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Usually I'm down to the wire changing things, but this release my schedule has been all over the place. The upside of the normal rush is that I'm mentally very close to the sections being released, whereas this time I feel a bit distant from them. But gone are the times when I could spend a whole day testing the content again, so I'll just have to trust that previously I basically did my job properly.

Link: https://mega.nz/file/j4E2yJTB#aiFnrrAZY6IN8SvFAUOPRJSNz-_gUljvtHpJjdsMcJc 

RTP: https://mega.nz/file/v8tG1JoD#E74eSU_WeK-dPDLXZ6OBjqok9aKiOBo-_yHvum0T-3s 

TLS 0.66.0

- New title screen and new branding across platforms!

- New harem quest beginning by Yarra in Headquarters B1.

- New harem quest beginning in Tak'Kan regional map.

- Additional flavor text and SFX added to Lilith's Abode.

- Seven new pieces of ultimate/custom equipment.

- Three new sex scenes (all found via the above harem quests).

- Five new illustrated scenes: Aka Riding, Balia's First Time, Forest Orgy, Lynine + Orilise, and Restoring Unsuccubi

- New quality of life feature thanks to Arachne: the gallery can now be filtered by any harem member!

Alright, what to note about this one? Yarra has a big dungeon that I hope will be some fun, but it's nerfed enough that people will probably blow through it. -_- Then a second harem quest that is really more about equipment. Some things people have been waiting for there, so I hope people have fun with that.

As mentioned, this is a smaller update that also wraps up all the rebranding and promo stuff, hopefully for good. I'm keeping forward working on the next section, so I really hope that this one doesn't become work-intensive and derail me. I'm going to try to do a couple things differently and see if they improve my productivity.

But all of that is aside from the point for you guys, I suppose. Hope you enjoy!



When I talk to Carina in the new equipment area it leads to getting a 2nd copy of her Saint's Armor?


I'm confused. Is Riala supposed to just throw her new equipment at the enemy? And you can't tell me Yarra's not gonna recommend that stick become a dildo when we get around to the Mother.


Played this update irresponsibly late into the night, over here in Europe, but a fun 1,5 hours. Thoughts: -The high-pitched thief twist was absolutely hilarious and got an audible laugh out of me. The character model itself is enough to kill me. Love it. -The main part of Yarra's quest was very fun, especially seeing everyone in action and the dialogue+ scene at the end were both great. -I misunderstood the dialogue and prep for Yarra's mission that Dari gave, and it lead to a rather obnoxious fight in the first section. Dari's dialogue made me think that I should plan my parties according to her descriptions. Which worked for the most part. But I sent 2 purely physical characters into the first area, Aka and Hilstara, which turned to a looooong slugfest with the blue, phys-resistant enemy at the end. I would recommend attuning the dialogue to spell it out for idiots like me understand better, or juuuust barely attune the blue enemy thingy's physical resistance from "insanely high" to "very high" so that some party combinations don't get shut down, because the players sent the arcane and lust mages into their own described areas, leaving the physical fighters without options. -Other than that, the dungeon was more than doable. A bit on the easier side for my characters, but my party is pretty much minmaxed to absurdity and this dungeon should obviously not be ruined for players with less optimization, or who haven't recruited Lilith or levelled post-war at this point. So probably fine, overall. The bat enemy could possibly hit a bit harder, since they didn't pose a threat to any of my teams. The Wendis quest was somber but also wholesome. Some nice exchanges in there. My most favorite written one was actually not one of Wendis', but Esthera and Yarra's scene. Seeing Esthera slowly finding more reasons to live and finding joy and excitement in life is really nice. -Some very cool equipment in there, with some equally cool magical theory behind them. I love how building by team's equipment post-Incubus War really feels like gearing up to fight reality itself. I feel less underprepared for Xerces and Hester with each new overpowered piece of gear. Sad to choose between Yarra, Qum and Riala's items, because I supported the NUP in Zirantia and therefore am lacking a LS from the Inc. War, but this game is all about tradeoffs. I skipped Riala's book, which statistically only seems a bit stronger than a Sublime Staff, depsite taking double the ressources to make. I built every other item, so I currently have 0 CD's, 0LS's and 2 AF's. Overall a fun little update, but one that more than anything made me more hungry for the eventual Ardford Crisis sequel! Bugs i found: -Talking to Carina and building her item, gives you a second copy of the armor she already got in her own quest. -Viewing the forest orgy with Simon's memory skill crashes the game -When viewed through Simon's memories, the Lynine+Orilise scene doesn't cut to Simon's secret talk with the elf he didn't initially choose (Lynine in my case), like the scene did when it was text only. I don't know if this is easy to fix, but the layout of the scene is a bit weird right now


