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There are more important things going on in the world than my work, but since this is an update on that: this week sucked, creatively. I put in long hours and worked hard, but I just didn't make progress like I'd wanted because things kept coming up.

For example, Crescentia went all in on work for OEA. Usually I provide feedback or approve art only once every week or less, but recently I've been making multiple decisions a day. That involves going back and forth on corrections and checking notes. On top of that, we finished one phase and the Wolfenstahl team wants to rush finishing the next, so I needed to negotiate some more details and carefully lay out the commissions in a way I hadn't intended. I've attached one of the many new CGs to give you something to look at.

Or another thing that's technically good: I didn't expect The Brightest Shadow to get much interest from audiobook publishers, but I actually have two different ones asking for rights. So I needed to talk to their reps and parse the contracts. It's harder than it sounds, because one pays royalties from gross profits, the other from net... and neither of those even vaguely resembles the cover price on an audiobook. Plus there are qualitative components to the contracts that I need to weigh. It's important to get all that right, because these contracts are for seven years minimum.

This kind of thing really erodes my creative work. When something wipes out a chunk of hours, the remainder in a given day tends to get gobbled up by all the bugfixes, emails, comments, etc. Not that I'm so busy I never get empty periods where I can get work done, but when I do, I tend to be drained and not in the mood to exert myself creatively.

I meant to do more lore promo posts for TBS, but just didn't feel up to it. The pre-prepared posts are still going up on the blog, if you're interested:


Anyway, please be patient while I try to do what's best for the long term. Street Cultivation 2 is going to launch next month. If anybody wants an early copy, just message me and I'll send you one.

PS: There's a walkthrough-type question in the community tab that I assume people missed. If anyone wants to help out a player with the optional dungeon, check here:





I mainly consume books as audiobooks these days, so if The Brightest Shadow gets one I'll definitely get it. I'm a big fan of Crescentia's art, so I'm excited to see what she does for Once Ever After!


Come on now Sierra, that's obviously Simon and Qum illusioned as an orc and a busty priestess that's been mindbroken. Looks like she's REALLY getting into roleplaying.


Though I don't read novels anymore I am completely fine with you pursuing success in types of media that I no longer appreciate. Especially when you're at least making some progress on content like OEA which I definitely appreciate.

Red Viking

Things splitting your time so much obviously sucks, but this being to further your ongoing project and because of your success is grand! So; good on yer!


Unless something goes strangely, TBS should be getting an audiobook eventually. And OEA should be getting closer and closer to release!


I appreciate your understanding on this. Since all of you are supporting me as a creator, I try to be transparent about how I'm investing my time.


Glad to have that attitude! I just try to be direct when things aren't going well.


I just hope you don't get too overwhelmed with everything going on and experience the dreaded burnout. I hope you are taking whatever breaks you need to clear your head for a moment. Because honestly, just reading all the things you are trying to do sounds exhausting. I trust you know your limits, and know when to step back. But, sometimes even the best of us can push ourselves too far. So yeah, basically, just take care of yourself.


Take your time, as far as I'm concerned. Take a walk every now and then, step away. Enjoy a sunrise or the wind simply touching you. It sounds cheesy, but these little things can give one a bit of peace and clarity.


Yeah, I hope so too. Having supportive patrons definitely helps me feel like I can relax sometimes. ^-^


Current Quarantine has given me quite a bit of time, and I've spent a fair amount of it reading and then re-reading The Brightest Shadow. It's fantastic SL simply fantastic. Thank you so much for the work you do, you should be proud!


Thank you, that's great to hear! If you use either site, please review on Amazon/Goodreads. The book has done decently, but it could use all the help it can get.