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The release has gone... okay. We reached 143 comments in under 48 hours, I believe that's a record (thanks to everyone helping with bugs, though, and I always find the discussion of strategy or plot encouraging). But version 0.22.3 hasn't gotten a lot of bug reports, so I hope 0.22.4 can be the public polishing update.

After that, things will all be about balancing the holiday season and trying to get as much of 0.23.0 done as possible. I would like to have a very substantial update to the game out in January 2017. 

Meanwhile, we can celebrate that Ouroboros is released in all stores. Nutaku, MangaGamer, itch.io, and DLsite both Japanese and English. In my case by "celebrate" I mean "breathe a sigh of relief" since I am overextending myself these days.

Anyway, to blatantly exploit you guys, anyone want to leave me reviews? XD Seriously, though, I'm not trying to game the system so much as escape the curse of all the games released and ignored. If you use MangaGamer, itch.io, or DLsite, here are the links:




No pressure, though, it doesn't seem to make much of a difference regardless. Reviews don't lead to many sales, it's mostly sales leading to reviews.

Next week, I hope the public release is out, 0.23.0 work has started, and I'll have a map to show everyone. See you then!



From my previous question regarding the wood for Altina, I've tried the map area for the potion elf at the beginning, a mid point before the Elf Grove, and after the Elf Grove then right before you get booted out of the Elven lands and cannot get the wood, is there a trigger I might be missing? I've also tried it before and after talking to potion elf and turning in the leaves, so I'm sort of stumped. Unless of course it will be availible in future maps of the same area that we can revisit?


As far as I know, you should get either Lightwood or Darkwood from her, provided you deliver what she asked for (Emerald Leaves for Darkood, Crystal Petals for Lightwood). Just out of curiosity, which version of Altina you have?


One thing I'm curious about (and maybe I should asked that in the previous article) is that you said that you "tried to do the majority of all future Yhilin updates"... what does that mean in prectical teems? Does that mean that 23.x will include our next trip AND 3rd round of Yhilin investment/events?

Argo The Ratfolk

I know there is likely a comment somewhere in one of the previous posts that I can't find, but since I couldn't find it on the wiki I wanted to double check something since I have been replying the Elf forests to check on a bug (which may or hopefully not still exist in this version), in order to get the guy in the First Root area with all the shifting trees to talk to you and move the one tree blocking the way to the two piles of bones, what exactly are the conditions required in order for that to occur aside from having Altina with you? Because in one save I actually got him to talk to me and I wasn't sure what I did to accomplish it. But anyway I have her, she is saner, legitly the highest amount of RP possible at that point as far as I am aware, and I did have her do the optional talk with the elf priestess (Beatrice or something?) and I am not sure what else I can do for her specifically if its an RP locked thing. The only other thing I can think of is her having a conversation with your chosen elf ally, but that never seems to happen until after the Root is over. Is there something else/a specific order of quests I need to do in order for that conversation to trigger (if that IS required before the first Root for that optional loot anyway) Just wondering for the sake of the completionist part of me :)

alvis fedorenko

Hi all.i got question.how come i played for last 3h and dont see any sex scenes in this game(


No CG's, text only for this game, let your imagination fill in the blanks.

Skull Leader

You need to have Aka learn Storgan well enough to fool the two elves in the Twisted Groove before you go to the First Root. With a saner Altina, it not that hard for Aka to gain enough points for the task. But you do have to go back to the Twisted Groove before you go to the First Root as one of the Mother Guards that Altina and Aka at the Twisted Groove will be at the First Root and will open the path to the loot that you are trying to get.


I'm not sure if the next update will cover the entire trip, but yeah, that's the idea. The third round of investments is already in the game (you don't have nearly enough funds for every petition), the third round of events shouldn't take so long since I've updated most parts of Yhilin for the long run.


ok, i've left a review on itch.io :)

Argo The Ratfolk

Regarding the poor house of petitions we can fund, we don't actually get that until the third round of investments right? I have scoured the slums and checked Big Man's house (I think I saw a comment saying it is supposed to be there) a dozen times and nothing ever changed. So unless the poor petitions is going to move into the noble side of the regular house (which would be ironic and fun xD) I am not sure where else to look.


