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Whew. I'd hoped this would be a quieter week when I could begin shifting priorities and energy, but it ended up being completely filled by OEA work.

Reviews: Been seeing more negative ones than usual. Some of them might have been avoided with different game design or writing (and I do intend to improve whatever I can), but I read the majority as a fundamental rejection of my goals. I did manage to flip one negative reviewer via politely responding to their concerns. If anyone is playing on Steam and hasn't reviewed yet, I'd appreciate it. You could be the one that gets us over the 50 review threshold!

Algorithms: If you haven't already, go upvote some good reviews. And I don't mean only the positive ones: the people who dislike the game will congregate to upvote a negative review, so it would be nice if it was one that accurately described the game instead of misrepresenting. The ones that say the story is good but there isn't a lot of adult content... they might be negative, but they're probably an honest signal to those who will or won't like the game. Also consider upvoting some of the guides to feed the algorithm.

Community Stuff: Do check out the art page if you want to see some nice drawings! I think that nearly all the OEA fanart that exists has gone there now.

OEA Scene Suggestions: It's not decided, but I'm considering adding a few more scenes to the early stages of the game to balance out the sexual content overall. I am entirely open to suggestions, provided the scenes support Ingrid's character arc (I'm thinking her witnessing good sex that varies from the Bangville formula). One appropriate suggestion was a flashback to Wilhelm and his partner.

I keep thinking I'll take one of these weeks for longer reflections, but my schedule remains too busy. Let me simply finish by pointing out the artwork above: absolutely consider it canon that Vhala and Riala are friends. It means a lot to me that I've inspired people to create fanart like this. ^-^



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