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I feel that I should clarify that I am not doing badly overall. I have been steadfast in exercise and self-care over this period, and I've used this time to repair some equipment and deal with some business things that had been put off.

It can be difficult to link patterns and creative output, when your measure is quality work. I could bang out some content quickly, no problem, but it's trickier to determine what would lead to work I'm passionate about. For example, this week I decided to invest some time in a couple things that felt right at the time but I know for sure will absorb my attention and limit work (playing a new game, for example). Is this delaying the time I get back into gear, or necessary rest? Both could be argued, and quality work isn't quantifiable enough that I've ever been sure which is true. I've tried to be methodical about this over the years and I'm not sure I have an answer; there are simply too many variables for any kind of controlled experiment.

Most of my physical habits are fairly engrained, but in times of stress I do get into negative mental habits sometimes. There are certain things that I know will drain my motivation to work on TLS if I do them, but tempt me when I'm unfocused. I hope to improve my mental hygiene from this point and progress a little faster. Hopefully I'll be able to say I did so next week.

Anyway, amid all this I have not yet talked about the fanart! This is another fantasy scenario that won't exist in the game, but I know some of you have been asking for this sort of thing. Please enjoy. ^-^



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