Carina's event has been moved to the new map, but the game doesn't really check if you already went through the previous version. Everything will be fine if you ignore her (and use the fixer event to get a resource). If this is a problem for enough people, I can make the intro event turn off the new Carina manually.


I'm unclear on if you're reporting a bug regarding Riala's custom equipment.


Is it a bug that I think Qum's new equipment "Little Simon" should have a permanent illusion where it looks like a Robin doll to the uninitiated as a joke? It'd be a great callback!


Thanks for all your feedback! Yarra's dungeon is meant to be one of the last, so perhaps it should be harder, but right now I haven't made any changes. Forest Orgy bug looks like a simple typo, fixed. Regarding Lynine + Orilise, I don't think I changed all that much and I'm not clear what you mean. Going to have to punt on that for now.


Don't think it'll be a problem other than for my OCPD from either having 2 copies of something I can only use one of or having her hanging around a map she should've left :p


I came here to report this. It's a problem for people with up to date saves using a key item they might not want to use for a second copy of something. People who notice will just reload but someone might not realize it or bother to immediately reload and it might cause them problems later on. Adding a section to Carina's event to turn the event off if you have the armor already is probably ideal.


There's something wrong for me with the Sapphire Thief event in Basanai. It doesn't appear despite the Yarra's Quest Switch being on and the quest progress being better than 4. I don't exactly know what it can possibly BE though. My debugging is not helping here. Question on the timeline of the Nostalgic House. Presumably it was bought AFTER the marriage of Simon and Wendis in 1117 AE. But its position in Tak'kan near Vinario and the Northern Elven Kingdom implies that the human polities in the area were functional after 1117 AE. If feels like 5 years into the war the IK should already have overrun what is now Tak'kan. So have I got the timeline wrong here? Maybe it would make more sense to locate the Nostalgic House in New Givini.


Alright, it's done. Carina's event eliminates itself with a notice if you already have her armor.


I can't think of a way it could happen either. If you've checked your switch/variable in the game, the only other thing to check would be whether your self-switch A has been erroneously flipped. Timeline: It might not fit the timeline, but I'm going to be honest with you, I don't feel like thinking about this right now.


I thought the self switch might be a culprit, but I dunno how it could happen or how to fix it. Secret: I don't feel like thinking about it either. Personal Update. My weight loss program is going well, down 71 lbs since September. No longer have small children mistaking me for a certain Harkonnen baron in the street.


What I meant regarding Lynine and Orilise, is that during their first shared scene, where the one who was initially rejected helps Simon trick the other, there is a flashback in the middle of the scene to when Simon was talking to one of them during The First Root mission, and warns them of the others plan. But when you see this scene through Simon's memory skill, all of that dialogue happens without cutting away to The First Root scene, and makes the scene rather confusing. You can try playing the scene through Simon's skill and see what I mean


Hello, thank a lot for the update I encounter a bug when I try to use, "reflect", the game crash. Also, when the whip is improved, if the previous version was equiped (I didn't try with the previous one unequiped) we end up with both the reborn whip and the worn whip. Also, Carina is in the nostalgic house even if her armor have already been made. Yarra say vhala have an "unsuccubus nature", instead of an "unwomen nature", not sur if it's intentionnal but it's a little weird


I'm not Lamsey, but I think that I had found a typo. In Qum's conversation during Wendis' quest, "[...] succubi want a literal doll shoved up their cootch." It should be *crotch* I think. https://imgur.com/a/PRnQy5M


It's intended that you kept the Worn Whip when you create the Reborn Whip? I have both in my inventory.


