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Alright, new version of the game! You should have a message with the link shortly!

PLEASE NOTE: This release was sent via Patreon to people who pledged on August 1st. If you pledged since then, you won't receive the message. If you would like to pledge early and get it right now, contact me via PM and we can make alternate arrangements.

Version 0.11.0

- Completed Megail's route.

- Two new plot sex scenes.

- Some edits and new systems (see notes).

There's a lot to do in this update, and I'm pretty happy with it, but I don't know how the sidequests will feel. I didn't want to hit players with a lot of extraneous information for minor parts of the game, but I worry that the goals may feel unclear. On the other hand, I also worry it's too easy to sweep the whole set. Let me know, anyway, and I may tweak this in the future.

This would be a good update to keep multiple saves. Nothing important is missable, but some of the sidequests are. The investments also don't make themselves all obvious at the beginning, but they're not available the entire time. This is the feel I want, story-wise, but if you're looking to optimize, save away.

I implemented a new AI system this version (many thanks to Lone Wolf). Hopefully it will make some of these fights interesting in a way you haven't seen before. There's an optional fight I intended to be rough, but I don't know how it will feel when you're going in blind. My hint: enemies that look similar do not have the same strengths and resistances.

Nothing has changed, gameplay-wise, but a previous scene has been expanded. Simon and Carina have a longer conversation now before her first scene, so if you're into characters/lore, you may want to hop back to a previous save. Nothing critical, though.

Unrelated to the game, I have only a few days of work before my job ends. I'll be clearing out a ton of business, packing, cleaning my apartment, and otherwise prepping to leave the country and move. Due to this, I cannot say with complete certainty when I'll be able to do the 0.11.1 public release, or when I can begin work on the next section.

I don't anticipate substantial delays, but I hope getting this update out before I go is a good will offering.


Secular Reason

Just remembered that there was a bug in the last release? Not sure if I reported it or not, but for the figurine quest, I got all of the heirlooms (wasn't caught in the warehouse) and gave them to the woman. However, the quest still shows as incomplete in my diary. Did that get fixed in this one, or did no one report it? If I recall, it disappeared originally, but then came back for some reason once I went to go do the "Preparations" for the Doomed King quest.


This one was definitely reported. It's fixed now, but if you completed the quest on previous versions, the quest will stay as incomplete on that save file until it gets cleared out. No gameplay consequences other than it sitting there.


Possible spoilers! Loving it so far - great work as always! Is this where you would like bugs reported? If so, I've replied with them below.


One that I've found (probably in 10.1 as well) is that the top square of the statues that appear due to funding city beautification appear underneath walking characters instead of in front of them. One more - checking the bounty boards in the outskirts still displays character's speeches who are no longer in the party.


I've found Carina's plot scene but not the 2nd. Any pointers?


I will get on the other responses when I have more time, but I wanted to reply to this one to save some time. This update, each version of Varia has something unique: one gets a sex scene the other can't, the other gives another benefit. So it's possible you can't reach a given scene in a certain save. For the record, I don't plan to do a lot of this kind of one-route-only content, but I wanted at least a little to differentiate the choices.

Secular Reason

Unlike the previous, this isn't a bug report. This is a "review". Can I just say that I like how you appear to have done your homework? You seem to have a real knowledge base for economics, while also having the ability to make it interesting and good use of layman's terms instead of it becoming deadly boring or needing economics classes. Then when I went back just to see if I'd missed anything and found that Dwarven, excuse me "Dwarren" embassy option, I'm wondering just how political it's going to get. I LOVE the idea of economics and politics playing a part, and so far you've managed to do so simply, realistically, and while at the same time not doing like so many others in games/fiction/etc and putting so much detail in that it's obvious that you don't know what you're doing but pretending. Either you've done your homework, or you have real-life experience. Basically, kudos for making such an awesome game.


Found a bug. After you've saved the Widow Queen from the Scion and his associates, Aka can be found in the Throne room with dialogue for the current patch. Basically Aka is talking to Hilstara and Megail before you even formulated the Doomed King plan.


