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Alright, everyone should have their links soon.

Version 0.14.0 

 - Completed Simon's route.

 - Eight new plot sex scenes.

 - New NPCs and dialogue added to Yarra's route.

PLEASE NOTE: This release was sent via Patreon to people who pledged on

December 1st. If you pledged since then, you won't receive the message. If you

would like to pledge and get it right now, contact me via PM and we can make

alternate arrangements.

This one came down to the wire. Relatively speaking - I'm not saying I was slapping anything together at the last second. But I usually like to do leisurely final testing on the day of release. Instead, I've been working without any breaks for the past 11 hours to get this done.

I really hope that all this work has led to no more bugs than normal. But the chance of a development tool being left in the game is much higher: do not trust random Akas standing around! If anything is bugged, it is probably conversations - if a conversation is repeating, don't reread it or you could screw up your game. The conversation should still switch when you've done something new, so errors along these lines shouldn't lock you out of anything.

One other thing is unfinished: sex sprites. I had plans for more, but both commissioned artists and volunteers have not gotten back to me in time. There is a specific area where the implied sex fades to black, just know that I intended to have a sex animation instead. It'll get in eventually.

A word about Patreon totals: you may have noticed that they've all gone down. Patreon is now listing people's totals minus fees and estimated declines. I thought I had a lot of regular decliners, but seeing the change on some of the big accounts, I have nothing to complain about. o.o But yeah, now you have a much clearer idea of everyone's actual income from this.

Quite a few of my backers support inconsistently. And that's okay, I love you guys too. Unlike those fake $50 backers that show up everywhere - I don't know what they're trying to accomplish. Some creators delete them instantly; I usually give them a chance, but they've been real exactly twice.

I am exhausted. -_- I'm happy to have finished four big routes roughly one per month, but I cannot keep this up. If you are waiting on a response from me, please be patient, I need a while to recover and will have to prioritize energy to release-related issues.

Expect the next update early January, but this one will be a little different. The next logical plot chunk will be the reunion of the characters, which isn't long compared to the other chapters. So I will use this update to catch up on a wide variety of game improvements that I have been putting off in favor of these routes. This includes one of the top requests so far, so I hope everyone will enjoy it.


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