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This one is going to get rambly, so let me put the questions front and center in case you just want to answer those:

1) Would you prefer an earlier/buggier release on the 26th, or a more polished release on October 3rd?

2) Generally speaking, do you think simultaneous releases of TLS and other games like NN are a problem?

3) Generally speaking, how preferable are weekend releases to weekdays? Based on traffic, I have a strong bias toward the former for public releases, but the ones on Patreon could follow different rules.

I'm typing this as a break from work, since I can only do so much at once before I start getting sloppy. I've been working pretty hard lately and now I'm finding myself feeling pretty rushed looking at the coming weekend.

Version 0.12.0 is in pretty good shape, to the point where I might be able to finish it by this Saturday if I push hard. On one hand, all the core maps/dialogue/quests are done. On the other, the enemies are barely balanced and there are a huge number of choices this update that I'm afraid will require more testing. I mean, they seem to work fine to me, but the problem is the bugs I don't see because I'm hurrying. >.>

Even though I don't have another job for this interim period (that's an issue I'll address another day), I'm still running myself ragged. I mean, jetlag and moving did a number on me, so I think it's justifiable, but some idealistic sliver of my mind was hoping I'd leave my job and frolic through fields of games without any stress.

Seriously, though, my box of videogames is sitting here, still packed. T-T

One reason that a sooner release is preferable is to avoid overlap with Noxian Nights releases. That project follows a rigid release schedule, so version 0.3.0 will release on October 5-6 on Patreon, and October 16 publicly. You can see how delaying a week would make TLS 0.12.x overlap. Hence questions #2 and #3, just to get a sense for what you guys think.

I don't want to let everyone down, but I'm kind of wearing myself out.

Well, that's a negative note to end on. Here's a more positive one: Aka's route is big. There are a bunch of places to go and things to do, so I hope it will be a lot of fun when it comes out.


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