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OEA 0.7.0 is out and doesn't seem to have any issues, so that's good. It also means I need to make some decisions soon.

Genre-Savvy Apocalypse has performed better than expected. Tons of time in the top 20 in site popularity (pretty good), rated in the top 2000 (just okay), and quadrupling followers in a week (decent). Kind of wish I'd blocked off more time for it so I could keep up that momentum, but I didn't and I don't know that I have the energy for it now.

The other logical thing to do would be to have OEA leave Early Access and be fully released for real. That would involve no creative work, just promotion and submitting it to all the secondary stores. I didn't want to have so much OEA content all bunched together, but if that's all I can manage this week, why not get it out of the way? Push through the work I don't enjoy and hope I feel better next week.

I had wanted to slip in another TLS update (or something else), but I slumped this week. I would have needed to accomplish so much more to be in a position to do that, so it doesn't seem possible. I don't know, I'll have to figure things out. Feel free to bring up if there's any reason to delay OEA or shift plans.

(The image is a sketch Crescentia did of Qum hugging Ulfina. It is not new or relevant to anything, it just made me smile when I ran across it while working on something else.)




> Feel free to bring up if there's any reason to delay OEA or shift plans. I am replaying the game and have some minor feedback typed up so far. I intended to get it to you once I complete the game. Should be before the end of this coming week although I'm trying for before I go to bed Tuesday.


There should be more than enough time to do tweaks, so no rush. But yeah, if you or anyone notices issues that need more work or have more chances of new bugs, it doesn't have to be Friday.

