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This is the last set of portraits! Some are self-explanatory, while others will be involved with weird shenanigans during the quest. Let's just say that Altina (maybe) had some very strong opinions and that Ginasta didn't want a portrait at all...

But speaking of that quest, I would like to ask for help from patrons. The next update is theoretically the one that will incorporate the portraits into the game and base, and it will be quite a massive endeavor. I've spoken to some about how it's going to be coded, and while I'll just have to tackle some of that, it shouldn't be bad with their help. Where I hope I can get some more help is all the portrait images.

The idea is that the portraits will actually be visible in the base (and other places) at two different sizes. For that reason, they need a miniature-sized version, probably one that fits in a 2x2 tile space. To include all these, I'll need someone who can do image editing but also understands how RPG Maker character files work. Any volunteers?

For everyone else, I hope you enjoy the portraits! With this big task done, we're moving back to 100% scenes.



Jeffrey Lebowski

*Gasp* I have a sudden urge to venture forth to slay that vile fiend, the Human King, and save the world

Runcible Technician

omg I laughed pretty good at the second Altina pic, considering the first. I'm glad Lamsey has a fast way to crop the pics, I was going to volunteer and try with Inkscape, but my success rate has been pretty bad so far.