Ah, this would be a problem both times (there are alternates due to the Reflect version being different). I should just need to erase the art during that part, then bring it back. Fixed, thanks!


Pretty much the only way it could happen would be editing events on that map previously (the self-switch is attached to event ID, not the new event I made). If you think that's unlikely, you could just not worry about it unless others report the same thing. Congrats on your progress!


You mean the game crashes any time you use Reflect at all? If you mean during the Forest Orgy scene, that one should be fixed on my end. You're the second person to report the Worn Whip issue, but I'm unsure on the fix, because I already have the event try to remove it from your equipment. May be an RPG Maker bug here, can't properly recall. Where does the Yarra/Vhala quote occur?


You're the second person to report the Worn Whip issue, but I'm unsure on the fix, because I already have the event try to remove it from your equipment. May be an RPG Maker bug here, can't properly recall.


I think I got the same bug in the sapphire thief quest, I can't find anything in Tatseni after the Rodak encounter. I haven't been messing with event scripting or switches, unless my memory is playing tricks on me. The save lineage is very pretty old, however.


Well, I really don't like getting multiple reports of this, because I don't have a plausible theory about how that bug could happen. To be clear, the event is on the tree in the upper right. If anyone has both this issue and VX Ace, you could test if the switch was previously flipped by adding a new sprite to the third page of the event.


I don't have the dev suite, but fwiw I didn't get the trigger even when I replayed from the moment the harem rescues Simon from the Incubus Prison. So it's probably something baked into the Tatseni map even before that.

Edward Culham

by the way, seems to be a problem with mine alone, but my reflect skill causes the game to crash every time. But otherwise a good update.


The way this could occur would be if there was previously another event with ID 24 that had it flipped. I've been aware of this possibility for quite some time, so I generally retire old events, not delete them. All of this is purely hypothetical, though, as we have no evidence that's the case. It's simply the only reason I can think of that the event wouldn't be working.


You mean the game crashes as soon as you select Reflect, or something else? If it's the Forest Orgy scene, that's a bug fixed on my end, but if the entire skill is broken that's important to know.


This is just a shot in the dark, but can it be related to a bug in Rodak instead of Tatseni?


I presumed that it wasn't that because DukeLeto7 said that he had Yarra Progress > 4, which would imply the event in Rodak went properly. Alright, this isn't fixed and there aren't so many other bug reports anymore. Can you upload some saves for me? Both in your stuck state and before beginning Yarra's quest, please.


OK, I think I've verified that it is the event's self switch. Plopped a Balia sprite on the cleared event and then loaded the save with the modded game and there Balia was.


Good to confirm this wasn't a false rabbit trail! I don't know what past event might have left this legacy self switch A, but if it happened to two people, it will probably happen to more. If you copy/paste the entire event, does the new version play as intended? If so, I can do the same and that will probably avoid the bug for everyone.

Edward Culham

The entire skill, wont even open up the menu. It is only effecting the game after the war, and haven't progressed far enough in my other games to see if it continues with them as well.


Thank you for answering. That's definitely not good, as I haven't seen any problems on my end. My first guess is that it might be the new filtering modification, solely because it's the only major change to the Reflect system. Not sure how to proceed, but would it be possible for you to upload your save so I can take a look at it?

Edward Culham

Don't think it is the filter function, as it works on the game prior to the war section. Do you have an email or something I can send to? I cannot see a way to upload from here.


If it works in the game up to a certain point, then just stops... that is pretty weird. I don't need your save anymore because this is beyond my pay grade, so I'm going to hope that some of the people who have worked on the Reflect system see this report and get something out of it. =/ One thing that might help is to be specific about exactly when Reflect stops working, if you can pin down certain points. If I read you correctly, you haven't seen it stop working in one save, you're just noting that it works in earlier saves but not later ones?

