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My mother has died. This is the end of a long struggle with cancer, so it isn't a shock. I may be slow to respond over the coming period, but I don't anticipate long term delays.

It seems that it isn't possible to lock comments on a post here. My intention had been to avoid putting patrons in the awkward position of deciding whether or not it's appropriate to offer condolences to a pornography creator. If you still want to offer something, clicks on the heart icon will be interpreted as emotional support.

It's been exactly a month since OEA launched and I was originally planning to post an evaluation of its success today. Would people accept it as a sober evaluation not unduly influenced by circumstances? I'm going to assume so and not test that assumption. Might as well be after the 1.0 release instead.

If we're in contact about any other issues, you don't need to feel like you can't send me things. I will manage myself appropriately and deal with them when I have the bandwidth. More concrete information next week.


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