe the harem sprite should just be a picture of Simon?


A Zelica sprite would be nice, but no rush. Using Simon for the harem spot is a good idea, let's do that.


Simon's sprite is already used for... Simon. Though there are so many scenes in that one category maybe there's an argument in favor of replacing it with a "Simonless" category. Anyway, Dari's sprite fixed, as well as an even finickier issue (the cursor position after removing a filter).


I think players are not very likely to search for Simon scenes, as it wouldn't filter out much. If you did make a "Simonless" category you could use a silhouette of Simon for it.


I just finished a pass through 0.64.1 - the polishing changes look good, and I didn't find any issues other than those already reported. There is an error in the release notes for 0.64.0, though: it should say "Lilith's Abed" rather than "Lilith's Abode". I say this only out of dedication to the highest quality of release notes, and not because I'm butthurt that I just spent half an hour replaying the wrong quest...


Zelica sprites: Original size - too big for the gallery, but providing in case it's useful: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2sdp3lui3mvl6o4/%21%24Zelica_64x64.png?dl=0 Standard 32x32 size - bit of a hack, just putting her head on a recoloured standard nude body, but hopefully good enough for now at least: https://www.dropbox.com/s/83f4wbpepmad82w/%24Zelica_32x32.png?dl=0


Appreciate you taking the time! I have gone back and fixed the critical release notes error.


The 32x32 please. The 64x64 does look nicer, but it's also so big it hides the name of the character above Zelica. > you could use a silhouette of Simon for it Couldn't find that one sprite in the files, so it's still Ginasta's shadow as of now. Otherwise, changes done: https://imgur.com/a/X0J5aO5


I've added $Zelica and a file named "Simon char silhouette" to the Characters folder. It's not a silhouette for now, but that should be fine.


I tried the new version, the gallery is now working with no bugs as far as I'm concerned