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Okay, guys, there are several questions I want your input on, but we're going to do them one at a time over the next while, otherwise it would be too much. The question for the day has to do with Simon's lust skills.

Suppress Lust was not in my original skill plans, but I added it for various reasons. I wanted his slow LP drip (1-2 per round) to be worth something in longer fights, for one, and I thought it seemed plot-appropriate for later replacement. Unfortunately, I didn't think it through as much as I should have, because it breaks the game in three ways.

First, it encourages prolonging fights for the sake of grinding LP abilities, which is not my preference. Second, via LP items, it is seriously overpowered in many contexts. Third, for Consume Lust to be a true upgrade, it would have to be overpowered as hell.

So Suppress/Consume Lust are getting redesigned as of next version. The former is definitely getting nerfed, and the latter will probably be changed overall. General consensus has been that 100 LP abilities take too long to charge to be worthwhile.

Anyway, I'm soliciting your input. Bear in mind that Suppress Lust will be used by Simon while generating 1-2 LP per round, while Consume Lust can only be accessed by the upgraded Simon that generates 5 LP/round (and probably more in the future). I could definitely just redesign both on my own, but this would be your chance to state opinions or share any clever ideas in this regard.


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