This just got out and I can't wait for the update already ^^ Going through my second playthrough of this segment and I say, this has some of the most hilarious moments of the game, made me lol like there was no tomorrow XD Speaking about investments, I asume that if you finance a second house of petitions in the slums if will not appear until later. If I'm wrong, can somebody tell me where it is?


Many investments are only implemented after a delay (leaving Yhilin for a major event and then returning). So if you funded the second House now, yes, it won't appear until after Zirantia.


Many investments are only implemented after a delay (leaving Yhilin for a major event and then returning). So if you funded the second House now, yes, it won't appear until after Zirantia. Glad you liked it!


I finally played through this update through two different ways and I must say I have greatly enjoyed this new update, especially the funny scenes like the chosen. I also love that brooms keep coming back, it's always nice to find those little details.


It's a quirk for me, but I want to know what is going to happen with the soldier that is thinking about a relationship with a succubus. And I want to hook the halfling cook, (in House Rose), up with the succubus in the palace kitchens.

Dustin null

I have to say I have played a lot of rpgmaker games over the years both sex related and non and I gotta say yours to date is still the most well written I have come across. So I can honestly say this is the best game of this type I have ever seen.


A question for the crew: Has anyone done a playthrough without getting the Pron from Qum in the Brothel in Stineford? I've tried it once and was just not happy with the investment choices less the 15k pron you would net selling her services, but after seeing the head of House Thelon go head over heels for Carina, I'm really, really, really curious as to how that encounter would have gone if Qum had saved him. Thanks!


Hilarious... and it ends with Simon concluding: “Love is deaf, I guess.”


Perhaps a bug which has already been found - from the land map, travel to the Twisted Glen takes me to the glen BEFORE the resources were gathered (time travel?). When I then leave the glen, I go back to the Queen's meeting bridge.


Where should bug reports go?


(Putting them here for now.) Typo: at one point during the Hilstara/Lynine scene, Lynine gets called Orilise. Probably me just missing something: Going to the Big Man's door in the slum brings up a dialogue box with an old man asking to chat, but I can't find him on the map.


So you have the captured succubi, Iris and her succubi? All the resources? Some new monsters have moved into the Glen, and there is something of interest in the meeting place. There are actually also some Mother's Guard in the Glen that have a reason for being there. Not saying there is no bug, just double checking.


The first is indeed a tyoo, and the second is a bug that will be fixed next version (don't worry, it's only keeping you from entering an empty building). Thanks for reporting them!


No bug, but: great work so far, plz carry on, big fan of TLS, CAN wait because quality over quantity, if you ever need help just say so...


Just finished 0.22.3. I loved Qum's antics in particular, she's so bloody funny. It's going to be interesting seeing how all this discretionary funding turns out - I see another spreadsheet in my future - and I'm looking forward to meeting &lt;spoiler&gt;the sender of the letter right at the end&lt;/spoiler&gt;. I'm also hyped that it looks like the next section will be another split-party situation - I really like the way that mixes things up. A few typos I've found in 0.22.3 which I haven't seen reported already: "Existance" -&gt; "Existence": <a href="https://www.dropbox.com/s/ukk0kpt42i5kb5y/existance.png?dl=0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.dropbox.com/s/ukk0kpt42i5kb5y/existance.png?dl=0</a> Lynine calls the corrupted guard "him" once, but the rest of the time, the guard is referred to as female: <a href="https://www.dropbox.com/s/ou7104ifawaga37/corrupted-guard-robin-her.png?dl=0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.dropbox.com/s/ou7104ifawaga37/corrupted-guard-robin-her.png?dl=0</a> <a href="https://www.dropbox.com/s/pwc4xtg6dp4j83k/corrupted-guard-lynine-him.png?dl=0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.dropbox.com/s/pwc4xtg6dp4j83k/corrupted-guard-lynine-him.png?dl=0</a> <a href="https://www.dropbox.com/s/s9u8vqdxofkuwez/corrupted-guard-lynine-her.png?dl=0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.dropbox.com/s/s9u8vqdxofkuwez/corrupted-guard-lynine-her.png?dl=0</a> Possibly contentious, but "take them a little" sounds odd to me. Maybe "take them a little while"? <a href="https://www.dropbox.com/s/cq1sw9fwrgbd97v/take-them-a-little.png?dl=0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.dropbox.com/s/cq1sw9fwrgbd97v/take-them-a-little.png?dl=0</a> "Memeories" -&gt; "memories": <a href="https://www.dropbox.com/s/ip6f1qy843dzfk2/memeories.png?dl=0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.dropbox.com/s/ip6f1qy843dzfk2/memeories.png?dl=0</a> "Boundries" -&gt; "boundaries": <a href="https://www.dropbox.com/s/kz1nyhllploqvv9/boundries.png?dl=0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.dropbox.com/s/kz1nyhllploqvv9/boundries.png?dl=0</a> "Fill out in" sounds odd - should this be "fill you in"? <a href="https://www.dropbox.com/s/h6vl6y1ionfqm4w/fill-out-in.png?dl=0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.dropbox.com/s/h6vl6y1ionfqm4w/fill-out-in.png?dl=0</a> "Checking in a vassal" sounds odd - maybe "checking on a vassal" or "checking in on a vassal"? <a href="https://www.dropbox.com/s/u4018b9r0pt4k62/checking-in.png?dl=0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.dropbox.com/s/u4018b9r0pt4k62/checking-in.png?dl=0</a> Hope you have a good time over the festive period, Sierra!


