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Though I've had to focus on other projects, I've managed to get an okay amount done on the upcoming update.

This will be a big one... perhaps too big. I'll make a $10 thread later for people to vote on exactly how this should proceed. Ardford is another city as large as Stineford or Ari-Yhilina, so there are a ton of maps, to be filled with lots of events, investments, and so on. Plus, you know, the plot.

I'm doing something fairly complex with this conference. Complex enough that the barrier I'm running into isn't what I can envision or what I can implement, but what I can make fun to play. Because there are reasons why most RPGs aren't all about meetings. XD

This whole stretch of the game is focused on consequences coming together. You saw it in Simon's route, you got your economic results last update, and the next section will be about the results of many of your decisions (though there will be more new decisions playing a large role as well). The section after this, involving the Doomed King plan, will also be heavy on consequences.

After this sequence, however, the game will ease off on this for a while as the plot turns to less interwoven events. So don't worry that the complexity will just keep ramping up - though I do hope everyone enjoys it!



I personally love the increased complexity and connecting of various bits of past parts of the game, but I won't lie and say it won't be good to see Simon getting to move forward a bit more again. I did enjoy getting to explore Stineford and getting to know where everything was before progressing the plot and I think in a city as complex as Ardford, especially without the wagons to make things simpler like in Ari-Yhilina, the ability to poke around first will be a big help. On the other hand this does present what I think is a winning formula for the game. Several updates of plot, character, and story progression with a few following to tie it together and set up a launching pad for the next arc as it were.


Personally, I found Simon and yarra's timed-routes to be a little bit annoying. I liked the complexity, but I don't like the idea that I might be missing something. If i miss something because I couldn't find it, that's fair. If I miss it because I didn't optimize my day-plan well enough and I ran out of time, that's just irritating. So no matter how complex stuff gets later, or how many choices you add, so long as it isn't timed, or limited to X number of actions, I doubt anyone would mind.


Oh hey, in addition to giving you that savegame, I wanted to thank you for the conversation with Sarai in the latest update. Telling someone everything has never been so entertaining. :)


I agree, talk about an unreserved reaction. Not to mention winding her up more than a little, so that if (don't want to say when and put words in Sierra's mouth.) she's free of her celibacy spells...Simon's going to get more than a little workout. :P


hi thanks for a great game had hours of fun


Someone brought another bug to my attention while following my Simon's Path walkthrough. If you choose to work at the docks, it says (1 day), but no time actually passes. This is the same for both days you can work.

Secular Reason

I will say that people who like this game are probably old school RPG gamers. I think of sections of this like Xenogears. Anyone who has played that knows the hated part when you are in Nisan going over strategy. It takes forever planning this attack against Aveh. But it was necessary unless you wanted to break immersion. But it only happened the once (until you got to disk 2 where the story got extremely linear due to time/budget constraints) and the game was, and still is, amazing. Cult following to this day. You'll be fine Sierra.