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Ugh, things have been sluggish this week. I did finish the novel, and had a blast writing something so quickly, but unfortunately it didn't catapult me into further productivity.

There are multiple potential factors. For a lot of people, the world is on fire right now. My taxes (which I submitted back in February) are proving a real headache this year. Nasty heat wave doesn't help either.

Either in addition to those factors or because of them, I'm struggling to gain momentum on any one thing. This would be an ideal time to work on Once Ever After, but for some reason my motivation just isn't there. I'm looking forward to the next TLS update, but it's not coming together. I've had inspiration for a novel, but I've done enough prose work for a while and I don't want to divide my efforts.

When I end up in periods like this I try to at least accomplish a lot of secondary things that are often put off or could be distracting later. For example, I finally updated the art post for $10 backers with a big double update. There are some fun ones in there. ^-^

I'm also corresponding more with artists or prepping descriptions, getting the parts that take up more of my time out of the way. I've gotten some more things in return, too. Check out Ingrid's newest battler:

Finally, I'm doing some prep for the Steam summer sale. Ouroboros has sold enough copies there to get trading cards, which is good, but also means more work. Thankfully, Lamsey is helping take some of that off my hands. I still have to decide if I want to take another shot at achievements: the plug-ins are tedious, but having achievements has been a common request and it would make the game a better deal. This objective might get left behind, though, since I don't consider it a high priority.

So that's a slice of my work life. Hopefully next week will be more enjoyably productive.



[Insert kitten on a branch poster here] Hang in there.


Have you taken a few days for yourself? Take your time and be satisfied by what you want


Amazing how the government messes things up. You finished filing taxes in February and they are still giving you trouble?


They seem to be overworked/understaffed, so it's long delays in between each generic message.


Good luck with your taxes, hoping it gets resolved soon. Any hint as to what the next update might be about? Finally a story section?


Thanks! Next update will involve a collection of characters who haven't come together before, and the next several will be linear plot sections.


I don't know how close it is to what you envisioned for the game, but I think Ingrid's battler sprite looks really good; way out of "generic RPGMaker" into "uncommonly pleasing RPG sprite."


Thanks! The pixel artist is working from his own original template, but I keep pushing for more unique animations that show personality. Once I shift to parallaxed maps and update the UI some more, OEA should be my highest production value game. I don't know if that will matter, but I'm trying to do everything I can for this one.