Okay, I think I'm done gorging myself on this update. Here are a few more typos, whatnot. Lamsey mentioned a couple that I found and a bunch I missed, but here are the rest. I apologize if they've been mentioned elsewhere. “Sensitive for who” in Theltiar murder investigation should be “for whom” “If it was anyone else, I’d laugh in your face” Trin in the palace when asked about training should be “their face.” When chat with Trin, “For some kind of good reason, of course.” should be “good cause.” Not strictly necessary, but it would be idiomatic, I think. Hilstara/Lynine scene, “…and Lynine parted her legs with a moan until Lynine’s thigh was directly against her pussy.” should be “Hilstara’s thigh.” In the House of Petitions, the option to invest in the brothel is listed as “Repair (10%)”. I understand why the infrastructure project is listed as repair, but I don’t think it works here. No opportunity to ask Lady Rose about a halfling goddess. We do ask Sarai, who says there isn't such a tradition, but Simon might want a second opinion. Halfling at Order of Thaumaturgy says, “It’s discrimination, but I don’t know who to complain to…” It should be “I don’t know whom to complain to….” The who should be whom, and an ellipsis that ends a sentence still needs a period, so there should be four total. The ellipsis issue could probably be ignored, since it has existed since the prologue and would be a pain to fix throughout the game. Talking to the woman at the entrance of the Order of Thaumaturgy, when Robin comments that the woman is a mage, she replies that “it was.” It should be “I was” or maybe “she was” if she is referring to herself in the third person. In the conversation with Robin about the spatial view of magic, she says “nothing has been proved.” I think it should be “nothing has been proven.” I'm also pretty sure I saw a word inversion my first playthrough, but I'm horrible about taking notes because I'm so eager to play the game the first time. I haven't found it since, but that is the type of error the brain will often easily autocorrect. So, I may have imagined it, it may have already been fixed in later versions or I may just be overlooking it now. I'll take a break and work on Thenours. Maybe later I'll give the update another shot and see if I can find it again.


There are... many instances of "who" in the game that should technically be "whom". I doubt SL will be replacing them all, especially since in many cases it would create an undesirably formal feel. I'd disagree about "good cause"; it's needlessly limiting. Simon also doesn't ask Yhilin's Mother or Lustlord priestesses about their goddesses. I suspect he doesn't want to just ask random people for their takes on this stuff, leaving them wondering why the Doom commander is asking around about such things. "an ellipsis that ends a sentence still needs a period, so there should be four total" - where did you learn this? I've literally never heard of this rule, nor seen it used. The only time I've heard that it's proper to use a four-dot ellipsis is when eliding multiple sentences at a time.


Finally got finished playing this part and left a couple of reviews, although idk if mine on DLsite went through, it wouldn't allow me to preview said review...meh but either way glad to hear the game went to all of the sites and is now going to make you the money. Hope you have a great holiday (whatever you celebrate :D ) and can't wait to see more.


Thanks! DLsite screens all its reviews manually, so no worries - it looks like it's up now. Have a great holiday!