Edward Culham

They are different saves, but it is only in one save that I can say for sure that it is not working in. My other game that has finished the IKW is just after the war, where it is meant to not be working.


No piece of code resists contact with actual users. Cannot reproduce on my end on a fresh out of the Incubus War save. It just would have been too easy. Could you send me the content of the error_log.txt by PM?


@Mycroft: Could you send the content of the error_log.txt you get when the game crashes by PM?


That took less time than I was expecting to procrastinate it for. Cutting and pasting the event over into a nearby building and copying and pasting event 25 did the trick. I replaced the switches for event 24 with ALWAYS OFF for debugging purposes. Not sure how you will want to proceed.


Just going to move the old event and blank it out, then copy in a new one. Should hopefully work for everyone. That said, don't expect a version .1 imminently. Apologies to werewindle that the update is inaccessible.


Hi Sierra, the error occurs immediately upon using the Reflect skill for me. The error log points to "Rachnera gallery filter line 211". Rachnera Gallery Filter:211:in `[]': can't convert Array into Integer, TypeError from Rachnera Gallery Filter:211:in `draw_item' from Window_Selectable:409:in `block in draw_all_items' from Window_Selectable:409:in `times' from Window_Selectable:409:in `draw_all_items' from Lone Wolf: Scene Replay:667:in `refresh' from Decanter: Return to Replay Menu:20:in `create_select_window' from Rachnera Gallery Filter:98:in `start' from Scene_Base:12:in `main' from SceneManager:23:in `run' from Main:8:in `block in '


Apropos of nothing I mentioned what we were doing in a phone call to my mother, who suggested I use you as a reference in my current job search. Then I had to explain why neither of us wanted TLS on our official business resumes.


Did find at least one of the reasons the Reflect skill is crashing: One scene is named "Yarra x Esthera" in the common events and "Yarra + Esthera" in the gallery configuration.


Also there's the micro change to bring to the script if you wish for hitting the Cancel button to only remove the filter if there is one instead of closing everything without forewarning (this was driving me mad as I was testing): https://github.com/Rachnera/tls-gallery-filter/commit/92f0764fa7d726159ce64d8e4cef675f6dc3fec0


Very minor note: you can only interact with Wendis in Tak'Kan Regional Map if you approach her from above. Nothing happens if you try to from the right side.


Is that likely to be the only change to the script? My preference would be to get the completely changed script at the end, if anything else might be tweaked.


Known problem I forgot about, sorry. =/ The issue is that map Simon is always "looking down" and so you can't interact with her from the side. Not sure how to fix, aside from making it possible to walk on top of her.


Definitely wait at least for bug reports to have calmed down indeed.


Does Wendis need to be in that exact particular location? Otherwise, she could just be sitting atop one of the southern mountains, with the relief forcing the player to only talk to her from above.


I guess technically she wouldn't need to be, but it would seem odd for her to be standing in the mountains, staring at more mountains. She was meant to be looking into the little niche where the house goes.

Edward Culham

Rachnera Gallery Filter:211:in `[]': can't convert Array into Integer, TypeError from Rachnera Gallery Filter:211:in `draw_item' from Window_Selectable:409:in `block in draw_all_items' from Window_Selectable:409:in `times' from Window_Selectable:409:in `draw_all_items' from Lone Wolf: Scene Replay:667:in `refresh' from Decanter: Return to Replay Menu:20:in `create_select_window' from Rachnera Gallery Filter:98:in `start' from Scene_Base:12:in `main' from SceneManager:23:in `run' from Main:8:in `block in ' Assuming this is it, as is the error text file.


My error is the same as the one Hotenhornay has. And the paragraph is, indeed, the one pointed by Iostone2. Also, the error only occur in a save that I made after the new quest for Wendis, with the two new scene. I tried a previous save, and "reflect" work in it.


