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Whew, version 0.53.0 is out! I think I'm on top of bug reports so far, but I'm not rushing on the polishing release. I hope not to burn the candle at both ends so that I can roll into finishing the Gathering with full enthusiasm. To that end, I'll be trying to take a partial day off after this posts.

Meanwhile, we have news that may be of significant interest to many of you: the TLS wiki is going to be moving. Please check out Decanter's post about it if you use or contribute to the wiki. 

Finally, some more assets are finished for Once Ever After. These are just battle backgrounds, so not the most exciting things in the world, but take a look at them if you're interested:


The reason I post these, whereas I didn't post many other assets, is that this artist is one of the few who seems professional and responsive. Unlike some who just go AWOL, she's available to do further tweaks if necessary. So if you see anything that particularly stands out to you in this set as bad, feel free to mention it.

These aren't the fanciest, but I don't want to add thousands more to the cost of the project. I hope these backgrounds are atmospheric and give the different Tales more character, thus hopefully distinguishing the game further from RTP standards.



Ok then I have one question: Where I start contributing(on the wiki I mean)?


It'd be better to ask that question on Decanter's wiki post - Sierra isn't involved with maintaining the wiki.


I like the new battle backgrounds for OEA! Seems like the artist is flexible to do loads more if they were necessary, that's very cool~


I like the backgrounds, especially the forest ones. And the lewd forest makes me laugh.


Glad you like them! I tried to cover every needed region, but it was a smooth working relationship and I'd gladly work with them again.


Glad you like them! I can't take full credit for the lewd forest: I gave the artist my general idea and they fleshed it out much better than I'd imagined. ^-^


the backgrounds were very fun, they definitely all have very different feels to them. I imagine it will make the worlds feel very distinct. the only one that was unsure of was dungeonstoneblack, it was so dark that I had a hard time discerning details at all, if that's intended its working well.