DukeLeto7 (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-02 05:07:21 OK, so I promised you a listing of fixes for the issue with Megail's 1st Ch4 ProN returns last Monday, but my own real life and the complexity of the problem intervened. Basically, the REPORTED bug was caused by a snafu made when the new country sorted, multi-page ledger was implemented. The code for Megail's first Ch4 returns was copied directly from the Ch4 iterate event, and while the new nations were cut from the event code as a whole, the Ch4 investments in the other Arclentian countries were not. My original suggestion was to gate all Ch4 Investments behind the switch 2309: Megail Back AND remove the returns for them from Megail's first returns event. The thinking here was that then any future edit to either one would be prevented from causing a bug by the other. It quickly became clear that this was going to be a monumental pain in the ass as I started itemizing the event references for all the profitable Ch4 investments that were not locked behind the Megail Back switch. Not only would this involve a lot of rewriting for you, but the decision on whether to gate these investments behind the Megail Back switch in addition to the ProN cost seems to have been deliberate and thus presumably reflect an artistic choice. So my recommendation for the big bug is to just kill all the invalid returns from Megail's 1st Ch4 returns event. (3: Stineford/Market District/Blue Rose/The Blue Rose 2F (011,012)). The investments that need to go are: 2553: Yhilini Brothel Reform 2559: Yhilini Airships 2545: St Trading Pillar 2546: Stineford Bank 2544: Stineford Weapons Store 3680: MINE: Asset BUT, there's still another problem. The investments you could have bought in the 3AW aftermath and the various other Ch 1-3 investments that can be funded in Ch4 are generally not gated behind the 2309: Megail Back switch. In most (possibly all) cases though, witholding ProN in the 3AW aftermath to invest in between the start of Ch4 and getting Megail's returns is a self-defeating strategy, because the cost of these investments has increased in Ch4 and their relative profitability lowered, so the opportunity cost of not getting the higher return 3AW aftermath investments is hurting their long term returns. The only arguable exception to this rule is that players might have a spare 250k ProN after all of their investments in the 3AW aftermath, and then choose to grab either the Theltiar Flowhouse or the Denmiel Archive before meeting Megail, depending on which was unavailable to them based on their choice of partners in the Elven Kingdoms section. Another edge case might be that a very inattentive player rushed through Ch3 without finding any of the investment opportunities, and thus didn't have enough investment opportunities to soak up all their 3AW aftermath ProN, in which case investing that ProN in some of the more profitable missed Ch 1-3 investments before meeting Megail becomes a desirable strategy. You could argue that allowing this as a possible nerf for players who aren't doing well is in keeping with previous such leniencies. So, three ways to deal with problem #2: I.) Fuck it. B.) Gate the availability of the Theltiar Flowhouse & Denmiel Archives behind 2309: Megail Back. (Probably by locking the doors to the buildings.) 3.) Gate availability of all profitable pre Ch4 investments behind 2309: Megail Back where this is not the case already and they can be accessed at this point in the game. If you are wondering as to what 3.) would entail, these are: Yhilin Mercenary Offices Min's Trade Route Yhilini Succubi Trade Eustrin Guild Theltiar Rentals Theltiar Flowhouse Denmiel Mushrooms Denmiel Archives Gasm Falls Shop Premium Steel Owner Yhilini Bank Core Lender Slum Fighting Ring Sex Fighting Ring Sex Shop If you want me to dig out the event code references for these, I can do so.
2022-10-10 00:56:34 OK, so I promised you a listing of fixes for the issue with Megail's 1st Ch4 ProN returns last Monday, but my own real life and the complexity of the problem intervened. Basically, the REPORTED bug was caused by a snafu made when the new country sorted, multi-page ledger was implemented. The code for Megail's first Ch4 returns was copied directly from the Ch4 iterate event, and while the new nations were cut from the event code as a whole, the Ch4 investments in the other Arclentian countries were not. My original suggestion was to gate all Ch4 Investments behind the switch 2309: Megail Back AND remove the returns for them from Megail's first returns event. The thinking here was that then any future edit to either one would be prevented from causing a bug by the other. It quickly became clear that this was going to be a monumental pain in the ass as I started itemizing the event references for all the profitable Ch4 investments that were not locked behind the Megail Back switch. Not only would this involve a lot of rewriting for you, but the decision on whether to gate these investments behind the Megail Back switch in addition to the ProN cost seems to have been deliberate and thus presumably reflect an artistic choice. So my recommendation for the big bug is to just kill all the invalid returns from Megail's 1st Ch4 returns event. (3: Stineford/Market District/Blue Rose/The Blue Rose 2F (011,012)). The investments that need to go are: 2553: Yhilini Brothel Reform 2559: Yhilini Airships 2545: St Trading Pillar 2546: Stineford Bank 2544: Stineford Weapons Store 3680: MINE: Asset BUT, there's still another problem. The investments you could have bought in the 3AW aftermath and the various other Ch 1-3 investments that can be funded in Ch4 are generally not gated behind the 2309: Megail Back switch. In most (possibly all) cases though, witholding ProN in the 3AW aftermath to invest in between the start of Ch4 and getting Megail's returns is a self-defeating strategy, because the cost of these investments has increased in Ch4 and their relative profitability lowered, so the opportunity cost of not getting the higher return 3AW aftermath investments is hurting their long term returns. The only arguable exception to this rule is that players might have a spare 250k ProN after all of their investments in the 3AW aftermath, and then choose to grab either the Theltiar Flowhouse or the Denmiel Archive before meeting Megail, depending on which was unavailable to them based on their choice of partners in the Elven Kingdoms section. Another edge case might be that a very inattentive player rushed through Ch3 without finding any of the investment opportunities, and thus didn't have enough investment opportunities to soak up all their 3AW aftermath ProN, in which case investing that ProN in some of the more profitable missed Ch 1-3 investments before meeting Megail becomes a desirable strategy. You could argue that allowing this as a possible nerf for players who aren't doing well is in keeping with previous such leniencies. So, three ways to deal with problem #2: I.) Fuck it. B.) Gate the availability of the Theltiar Flowhouse & Denmiel Archives behind 2309: Megail Back. (Probably by locking the doors to the buildings.) 3.) Gate availability of all profitable pre Ch4 investments behind 2309: Megail Back where this is not the case already and they can be accessed at this point in the game. If you are wondering as to what 3.) would entail, these are: Yhilin Mercenary Offices Min's Trade Route Yhilini Succubi Trade Eustrin Guild Theltiar Rentals Theltiar Flowhouse Denmiel Mushrooms Denmiel Archives Gasm Falls Shop Premium Steel Owner Yhilini Bank Core Lender Slum Fighting Ring Sex Fighting Ring Sex Shop If you want me to dig out the event code references for these, I can do so.