Could also just change the terrain to have a mountain tile to her right.


Finished the update. Man do I ever love the Wendis content. Such a small thing in the grand scheme of things, but I think it's up there for my favourite moments throughout the game. And then surprise lots of toys to play with! I also particularly enjoyed the explanation for why you still had to go back to Ivala's Pillar to use the Shining Swords lol. I loved the thief reveal. All of the speculation around them CRUSHED in the most hilarious way. The actual dungeon though, I'm not sure how I felt about it. I love party splits and the in game lore explanation of the place was cool. The harem coming together to triumph was great. I didn't find the actual fights themselves particularly enjoyable to play through. It is probably too easy. I'm not sure the difficulty matches how awesome the harem coming together is. On the other hand, I think that figuring out how to split your party and then playing through a bunch of sections to get stuck later might be frustrating for people who attempt this too early or without awesome equipment. I feel a bit bad though because I can't think of any suggestions on that front. It's possible that I'm just coming off of one of the coolest dungeons in the entire game with Lilith's Abode, but I thought I'd say something in case you get other feedback and this prods you along the right path. I am super looking forward to chatting with people about new optimal loadouts among the entire harem though.


Glad the Wendis quest hit for you! As I've said many times, I'm trying to have variety among the harem quests, so I've wanted to have some of these shorter and emotional notes. I have been waiting to do that thief reveal a long time. =P Right now almost no one has commented on Yarra's dungeon. Dunno, I'll be thinking about it.


Another 'Reflect' skill thing, it is working for me but when I open the filter menu, only a few of the sprites load and everything else is black silouhettes. Dari, 'Harem', Ivala, Janine, 'NPC', Qum, and Robin load, no one else does. Elleani doesn't even get the silhouette, she's just a blank space. I like the indicator for the scenes with and without images. I thought the sapphire thief was a nice enough twist. The Yarra dungeon is okay. I was expecting Dari's description to reflect the types of things/party members you should bring into each area, not the rewards you could find there. The only one that didn't unlock for me was Esthera, not sure why because she's maxed. The combat was functional, not my favorite, but not sure how to suggest improving it. Making it more difficult could lock out everyone without mix-maxed saves, and making the fights more specific (different enemies in each area with very specific weaknesses) would mean either lots of resetting and replaying earlier fights, or just looking at a guide to tell players what to do. Wendis quest was fine, not too much to say about it. New title screen is great.


Hmm. Would you happen to be playing using JoiPlay, through Wine, or anything non standard Windows? If not, which version of Windows?


Most crashes seem to be the misconfigured Esthera scene thing. Updated code to show when a scene cannot be found instead of crashing everything: https://imgur.com/a/OPnVMVL


Random language fact: the Welsh word "cwtch" (pronounced the same as the US English word "cootch") means 'hug' or 'cuddle'. So if a Welshwoman fucked Simon, her cootch would be giving him a cwtch.


Regular play through Windows, I'm not aware if I'm doing anything atypical. Using Windows 10.


Okay. Tried to update a syntax to be more in line with what exists in other scripts (https://github.com/Rachnera/tls-gallery-filter/commit/3ec1f79c04fa858fa0d6665b7700b8056be58b97 for those curious). Might solve the problem. Might do absolutely nothing. Worth a try anyway.

Nobu Nobu

So I tried out the gallery for the first time in this build, or more I attempted to and I got this error Rachnera Gallery Filter:211:in `[]': can't convert Array into Integer, TypeError from Rachnera Gallery Filter:211:in `draw_item' from Window_Selectable:409:in `block in draw_all_items' from Window_Selectable:409:in `times' from Window_Selectable:409:in `draw_all_items' from Lone Wolf: Scene Replay:667:in `refresh' from Decanter: Return to Replay Menu:20:in `create_select_window' from Rachnera Gallery Filter:98:in `start' from Scene_Base:12:in `main' from SceneManager:23:in `run' from Main:8:in `block in ' Not sure what to do about it. It happens as soon as I select "Reflect"


This is a bug that I hope to fix eventually (there's some discussion of it above).