It is possible to make is so you cannot complete this update. I’ve only played using one of my saves thus far, but I’ve reloaded and tried different things. I had invested in the bridge, the mine processing, Premium Steel and the bank, among other things. At the start of the update, I suddenly had Eustrin supplier listed among my investments, even though I hadn’t been there yet. Megail said I had everything I needed. Each time I talked to a supplier or arms dealer or ore processing, Megail would comment that we didn’t need it, but we could invest if we wanted. I had 150K to invest, and after visiting the bank and mine, I had an additional 10K. I invested in everything I came across, getting a discount for the 2 Yhilini investments since I had repaired the bridge. My first playthough, I managed to invest in everything I found with 10K left over. I get the papers from the bounty clerk, so if I had bought the papers from the other guy, it would have worked out perfectly. The second time, I found the Ardoheim embassy investment for 100K. According to my quest log, I had everything I needed for the deal and just had to close the deal Strevin, but when I talk to him, he just says “A processor, manufacturer, and supplier, huh? This is starting to feel real.” If you invest with the dwarf across from Strevin, there is no change in the ledger, so I assume that’s the Eustrin supplier. He probably shouldn’t appear until you actually invest with him, or, if the intention is to have already invested, the conversation should reflect that, instead of him asking for 40K. Anyway, the conversation with Strevin will not proceed until you’ve invested in the dwarven manufacturer and the dwarven ore processor. Only then will Megail say, “We have all the pieces in place.” So while Premium Steel is good enough to satisfy the manufacturing requirements in conversations and the quest log, it does not satisfy it to progress the quest. While the mine processing satisfies the same things, it is similarly deficient. I don’t know about the suppliers, since the Eustrin supplier appears in the ledger without actually having to invest in him. What this mean is that someone may choose to invest the 100K in the embassy, but find themselves without the funds to invest in the Eustrin processor. If that happens, the player will be unable to continue the game. Also, the Yhilini supplier is spelled “Yhilni” in the ledger. Also, regarding the bounties, I haven’t been able to complete the broom one (which I know is a running gag), the custom’s papers forger or the Sandstrider. Are the latter 2 currently completable? Is there any way to capture the one bandit alive that’s wanted dead or alive. Is there any use for the rope you find in the first pass? Sorry for the long bug post. I’m sure this is the last thing you need before moving.


There are two switches for each requirement (ie "Dwarven supplier" and "any supplier"). It looks like I put the wrong ones on Strevin, so good catch. As for the supplier, there are actually two. One can only be gained by giving Megail money early on, the other is in the tunnels. If you have the former, you can still invest in the latter. As for the questions: some bounties can't be completed, that bandit can be captured alive, the rope does have a potential use. Ok... I got the switches bug and the typo, and I think I answered all your questions. Sorry if I missed something else, I'm a little scattered over here.


Thanks! I like politics and economics in games, so I try really hard to make them work.


Okay! As of this time stamp, I think I have answered every question and fixed every bug mentioned here, unless I said otherwise. I don't know how much more time I'll get before I leave the country, though I will be checking in. Further bug reports, feel free to ignore the ones listed earlier.


Great Update, thought all bugs i found are already reported. Now about the second poll between Aka and Yarra. Is it not posted yet, or am i too stupid to find it?


<a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/route-vote-2-3230572">https://www.patreon.com/posts/route-vote-2-3230572</a> Although if you're not a $10+ patron you can't see it.


If you stand next to the bounty admin rather than talk to him across the table, you can't continue because you end up blocking him from moving back. Should probably make it that you cant get in his space.


Another bug to report. The shady character that Yarra leaves blue balled in the Merchant Quarter of Ari-Yhilina now says, "Some of you look familiar...." the first time you talk to him. That makes it impossible to get any information from him, even when investigating the planned coupe.


Really loved this route it was cool to see the characters interacting without simon. Some bugs though, even if you get the camel guy and have the yihlini mine to advance the quest you have to invest in the dwarven versions even though megail says you dont need to. Also are the investments supposed to be hidden around or is this Supposed to be another giant shopping spree because besides camel guy all I found were the necessary dwarven guys and i dont suppose there is a bonus to redundancy. Finally in the ancient fortress for the fight which grants the brutal whip the lust wraiths all take up the same space i dunno if thats by design or not though.

Secular Reason

There is definitely a bonus to redundancy. If you look into the "events" for each investment, you'll see that they affect the prosperity of the city and other such things depending on what the investment is.


Hi guys can you ask how can i acquire 100,000 Pron playing version 0.11.1 That recuired a dwarf with shrine (some kind of altar)