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Spent this week working on fixes for TLS 0.22.4 and various side projects, so not a lot to say there. I hope to get into the Zirantian update soon, but meanwhile... it's time to talk about that lovely map up top. This one also comes to us courtesy of Curtis S. 

Renthnor is the simplest continent at a glance, but it becomes more complex the deeper you look. You've already visited the Orgasmic Empire, which has a variety of problems, and you've met the Incubus King from Philon. If it isn't clear from the arctic regions, this is a northernmost continent, with a lot of area too cold to be heavily inhabited.

The other major feature, of course, is the Renthnor Wilds. It is a vast region that's difficult to classify except for the fact that none of it is part of a major nation. Some parts of it have small but thriving communities, others are devoid of life. There are valuable resources in some areas, but though other nations have occasionally exploited them, they've never done so long term. 

The Wilds seem to resist colonization, instead representing one of the few vast swaths of mystery left in the world. Don't read too much into that, the Wilds don't hold some fundamental plot mystery or anything. But Simon did spend a number of years traveling there, and a few key characters call it home.

Anyway, you will definitely come back to spend some more time on Renthnor, I hope people look forward to it. That's all for now, see you next week!




If this continent is around the size of an Earth continent, then the Orgasmic Empire is HUGE!


It's intended to be! The game doesn't let you explore it in depth, but there are all kinds of regional conflicts and factions contained within the Orgasmic Empire. Esthera has a whole lot more on her hands than just idle succubi.


If this is the northernmost continent, what's Rodak's deal? Is it southernmost? It seemed frozen, to the point that Fheliel is confused about how it has wealth. Seothysis looks like the kind of name that ought to mean something when broken down into word roots, but as far as I can tell it actually doesn't, at least in any real language. So the Orgasmic Capital's name is really just Orgasmic Capital? And to think that librarian succubus's go-to example was "fireplace".


Rodak is on the southernmost continent and was originally on the southern tip (I had Argentina in mind). But in discussing the map with Curtis he felt that wouldn't fit all the other weather patterns we've built in greater detail, so now it has a different position and rationale for being cold. You can get more info from him or see when we get to the Thenours map. Re Seothysis: No comment! Capital: Well, there was some thought given as to whether they'd call it "Climax" but I decided against it. =P Having said that, the name is not necessarily final.


I love how in-depth you build the world of the game. Pity we wont see most of it in-game. Makes me wonder how long the Last Sovereign will go. There is obviously the killing of the Incubus King, and some time after that a literally Ragnarok type event happening to climax the story where you meet goddesses and beat some apocalypse type villain. No idea how much build up to the Ragnarok though will happen and whether or not how involved killing the other incubus kings or getting rid of them would entail... Interesting ride though regardless.


From comments made a while back, and discussions, had, I going to assume (yes, yes, I know), that we will also eventually go after the Fucklord too. Esthera seems to think that She and Simon will have a "Climatic" battle. While the Lustlord pretender seems much more powerful, much could be done if Simon had an augmented Ginasta by his side. The Blood Lord has mobility on his side, but from what I've seen that's about it. The Anak.... he worries me, he seems to have an almost devoted servant as Yarra, and presents a thoughful, calculated appearance....


I have an question... Are you planning to add some artworks someday to TLS game? I'm just curious if it will stay as just text sex scenes or maybe you are considering to add something "visual" to this.


It remains my goal to get art for TLS! The difficulty is in finding artists who are professional, have an appropriate art style, and willing to commit to a project of this length.


Sierra, would you mind if I paraphrased/plagiarized/quoted your description of the Renthnor Wilds on the Wiki? I'm not sure how you feel about sharing what is currently Patron-only information elsewhere, but it seems too succinct a summary to pass up.


I am interested to know if there is a underwater kingdoms since we do have monsters, demons, and of course magic living in this world and there is only 7-10% of land covering this planet. This also goes to show how important that investment we can decide to do earlier in the navy is going to be from simply option of trading, warfare, and maybe a supply route if we need supplies from a sea route in the future.


No underwater kingdoms, sorry. The low percentage of land has less to do with a conscious decision to create a world of primarily water and more with the process by which I created the maps.

Secular Reason

Random thought. Chosen of Ivala always leave behind those "Shining Swords" or some other "Shining" gear. Will "Children of the Mother" or other such "chosen" of the other gods leave unique holy gear as well? Items through which they channel divine power? Because while I don't particularly remember if I have fought any of the other chosen, it would be interesting to see if the group could learn more about these deities through the various conduits they obtain, comparing and contrasting to see if they can tell any differences in power, and also any similarities in power, to better ascertain whether the beings are in fact divine, or merely incomprehensibly powerful.

Secular Reason

Another random thought that I forgot to mention. Storel! Spoon blargl eggshell matrix! Am I the only one wondering if there is a point to the "There is no spoon." Matrix easter egg? I mean, "eggshell" pretty much hints at it just being an "easter egg" (perhaps even a "broken" easter egg - hence eggSHELL and the quote not being there in full) but I am always suspicious of Qum being more than she appears. Also, should blargl be "blargle" instead? Pretty sure there's an "e" on that one. Part of me wonders if you have fun knowing that I'm going to assume she's more than she appears like Slimey was (I KNEW that bastard wasn't to be trusted from the start! I always tried to not do what he said, just like I always tried not to listen to Airy in Bravely Default- I tried to break the crystals from the very start. I'm stubborn that way.) and are going to have her be just as she appears to troll me.

Secular Reason

Hey Sierra. Bug report. Kinda. I know this isn't supposed to even be available yet, but since you said you were putting in all the Ari-Yhilina updates so you wouldn't have to touch them again, I went in and looked around to see if they all worked as intended. Obviously some still need touching up, but... Once you pay for the upgrade to the fighting ring, after Nalili checks it out and finds the swordsmanship lacking) the teller keeps letting you invest for the upgrade again and again instead of having some generic line after you pay for her idea. It LOOKS like you meant for the next page in the event tree to fire after investing, but the investment page doesn't turn on "Self-Switch D" and that is the requirement for the next page in the event tree. You have it turning on "Self-Switch B" instead, which takes it back to right before you invested in an infinite loop. Side effect? For an extra 25% investment each time, free +10 to Nalili. Not that we should even need that by now... Also, once Nalili's Idea is actually ON and not just paid for, the guy at the table just left of the door in the bar, turns into a copy of the bandana guy at the bar itself. Same icon, same lines, everything. Lastly, Implevon the 3rd still has a blank page when you talk to him after that first conversation.


Whoops, missed a lot of this due to edits. Yeah, those are some bugs, got them fixed, thanks.