Nobu Nobu

roger roger, thanks for all the hard work on your awesome games man o/


I was able to play the update! I had fun, that thief reveal was so good and cathartic after being teased with it for so long. Yarra's dungeon was very interesting, and it actually gave me a challenge until I figured out the right party combos. Almost more of a puzzle than a combat challenge. I, too, tried to base my party builds based on Dari's advice (which was very difficult, because how do you build a party for a money dungeon?) but it actually paid off for me in the very first chamber. Dari says that that in addition to Janine, there is a strange physical essence and she wasn't sure who could take advantage (turns out it was Balia). But I interpreted it as there being be an optional enemy that only a very weird physical fighter could defeat. So after thinking for a bit, I took Nalili, who was exactly the person I needed to defeat the blue wisp. So I felt very clever until I played the other sections and realized I probably overthought the whole puzzle angle. But if that was intentional, let me know because it was pretty fun to try to puzzle through. Wendis' request was very sweet, I like the quieter emotional moments. The gear hub was also interesting, I can't wait to see if the elven item does anything. And usually dumping inordinate amounts of resources on Riala pays off, but I'm kinda thinking her item might be a red herring in the longer run. Can't wait to see! I also encountered the issue where the old Worn Whip doesn't disappear. Does it have something to do with not being able to destroy currently equipped gear or something? Anyway, all in all I had a fun time with this one.


Glad you enjoyed the update! While I'd love to claim credit for 4D chess with Dari, my intent with her was mainly to tell the player which branches have the physical/magical boosts, the combined passages, and so on. The game tries to remove the Worn Whip, even if it's in equipment, but it just doesn't get removed for some reason.


FWIW, I also get the sprite problem (screenshot below). Running on Win10 with the non-RTP download. I'll check again in the next release. https://www.dropbox.com/s/coqwzutxpng4aby/Screenshot%202023-04-18%2017.25.30.png?dl=0


