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TLS 0.55.0 is out and I'm glad people seem to be enjoying it. Since there aren't any fatal bugs and there's likely to be more polishing reports, I intend to put out a .1 version after receiving all feedback. I'll push an update to that post when the time comes.

Meanwhile, Annikath made an animation for everyone! This wasn't something I commissioned, just something she did for fun, as she's been working on animations in her spare time. The format isn't supported in the game, before anyone asks, but please enjoy!

Public TLS release next week, so hopefully everything can continue running smoothly.




Ah, Trin messing around with Simon clones, classic. I've got to say it looks good to me, pity about the format, but great work!


Looks great! Good job Annikath!


Annikath has become Annimekath


Really am tired of vera and the rest of her cult keeping themselves closed off to us. We really need to find mithyn, yet we keep getting that message saying not to let us through.


I have this vision of Mithyn saying "YOU SHALL NOT PASS!" Seriously though she seems to be the goddess most in touch with what is going on with the possible exception of Ivala, perhaps Mithyn is just the most vocal about it. Anywho, I suspect that Mithyn will be be revealed after the next round of researching. No special insight, just a WAG. (Wild @$$ Guess) :D


I finally now what is missing ! We need an Iron Crudgel orc !


Let's go deeper. An orc and Succubus couple who hooked up via the lonely sailor dating service and want to become a merc/adventurer couple as she has a fetish for danger and he wanted a partner who could keep up with him. She's super risky and he's constantly trying to protect her from herself. They join the Cudgels via a scene where we meet them, him running after her as she took them into a dangerous situation for the thrill. He begs us for help to save her and after that they join Simon's Cudgels. She of course would require a sexy version of the Cudgel's gear where as he would be adorable in the bandanna.