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This was a rough week. I'm feeling better now and I think I've turned the corner on things, but there was a lot of time and energy spent that I wish could have been devoted to the creative work I truly love.

Aside from all the time dedicated to less fun aspects of my work, I did get some significant stuff done for the next TLS update, specifically the detailed roadmap for the next section. 

It's looking bigger than I anticipated. I knew it would be a sprawling update of sidequests to balance the battle, but there are more pieces than expected. In addition to remaking Ari-Yhilina, I need to have enough quests that all games will have interesting things to do, but I also want to have some quests that make the aftermath of the battle have direct gameplay effects. Combine that with a large amount of character stuff and some of the other things that need to happen before the plot can move on, and it's a huge update.

Oh, and for this update I need to make some foundational decisions about orc breeding and other systems that will have an impact on the rest of the game. Forgot about those little details. XD

On top of that, I'd really like to get out a TLS 0.18.3 so that the current public version is a fairly polished one, and I still hope to release another version of Ouroboros as a hopefully final public release. Want to get these out of the way soon so I can focus on the big projects for future updates.

Anyway, this isn't a prelude to announcing delays or anything. I'll be launching into all this happily and hope that everything will be out in a reasonable amount of time. Just updating you on what I'm doing, and right now what I'm doing is ALL THE THINGS.



Glad to hear you are feeling better, but I sympathize with having to push through the grinding aspect of one's job/passion, and am sorry that you were in a slump for awhile. Hurrah for new stuff for TLS though, and that good progress has been made. Can't say I'm surprised that the 'clean up' update, as it were, blew up to a larger size than expected. I can imagine that trying to keep track of all the points of contact between general side-quests and those relating to the aftermath can't be easy. Not to mention how many characters are close to if not already at the 100 RP range, thus necessitating appropriate conversations and scenes. But I've no doubt it'll come out well as the others have. If I might make a suggestion, maybe staggering the sidequests like you did with Ardoheim might help and ease off the burden, with the main plot and character related content being taken care of first. The other stuff like the stand-alone sidequests and so on could have similar place holders like you had before and let you see if they'd work in the update or need adjustment? Yes, that is a itsy-bitsy, but ever so crucial, little tiny detail :P Although I'm curious as to what you mean about what you need to decide on a fundamental level. Do you mean game mechanics, story, or a combination of the two/other? I'd say the current version of TLS is pretty polished, but I won't say no to more fanciness. Thanks for the update and hope things continue to improve for you.


I thought about splitting this section, but I'd rather not if at all possible. So much of the stuff will be optional that I fear the update might not feel satisfying for some players if it was split into two (if your Ari-Yhilina got razed, you'll have a lot less to do, for example). I'll try to get it done, of course, but if anything a slower update is more likely than two separate updates. As for the decision, it's not any kind of retroactive change at all - it's a new addition. This will be the first period in the game where the players have access to orc breeding and no immediate goal for it. I've been setting up plans with Orcent and the other unique orcs, but this is the period where I need to decide exactly what decisions players will be able to make, how much of a mini-game this will be, and what flexibility/bonuses it will produce over the course of the entire game.


Orc breeding? Time to get closer to Orc Floof. Purely for business reasons, of course. I appreciate knowing there'll be quests and character stuff even if I did very well or badly in the battle.


Absolutely, as miss Floof has made her lack of interest in such things very clear and Simon is never one to press :P


I'm just glad I have another playthrough of Noxian Nights to keep me warm and fuzzy until TLS updates. "Everyone should appreciate the work Sierra does." That is Cumdumps Simon's voice about the creator.


So. Bug I seem to have found, or I'm just being an idiot. I'm replaying parts of the game to keep plottage fresh on occasion, and during Aka's path, the elf that's supposed to give you the mine soluton is frozen at 'I work magic slow' Is there a trigger I'm missing?


If you want that guy's solution, you have to leave the mine quest for last. Do everything else in the section and he'll finish.


I've never done that quest in favor of the peasants, tried so many times to kill the concrete demon which is imo worse then the boss demon in the suspicious tunnels for the "cult" quest. And that fight was worse then the fight in the teleporter dungeon. Maybe I'm just having bad luck, or the rng just does not favor me on that fight even with guide help.


I think I found a bug. Order of thaumaturgy when doing the written tests I used trin for the wrong test and then she wouldn't do the top right one and no one else could. And as I had told robin I would pass all four tests I can no longer proceed.


Poison right off the bat, that's really key there, long as you have the poison weakening the demon and use Aka's debilitating strike to nerf it twice, you should last long enough to heal/recover and wear the beastie down.


Sorry, Trin's mechanic here is a little opaque: she stops working until she gets "refreshed" somehow. The easiest way to do this is to complete another quest, Realizing that someone might have completed everything else and then do what you did, I set up an additional thing: Trin will also be refreshed if you go back to the tunnels (near Robin) and sleep! You may be the first person to test this, though. Anyway, thanks for your pledge! Happy to have you with us. ^-^