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Double release weekend: Genre-Savvy Apocalypse as well as a new version of Once Ever After. Barring some surprise problem cropping up, the OEA update will be going out to Steam soon, then it will leave Early Access. Can I slip a TLS update in there? Dunno, no promises.

One of the experiments I wanted to do with GSA was to see how much of an impact mentioning it on Patreon would have. This experiment was thoroughly ruined by the story hitting Rising Stars the day before that announcement. So who the heck knows.

However! I'm grateful to those who have boosted the story. If anyone has interest in web fiction, especially if you're a user of RoyalRoad, and wants to support my work, would you message me with your email address? I won't be doing anything more on this for a good while, but in the future I'd like to take a shot with a more precisely crafted project and I'll take the algorithm more seriously then.

On that note... the different ways that people treat sex and violence have been so frequently mentioned that it's a bit old hat, but this is a particularly egregious example. People who think a story is too soft because the protagonist doesn't sociopathically murder people are turned off because a married couple has sex. -_- There are many legitimate reasons why people with no hang-ups about sex might not want it in a piece of fiction but I am not inclined to be charitable here. One day I will reach a level of success where no one can stop me from writing cuddly zombie sex. T-T

Anyway, this has been your weekly update, with bonus rambling. Hopefully this week will be quiet so that I can shift gears and get a lot done on new work.



We all await the days of unrestrained cuddly zombie sex with great anticipation.


Wait, are those actual reviews on OEA? About the story being 'too soft' and whatnot.


People are silly. Heaven forbid we have to skim through some fornication after witnessing a couple bash in a bunch of skulls. I've been thoroughly enjoying the cuddly zombie sex.


Sorry for the lack of clarity: those were responses to GSA, the webfiction I posted on Friday.


Glad you've been enjoying it! To be clear, the zombie factor will be increasing substantially, but so will the cuddly factor.

Runcible Technician

Seriously though I just don't get the mindset. I've been reading Heavy Metal Magazine for decades and past a certain point you just know for a fact that a story can be 100% serious, explore an interesting sci fi idea, and still have rocking sex scenes. Sooo... zombie sex. How hardcore are you going to take this? Are we talking vile 4chan snuff stuff with extra orifices or just a goofy 'your arm fell off' kind? Something in between? Fuck that is awkward to ask, but if Laurel K Hamilton can write about vampires supernaturally rotting on people as they rape them, you can't do much worse. Okay, even writing this has upgraded this to a body horror concern for me.


Hey, it's cool, Genre-Savvy Apocalypse fucking slaps. Fucks and Slaps. And smashes and bashes. Loving that shit.


Not that hardcore. I'm not really interested in rotting body parts, I mostly think a zombie demeanor (for lack of a better term) has a lot of possibilities. It will be more cute than anything.


hello I have encountered another problem in OEA 7.0. In the djinn/urchin battle, defeating the urchin does not destroy the djinn.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-02 05:07:21 The true measure of success is how many zombies you can sic on someone who is trying to limit your artistic freedom. > This experiment was thoroughly ruined by the story hitting Rising Stars the day before that announcement. File this one under "good problems to have"?
2022-10-03 22:12:19 The true measure of success is how many zombies you can sic on someone who is trying to limit your artistic freedom. > This experiment was thoroughly ruined by the story hitting Rising Stars the day before that announcement. File this one under "good problems to have"?

The true measure of success is how many zombies you can sic on someone who is trying to limit your artistic freedom. > This experiment was thoroughly ruined by the story hitting Rising Stars the day before that announcement. File this one under "good problems to have"?


No, I was playing beta1, sorry. The problem is no longer there in the beta2