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 First up, check out the piece of fan art I received. ^-^ Original here , feel free to give the artist clicks!

I feel confident that I'll have version 0.22.0 out on Friday (December 9). This update will be another stopover in Ari-Yhilina, but it includes the majority of the content that will be in all future visits. Some of that won't be accessible yet, depending on your exact decisions, but it will be uncovered over the course of the third chapter.

Now, since the 9th is a much more relaxed release date, I have time to write a little more here. Occasionally I've said that the week involved a lot of work that wasn't primary creative work. What kinds of things am I talking about? Here's some of the stuff that went on this week:

1) The DLsite version of Ouroboros is finally up... on the Japanese site only. English version coming later. This was a pain, but it's finally accepted. -_-

2) I had a meeting with all the Nutaku staff; they're quite serious about trying to engage creators (and potentially offering funding). Will anything come of this? Not necessarily, but I acquired some useful information.

3) More networking than usual. This includes talking with the guy behind Seeds of Chaos  as well as some of the creators behind Skyborn. Conversations like these are useful for generating creative energy.

4) Communication regarding maps for TLS. The Renthnor map is actually done, I was going to show it off today, but then received the fanart. I'll post it with a little commentary later, though!

5) Work on a side project. I can't help myself. >.>

But having said all that, most of my work was on core projects. Barring natural disaster or illness, you can count on getting TLS 0.22.0 this Friday!




looks awesome! :D

Lord Arioch

*looks shifty* ;)


Nice artwork... This Simon is pretty young.... : P


Hm, Simon does look a bit too young (he is in late 50's after all!) but other than that, look great.


Could be a side effect of the shard affecting him too, Glad to hear you are able to talk to the other developers, I like the concept and art with Seeds of Chaos. Looking forward to the side project. :0


Could be, but didn't we had a discussion about it between Yarra, Aka, Hilstara and Robin at one point? One where Yarra said that while shard could make Simon look young again that it won't happen because Simon sees himself as "old man"... or something along those lines?


I don't know about the age, but Simon looks somewhat... meaner than I imagined him. Perhaps it's the eyebrows?


I really like the art to bad there is not art in the game, this would really look good in one of the sex scenes.


Interesting fan art personally I like it but he could have a bit of grey in the hair like it was said before by Jack grey. Now I got to count down the days until the update, nice to hear about the updates, networking, and of course the map! Anyway have a good day to any who reads this.


I had to disagree with you on art in the game... personally, as someone who played both versions of Ouroboros, I can honestly say that art was the weakest point of Ouroboros 2.0 and didn't really brought anything to overall enjoyment of that game. So I don't think that art, no matter how great can in any way enhance TLS either.