OK, so I promised you a listing of fixes for the issue with Megail's 1st Ch4 ProN returns last Monday, but my own real life and the complexity of the problem intervened. Basically, the REPORTED bug was caused by a snafu made when the new country sorted, multi-page ledger was implemented. The code for Megail's first Ch4 returns was copied directly from the Ch4 iterate event, and while the new nations were cut from the event code as a whole, the Ch4 investments in the other Arclentian countries were not. My original suggestion was to gate all Ch4 Investments behind the switch 2309: Megail Back AND remove the returns for them from Megail's first returns event. The thinking here was that then any future edit to either one would be prevented from causing a bug by the other. It quickly became clear that this was going to be a monumental pain in the ass as I started itemizing the event references for all the profitable Ch4 investments that were not locked behind the Megail Back switch. Not only would this involve a lot of rewriting for you, but the decision on whether to gate these investments behind the Megail Back switch in addition to the ProN cost seems to have been deliberate and thus presumably reflect an artistic choice. So my recommendation for the big bug is to just kill all the invalid returns from Megail's 1st Ch4 returns event. (3: Stineford/Market District/Blue Rose/The Blue Rose 2F (011,012)). The investments that need to go are: 2553: Yhilini Brothel Reform 2559: Yhilini Airships 2545: St Trading Pillar 2546: Stineford Bank 2544: Stineford Weapons Store 3680: MINE: Asset BUT, there's still another problem. The investments you could have bought in the 3AW aftermath and the various other Ch 1-3 investments that can be funded in Ch4 are generally not gated behind the 2309: Megail Back switch. In most (possibly all) cases though, witholding ProN in the 3AW aftermath to invest in between the start of Ch4 and getting Megail's returns is a self-defeating strategy, because the cost of these investments has increased in Ch4 and their relative profitability lowered, so the opportunity cost of not getting the higher return 3AW aftermath investments is hurting their long term returns. The only arguable exception to this rule is that players might have a spare 250k ProN after all of their investments in the 3AW aftermath, and then choose to grab either the Theltiar Flowhouse or the Denmiel Archive before meeting Megail, depending on which was unavailable to them based on their choice of partners in the Elven Kingdoms section. Another edge case might be that a very inattentive player rushed through Ch3 without finding any of the investment opportunities, and thus didn't have enough investment opportunities to soak up all their 3AW aftermath ProN, in which case investing that ProN in some of the more profitable missed Ch 1-3 investments before meeting Megail becomes a desirable strategy. You could argue that allowing this as a possible nerf for players who aren't doing well is in keeping with previous such leniencies. So, three ways to deal with problem #2: I.) Fuck it. B.) Gate the availability of the Theltiar Flowhouse & Denmiel Archives behind 2309: Megail Back. (Probably by locking the doors to the buildings.) 3.) Gate availability of all profitable pre Ch4 investments behind 2309: Megail Back where this is not the case already and they can be accessed at this point in the game. If you are wondering as to what 3.) would entail, these are: Yhilin Mercenary Offices Min's Trade Route Yhilini Succubi Trade Eustrin Guild Theltiar Rentals Theltiar Flowhouse Denmiel Mushrooms Denmiel Archives Gasm Falls Shop Premium Steel Owner Yhilini Bank Core Lender Slum Fighting Ring Sex Fighting Ring Sex Shop If you want me to dig out the event code references for these, I can do so.


Hmm. While getting returns for such investments is illogical, in a sense you could think of the space between returns as a single phase, so there's little functional difference and the order of events isn't so arbitrary. I've gated Theltiar Flowhouse and the second page of Denmiel Archives behind 2309, for the sake of removing that exploit. Unless I've misunderstood or there's something else, I think we can consider this done!


And the Ch4 returns in Megail's rejoin dialogue? That's the big exploit.


Ulfina said :D