I've only had time for one quick playthrough so far. I'll try another run when .1 is uploaded. The new Reflect filter will be a godsend for testing. Many thanks to Rachnera for working on it. I see what you were going for with the thief reveal, but the setup didn't really land for me. Given everything that Yarra's learned about Simon, it didn't feel right to me that she'd go so hard and direct on trying to recruit someone they knew absolutely nothing about. There are presumably many talented and beautiful people in the world that they do know about, so I don't understand why Yarra would assume that Simon would be interested in the thief without knowing anything about them. It felt to me like the version of Yarra we see in chapter 1 or 2. I'd have thought that Chapter 5 Yarra's approach would be to hire the thief for some kind of fake heist where they end up in a compromising situation with Simon, so that sexy shenanigans can happen if they turn out to be compatible. Her "Hi, nice to meet you, please seduce my Incubus King" routine doesn't really gel with her improved understanding of how humans work, IMO. I've only played through Yarra's quest once, and I did OK apart from missing the Esthera check. My instinct was to try and split everyone up to have a mix of physical attacks, magical attacks, and healing in each party, which was tricky but doable. I encountered a few KOs and Game Overs due to unlucky RNG, but nothing insurmountable. I don't feel as if it needs to be made more difficult - the tricky bit is in the party compositions, so I don't think it matters if players blitz through as a reward for getting that right. I did get a bit stuck by pairing Uyae with Lilith - while that combination does have a combination of physical attacks, magical attacks, and healing, it suffered from Lilith's unreliable SP buildup making it difficult to get going against a mob with five physical-resistant enemies. Shouldn't be an issue later since I should be able to cheese it by making the weaker parties be the ones that get combined. Simon's fights suffered a bit in the same way until I could whittle the enemies down - dominate, heal, heal, dominate, heal, heal, etc. Wendis's quest is cute - the opening part of the memory with Wendis using Wynn as a pillow should absolutely be illustrated, for maximum fluffiness. I'd somehow missed the fact that Simon and Wendis originally lived in the northern kingdoms, if that was ever mentioned before. It certainly gives a bit more weight to why defeating the AoA was such a focus for them both. It seems like I have some replaying to do, given my lack of Liquid Sex items and the succubi's voracious appetite for them. The Nostaligic Home map probably shouldn't have the Tak'Kan music. Maybe the HQ music or the one that's played in the quiet glade in Stineford? The half-broken-heart status gets cleared when a harem member is knocked out and then revived. This means that getting KOed makes the challenges easier, which I'm not sure is intended.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-22 16:31:33 Typos etc: hoome -> home (assuming this isn't intentional to imply a wheedling tone - if so, add another o to make clearer): https://www.dropbox.com/s/5unampg8fk34iz8/Screenshot%202023-04-15%2011.13.04.png?dl=0 "she wasn't quite the beauty she had been when she was younger" doesn't feel right to me, since Wendis died while she was still in her prime. Perhaps "the beauty she had been before years of war had taken their toll" would be more evocative? https://www.dropbox.com/s/3vtdak2s8eyaz3i/Screenshot%202023-04-15%2011.16.27.png?dl=0 It's -> its (also, that spelling of luster looks really weird to me, but the internet suggests that "lustre" would similarly look weird to US readers): https://www.dropbox.com/s/cakbwnj6cmlrqns/Screenshot%202023-04-15%2022.14.06.png?dl=0 suble -> subtle: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ucujqp59u5y9a3n/Screenshot%202023-04-15%2022.24.57.png?dl=0 This line should be updated when Simon is removed from the party: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2vu0zss88n6vy4h/Screenshot%202023-04-15%2022.36.36.png?dl=0 seems -> seemed: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ggybm6j01glxkuu/Screenshot%202023-04-15%2022.50.25.png?dl=0
2023-04-18 16:32:50 Typos etc: hoome -> home (assuming this isn't intentional to imply a wheedling tone - if so, add another o to make clearer): https://www.dropbox.com/s/5unampg8fk34iz8/Screenshot%202023-04-15%2011.13.04.png?dl=0 "she wasn't quite the beauty she had been when she was younger" doesn't feel right to me, since Wendis died while she was still in her prime. Perhaps "the beauty she had been before years of war had taken their toll" would be more evocative? https://www.dropbox.com/s/3vtdak2s8eyaz3i/Screenshot%202023-04-15%2011.16.27.png?dl=0 It's -> its (also, that spelling of luster looks really weird to me, but the internet suggests that "lustre" would similarly look weird to US readers): https://www.dropbox.com/s/cakbwnj6cmlrqns/Screenshot%202023-04-15%2022.14.06.png?dl=0 suble -> subtle: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ucujqp59u5y9a3n/Screenshot%202023-04-15%2022.24.57.png?dl=0 This line should be updated when Simon is removed from the party: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2vu0zss88n6vy4h/Screenshot%202023-04-15%2022.36.36.png?dl=0 seems -> seemed: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ggybm6j01glxkuu/Screenshot%202023-04-15%2022.50.25.png?dl=0

Typos etc: hoome -> home (assuming this isn't intentional to imply a wheedling tone - if so, add another o to make clearer): https://www.dropbox.com/s/5unampg8fk34iz8/Screenshot%202023-04-15%2011.13.04.png?dl=0 "she wasn't quite the beauty she had been when she was younger" doesn't feel right to me, since Wendis died while she was still in her prime. Perhaps "the beauty she had been before years of war had taken their toll" would be more evocative? https://www.dropbox.com/s/3vtdak2s8eyaz3i/Screenshot%202023-04-15%2011.16.27.png?dl=0 It's -> its (also, that spelling of luster looks really weird to me, but the internet suggests that "lustre" would similarly look weird to US readers): https://www.dropbox.com/s/cakbwnj6cmlrqns/Screenshot%202023-04-15%2022.14.06.png?dl=0 suble -> subtle: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ucujqp59u5y9a3n/Screenshot%202023-04-15%2022.24.57.png?dl=0 This line should be updated when Simon is removed from the party: https://www.dropbox.com/s/2vu0zss88n6vy4h/Screenshot%202023-04-15%2022.36.36.png?dl=0 seems -> seemed: https://www.dropbox.com/s/ggybm6j01glxkuu/Screenshot%202023-04-15%2022.50.25.png?dl=0


I agree with your take on Yarra and the thief. It feels like a regression of her character growth through the game. Like maybe the initial proposition is okay, but the continued insistence after the thief runs and wants to be left alone is overly aggressive and kind of creepy.


Yeah, I freely admit the thief setup is imperfect. I've been waiting to do this joke for a long time, and when the time came I struggled to get there believably. Not sure what the proper solution would be, as I don't know how players would feel about a really long setup just to have the rug pulled out from under them. Several people have mentioned Simon's fights being a sticking point, which I didn't really intend. Unsure if I'll make any changes aside from a couple tweaks so far. Good point about the music in the home! Oversight. >The half-broken-heart status gets cleared when a harem member is knocked out and then revived. This means that getting KOed makes the challenges easier, which I'm not sure is intended. I'm aware of the fact, but this is hard to fix. I've tried scripts to make statuses permanent and they haven't ever worked properly. In this case, I feel like it's a relatively small benefit, so not worth worrying about. Appreciate the notes and typo catches - all fixed for the .1 build!


Lol now I'm just imagining a whole sequence with Yarra and the thief working together, building trust, and Yarra eventually winning him over to agree to a long-term contract. But as soon as he reveals his face, Yarra just says "Nice working with you, we'll contact you when we need your services again goodbye" XD

Dubsington (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-29 10:59:00 > Yarra has a big dungeon that I hope will be some fun, but it's nerfed > enough that people will probably blow through it. -_- I realize I have a middlin' playthrough compared to the serious optimizers out there, but I assure you it's not the case and you can let go of those concerns :) I am finding it quite difficult indeed. A big part of it is that you might find out one of your combinations is untenable only after you've spent a decent chunk of time fighting, and have to repeat everything with a different combination. That's not precisely a *fun* sort of challenge, but it is definitely interesting and I'm really getting used to the "synergy skills" page of the wiki. Edit: I'm not in any way saying it needs more nerfing. It's a late game dungeon, and it _should_ be hard. Most of the fights lately have been as much puzzle as combat, and this is no different.
2023-04-27 01:05:00 > Yarra has a big dungeon that I hope will be some fun, but it's nerfed > enough that people will probably blow through it. -_- I realize I have a middlin' playthrough compared to the serious optimizers out there, but I assure you it's not the case and you can let go of those concerns :) I am finding it quite difficult indeed. A big part of it is that you might find out one of your combinations is untenable only after you've spent a decent chunk of time fighting, and have to repeat everything with a different combination. That's not precisely a *fun* sort of challenge, but it is definitely interesting and I'm really getting used to the "synergy skills" page of the wiki. Edit: I'm not in any way saying it needs more nerfing. It's a late game dungeon, and it _should_ be hard. Most of the fights lately have been as much puzzle as combat, and this is no different.

> Yarra has a big dungeon that I hope will be some fun, but it's nerfed > enough that people will probably blow through it. -_- I realize I have a middlin' playthrough compared to the serious optimizers out there, but I assure you it's not the case and you can let go of those concerns :) I am finding it quite difficult indeed. A big part of it is that you might find out one of your combinations is untenable only after you've spent a decent chunk of time fighting, and have to repeat everything with a different combination. That's not precisely a *fun* sort of challenge, but it is definitely interesting and I'm really getting used to the "synergy skills" page of the wiki. Edit: I'm not in any way saying it needs more nerfing. It's a late game dungeon, and it _should_ be hard. Most of the fights lately have been as much puzzle as combat, and this is no different.